Under "name" I will put "John Q Apostate"
Under "congregation" I will put "JWfacts.com"
Just kidding...I always hated those badges...wont be wearing one if I go with family.
hope it doesnt come to that...
Under "name" I will put "John Q Apostate"
Under "congregation" I will put "JWfacts.com"
Just kidding...I always hated those badges...wont be wearing one if I go with family.
hope it doesnt come to that...
i am inactive for about 10 years now..
Inactive since middle 2011
i occasionally pop through here to catch up on the latest, but this time i'm going to pop my own post on here.. some of you internet oldsters may even remember this.
my first experience on the internet regarding discussions about jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower took place on a now-obscure usenet group, before i eventually stumbled across hourglass2.. during those days, there was a poster who went by the name "prominent bethelite," an otherwise anonymous individual whom i remember most for an extensive, exhaustive compilation of date-oriented remarks, predictions, and expectations by the watchtower organization down through the decades of its history.. it became known as "the list" and it's definitely lengthy... but a fascination look at the abundance of errant statements made through the watchtower's history.. if you're curious, it's been available for a long time on hourglass2's site, and can be seen using the link provided below.. the list, compiled by prominent bethelite (1999).
that's about it for this stop through here.
I always love reading court transcripts where the questioning attorney makes those testifying look like utter buffons and the gall of the WT leadership to expect the captive masses to believe the shit they shovel out or be disfellowshipped.
Transcripts of Walsh trials was one of the striking things I read which helped shake me awake very quickly.
the lawyers acting on behalf of the wtbts/g.b./'mother' during a paedophile case a couple of years ago, have stated on record that - .
a) "field ministry is not controlled or monitored by the elders, the congregation, or watchtower".
b) "an individual publisher's field ministry activity, including the time and manner it is carried out, is a personal matter between the publisher and his god.".
So it is time to demand no records be kept concerning baptism dates or publisher activity. All personal information recorded as a result of JC's.. DF's..etc should be destroyed upon demand
obey jehovah's janitors!
thank geehovah for the elder-janitor class brothers.... .
@bu2b please don't take it as a personal cut against your occupation what it does highlight though that someone's normal full time occupation in no way qualifies them as overlords to other people just because a distant group of governing buffoons appoints them to oversee a congregation under the false pretense but it's all done by Holy Spirit
I have personally pressed elders to give me reason to believe that their occupation as painters window washers carpet guys all these other menial jobs how that could possibly qualify them to shepherd me or influence me in any way. I have found it shuts them up pretty quickly.
what if you were a member of the gb and you woke up and realized it's all bs.
what would you do?
i would try to change the org from within..
Sell off all bethel assets..build a new facility in warwick...skim a chunk of the proceeds off and hide it so no one can trace it...move to tahiti and live out my days
Obviously... no
We can rightly assume...yes
True Christians would...no
And the cycle continues...
why are jws so afraid of apostates?
their view of apostates seems to be out of the realm of the ordinary, the natural.
its as if the words of apostates are supernatual or spiritistic as if apostates are some kind of jedi knights who can slightly wave their hands or twitch their eyes and bring one under a spell.
Same reason a murderer that has pleaded "not guilty" wouldn't want the one eyewitness with immaculate credibility to testify at his trial!
They actively engage in pre-emptive character assasination to ANYONE who sounds like they don't agree with the WT and their dictates!
the new revised larger print nwt bibles (nwtls-e) are being distributed now.. the margins are quite big in contrast to the skinny text columns.. the same fanciful mini-study material at the beginning and ends.. .
just added proof that another abandoned publication had serious enough flaws to get rid of......
.......until they abandon the new one because IT has even bigger flaws than the last!
a friend from the other end of the country just 'phoned and told me that a couple of days ago two elders knocked on his door.
he has been out for four or more years.. they told him it was c.o's visit, and the governing body have asked them to call on those whom they no longer see at the k.hall.. i guess this is an easier "field" than knocking on doors that never open, or where they are told "not interested".. my friend bill though, was not such an easy call.
apparently he managed to get in about 1914 being rubbish, the bible not being the word of god, because we cannot trust it, 1919 being rubbish as to the choosing of the fds and several other telling points.. i liked particularly that he said to them they were rather hypocritical asking householders to examine their faith, when jw's were simply not allowed to !.
this has been a push for a while now...when i was an MS I used to hear elders say each territory has enough inactive ones to start a new congregation....back then that should have told me something but that good old mind control thing had me.......