Will the branch send out a letter to address appropriate attire for the worldwide graduation from
"the school that no one ever graduates from"?
i have been thinking of the endless ways this new direction for the TMS termination screams for criticism.
I am sure a quick publication search will reveal several references gushing at how great of an invention the TMS was, how it has benefitted JW's, you know, gush, gush, greatest thing since sliced bread, blah, blah, blah...
I'm not interesting in looking at the moment, but wasn't Knorr credited with its invention and rollout?
If he was alive now, (well, according to the Watchtower he is alive in heaven of course) how would he feel if the present bunch of buffoons, AKA: Governing Body, scrapped his pet project?
Would that not have caused a great stir at the top to the extent that some would have been kicked to the curb and defamed? (Think apostasy at the branch)
I'm sure, or rather, I sure hope one of our famed YouTube activist channels make a video addressing the many ways this SHOULD be criticized. I know if I had my own activist channel at the moment I would be hard at work filming.
For now I'm just playing with it, I'm asking my dub wife and friends if they would be relieved if they never had to give another talk again.
I'm asking if they would be happy if they didn't have so many magazines to read every month.
I'm asking if they have heard that all KH building has ceased and why if true this is happening?
I'm asking if Bethel still needs workers right now and is there any reason for any to be sent home?
I just looked at FB and searched Theocratic Ministry School, and sure enough a group exists, I'm tempted to join and post questions like "would you be relived if you didn't have to give any more talks"?
"How many have graduated from the school, and will any graduate soon"?
Oh boy, this sure could be fun for the next few months!