I was a lurker for a long time and joined this past summer. I have been "out" for 27 years but have a lot of family still in. This board has kept me updated on the latest crap coming from the society, which many times has explained the actions of some of my family towards those of us who are out. You know, like sometimes they can talk to us, sometimes they can't, even though we have just drifted and not DA'd or been DF'd. I never really doubted my decision to leave, but being raised with the WT since the age of 10, I sometimes got that little niggling thought that maybe they were right about some end of "this system of things" (I really hate that expression now) but reading here all the flip flops and how they have so many important dates wrong, and seeing how they blindly follow everything the WT says with no research of their own, I know I could never go back. Even being around my family sometimes when they make a comment about how "we really need the new system" makes me cringe. The things I have learned here have given me a few zingers I can throw out at times that hopefully will make them think.
I was a teenager in the 60's and grew up with 1975 looming large, so did not get a higher education, which is my greatest regret. I was straight A in high school and could have kicked butt in college, but that was out of the question. Anyway, I digress, but this board has helped me more than I can say. Also, this past summer so many of you helped me with a personal issue, which still is not fully resolved due to my own inaction. Just reading the stories of so many of you who went through the same things growing up, school issues, relationship restrictions, the torture of 4 and 5 day assemblies...geesh, it's a wonder we are so normal now!