i realize that, but nothing i have written i feel gives reason for a JC. i will be cautious as a serpent though.......
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
40 kgs (88pounds) down and going strong.
by LouBelle inso yes i have lost just over 40 kg's or 88 pounds.
it has taken me just under 5 months.
i do still have a bit to go and know that this next phase is going to be hard,but i've tasted success and i like it.. i've got my first bikini - not that i've struted around in it...yet .
congrats! i have been "downsizing" as of late too. avoiding sugar, animal protein, eating lots of veggies and fruit. funny how my mind cleared up too when i started that. kind of made me think part of mind control is what we are fed.... lots of fats, sugar, processed foods, etc...i woke up about the "ORG" shortly after that.
I entered this email exchange the other night, no doubt it will continue. I dashed out names of people and congs to protect the indoctrinated. Will add to as it progresses. ENJOY!
Elder:Hey Brothers,
There is a new public talk outline that was released. It is entitled "The Resurrection - Why That Hope Should Be Real To You". Let me know if you are interested in taking a look at it.
ME:please discontinue scheduling me for any further public talks. it is too difficult to stay familiar with my outlines when i give them so infrequently. thanks.
Elder:I feel your pain. I had the same thing happen to me. Either the congregations didn't accept Servants, or they didn't need my outlines. I would volunteer to do fill ins if a cong. contacted R---rt in need of a speaker. I would also periodically give my outlines to S----i to keep them fresh in mind. Another idea is contacting a Brother you know and let him know you would like to give a talk in his hall, if he is an elder and will vouch for you with the other Bros., then they can make the arrangements with me to send you over. This is done more than you think. Dont take this personal. It has nothing to do with you. If there was a problem with your delivery, we would have heard about it and sat down with you to correct it.
As I went over the outgoing list, I see that J---d is sent out a few times - E----n and R--------ew- there again that is a case of both cooridinators knowing him personally and vouching for them with their body. As a rule they do not take Servants.I hope you will reconsider. I enjoy your talks. I know you like going out and visiting diff congs. And I know it is good for your family as well.
If you dont feel comfortable giving it to J---y every once in a while, I would like to sit and listen. Even if you wanted to give it at the hall from the stage. Just give me a call.ME:Well, if this organization is rife with narrow minded men that insist on "rules" then they arent following what the Bible REALLY teaches.
Consider Paul who was vehemently opposed to "the Way" even breathing threats and murder. He was blinded, healed, then quickly baptized as a Christian. This conversion would have never happened today because he would have had to sit thru 3 seperate sessions of questions to make sure he was "qualified" to be baptized then he would be "approved."
However, if you read the account he was immediately baptized after his healing. No questions, No meeting to approve him.
The "rules" men impose reek of men who want to step in as mediator of things between God and man so they can feel important and keep others from benefitting from the freedom Christ spoke of upon becoming one of his followers. Just like the white shirt prohibitions men tried to impose on others in the recent past in the organization. Now we ALL know these "rules" were rediculous, even Bro W---s made mention on one of his assembly parts not long ago how silly that was. So, the "rules" by men have backfired if my talks are a source of encouragement. Their "rules" have made giving talks less enjoyable. More burdensome. When things change and more men step up and have the courage to say "this rule is rediculous" rather than caving in to fear of man, my decision may change. For now, im solid in my decision. Thanks.
Elder: Are you OK? You don't sound like you are in a very good spot.You are giving the impression that your faith in the organization is wavering. Am I reading that right?
The direction from the Slave is that Servants should be requested from the cong. So in reality it is a privilege not a given for servants to give outgoing talks .When requesting speakers from congs.there are occasions that I turn down a servant if I am not familiar with them and none of the Brothers are either. If you look at 1 Tim. 3 under the qualifications for servants you notice that Vs.13 refers to "men who minister", not doing the teaching. Vs.2 of the same chapter. touches on the qualification of "teaching" when referring to elders. So it is up to the cong. to decide how much training or experience to give servants. We have a body that I feel is very proactive in this, but not all congs. are the same. So the direction is from the scriptures. As far as the steps to make sure one is qualified for baptism, that is a protection for the organization and Gods name being represented, again direction given from the Faithful Slave whom God has appointed to be our source of communication.Let me know if you need to talk - maybe just get some things off you chest..
I would like to help anyway that I can. If not me PLEASE talk to someone who you are comfortable with.ME:I dont want to enter a debate, but faith in an organization and not God is improper.
There are countless scriptures that tell us to examime and keep testing, not put faith in every expression. If you want me to quote scriptures i can..
As far as direction from slave about talks i would like to see it written and scripture reference cited as to the reasoning. I dont see the reference in the Shepherd the Flock manual. I have heard D---b say that was a "unwritten rule."
Also, the term "elder" is not in the Bible. EXCEPT in footnote references.
Nothing i said earlier or now is untruthful and even writings by the slave back up statements i have made.
If they have reversed direction i am unaware of i have not seen it in print.
Again, not up for a debate, just speaking truthfully. And as you can tell, not into rules.
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
i have to research it for sure but it may have been one of those "read and destroy" letters. our cobe is close with me so im gonna casually ask for the reference material which addresses it. stay tuned.
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
>I recommend that you give the part, so over the top that it is embarassing. Make up you own references proving that a spider web could stop the earth in its rotation around the sun.
Sitting at home....... got an ambitious young lad to cover it for me....but what you said got me ROFL!!!
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
had to google tyler durden.......never saw fight club...maybe have to watch it now
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
i have this sort of evil bent on doing some damage but am fighting it off...went to KH this PM to check brochure stock to see if there had been a revised release. almost grabbed entire stack and threw them in trash...also kind of fantasize about carting out THE "secret file cabinet" and busting it open to view all confidential files....also want to put a listening device in KH back room...am i too far out of line?????
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
to recall an illustration: if i poured you a tall cool glass of water then dipped my finger into it right after dipping it into toilet water, would you still want to drink it? this illustration was just used in our sunday PT to disqualify false teachings of "christendom" same principal should be applicable to WTS publications / teachings....am i still being too picky?
"Offer for July" - what should i do???
by Lied2NoMore ini have the service mtg part tonight..."the offer for july" which is the "was life created" brochure which has the flawed .
statement about a large sized spiderweb stopping a jumbo jet mid-flight.
the society has offered a retraction of the .
a recent sevice meeting part on doing research made mention of how they did research to correct this error, i sat there thinking ho hypocritical! they should have done the research BEFORE making the error