I had been assigned an outgoing public talk by only the number not the title. So I googled the talk title I thought I was supposed to give and it led me to a post by jgnat with all the talk titles and numbers.....I lurked for a while during my awakening then joined.
JoinedPosts by Lied2NoMore
Just curious...how did you find Jehovah's Witness Net?
by cultBgone inthe influx of new posters made me wonder if the push to view jw.org is helping curious ones find this support site?.
please post whether you found jwn during an internet search or if someone told you about it.. i myself was directed here by a df'd family member once i shared my doubts with that person..
Where has the WTS said God Lives?
by blondie indoes god dwell outside the universe or inside?.
jehovah lives in pleiades star cluster galaxy...star trek anyone?.
1927 "the face of the deep, of course, would be toward the pleiades, which are claimed to be the habitation of jehovah.
Back then if you told Rutherford he was a delusional crackpot or dared to say the Watchtarded was wrong about this teaching you would have been DFd for sure and labeled apostate.
But now the Watchtower just passes it off as old light or says it is just from imperfect uninspired men.
Now its ok to say Rutherford had it wrong...... because he has been dead for quite some time now.
If he was alive in heaven he surely would make sure anyone who changed or disagreed with his teachings would be DFd just like he did back then.
But he ain't.
Shouldn't the WTBTS have more than 7 million followers after 140 years of preaching?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inafter 140 years of preaching and millions of books, magazines, and tracts, all the wtbts has to show is a measly 7 million members.
the mormons, baptists, pentecostals and many other religions have more members without the preaching work.. in your opinion, is 7 million members way too many for all the odd beliefs, doctrines and practices ?
or, should be more members since they have had over 140 years of being in the religion business?.
I guy I know was giving a public talk a couple years ago and spent quite a few minutes relating how he took the time to go thru yearbook statistics and the current numbers to show adding up the published numbers should mean there are many more active JWs. But that obviously wasn't the case. He related some DF stories but said there should still be many more witnesses and asked rhetoricly "where do they all go?" Sort of like he really was at a loss.
Yea JW efforts to increase numbers has been a huge failure
Something Big is Coming...
by notsurewheretogo inthe annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
Thats what she said..
100 years of Christs Rule ? Acheivments ? Are you serious ?
by smiddy intell me what acheivements have been acheived that are different than what are proclaimed by protestant religions .in the 100 years of christs reign according to jehovahs witnesses , is their anything that stands out as jehovahs witnesses have more direction ?
from god ?.
if you look at their history , google , you will see they are nowwhere near being spokespersons for god .. smiddy.
Right after this talk they tied in to rutherford nj convention and lost the feed for several uncomfortable minutes. Then when it came back on the feed replayed about 10 minutes of the david splane rant.
All I could think was....in 100 years jesus couldnt figure out how to work a video feed without glitches.....maybe he was pooping
A PERSONAL QUESTION to help me finish my NOVEL
by Terry inhere is a personal question:.
is it disturbing to you when an author jumps into the flow of history and radically departs in order to drive an important lesson home to the reader?.
in this novel i have several watch tower leaders meeting incredibly violent deaths at the hands of --well, i won't give anything away.
Hmm...if the plot includes a disgruntled assassin..an ex-JW who goes to the HQ to carry out methodical executions of the WT leadership...I want to be the lead character!!!
funny comment about the invitation campaign....
by Lied2NoMore inwas out with jw friends at a bar overconsuming and the special invitation campaign topic came up.....the following comment was said.... "sure like someone will want to drive 5 hours to the convention just to sit and listen to an hour public talk then drive 5 hours back home.....there is no point to inviting people to something that they would never attend".
....i think there may be some hope for my friend..... yes its a 5 hour drive from where i live to the convention site....im being begged to go even if i just sit in the hotel room...fun for me!.
Was out with JW friends at a bar overconsuming and the special invitation campaign topic came up.....the following comment was said...
"Sure like someone will want to drive 5 hours to the convention just to sit and listen to an hour public talk then drive 5 hours back home.....There is no point to inviting people to something that they would never attend"
....I think there may be some hope for my friend....
Yes its a 5 hour drive from where I live to the convention site....im being begged to go even if I just sit in the hotel room...fun for me!
Under "name" I will put "John Q Apostate"
Under "congregation" I will put "JWfacts.com"
Just kidding...I always hated those badges...wont be wearing one if I go with family.
hope it doesnt come to that...
Survey---who is inactive, disfellowshipped/disassociated or active?
by minimus ini am inactive for about 10 years now..
Inactive since middle 2011
The List, by "Prominent Bethelite"
by morloc ini occasionally pop through here to catch up on the latest, but this time i'm going to pop my own post on here.. some of you internet oldsters may even remember this.
my first experience on the internet regarding discussions about jehovah's witnesses and the watchtower took place on a now-obscure usenet group, before i eventually stumbled across hourglass2.. during those days, there was a poster who went by the name "prominent bethelite," an otherwise anonymous individual whom i remember most for an extensive, exhaustive compilation of date-oriented remarks, predictions, and expectations by the watchtower organization down through the decades of its history.. it became known as "the list" and it's definitely lengthy... but a fascination look at the abundance of errant statements made through the watchtower's history.. if you're curious, it's been available for a long time on hourglass2's site, and can be seen using the link provided below.. the list, compiled by prominent bethelite (1999).
that's about it for this stop through here.
I always love reading court transcripts where the questioning attorney makes those testifying look like utter buffons and the gall of the WT leadership to expect the captive masses to believe the shit they shovel out or be disfellowshipped.
Transcripts of Walsh trials was one of the striking things I read which helped shake me awake very quickly.