I love the original Star trek and got hooked on it in the 70's when it was in syndication. It would come on each night around 6 and my new husband and I would watch it while we ate dinner. I wondered why I didn't watch it while it was on, and of course found out it started out on Thursday night, Service Meeting & Ministry School night, so no way could I have seen it. My favorites were "The Trouble With Tribbles" and the one that had Spock's human mother. Spock almost showed some emotion in that one. We missed a lot of good shows on meeting nights. I do remember hurrying home on Thursday nights to catch the Dean Martin show that started at 10. He could be a bit risque but my elder dad thought he was hilarious.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
It's the 46th anniversary of Star Trek TV series
by moshe ingoogle reminds us how long ago this was, 1966 (or was it 67?
) - i was a teenager in high school and guess what?
i never saw one eposode on local tv.
Jehovah's Witness DC in Buckingham, Pa and the societies user friendly Hotel Arrangement
by DaCheech inthis past sunday, i was browsing in the kingdom hall bulletin board.. i noticed that the list of "approved" hotels for the dc was up there.. noticed that in the assembly to take place in pennsylvania, only 2 hotels were in pennsylvania................ #3 on --> were in nj.
so, i get on my smart phone and gps a route from hotel #3 in princeton, nj to buckingham, pa.. my little gadget tells me that there is 27.9 miles of driving and 46 minutes of traffic.................... do these sheeples have the stupidity of driving this far to an "approved" hotel?.
are they blinded enough to not look for the 300 or more hotels in the county?.
Man, memories of Society recommended hotels. Back in the 60's when my folks first came in and were using our vacations to attend assemblies (back when they were 8 days I think) they would recommend hotels but were not so adamant about staying at them as they seem to be now. Anyway, my memory is of going to the convention in Detroit and having reservations at the recommended Hotel Wolverine. I think the name said it all. It was a run down, crap hole of a place (although my Googling told me it was once quite the place to stay in the 30's and 40's, by the 60's it was in decline and housed indigents under the welfare department. That was shortly after we were there!) My folks took one look at the room and we left. We stayed at some other motel further out. We went to several conventions in Buffalo also, but we always stayed over the border in Niagara Falls Canada. I will have to give that to my father, who was a long time elder, he showed that consideration for his family.
I don't think too many are attracted to poor, ugly men. But, wealthy, powerful men...well look at Jackie Kennedy and Onassis. Could an uglier (or richer) man be found? Just like old guys and women young enough to be their daughters. What's the first thing comes to mind?? Boy, he must be loaded!
When You Were A Witness Did You Ever Celebrate A Birthday or Holidays?
by minimus ini knew some families that celebrated "family day" on christmas eve or some time around the holiday.. i don't know of too many witnesses that actually celebrated but kinda came close....haha.
What really sucked was having your parents join when you were 10 years old, after having had all those years of a normal childhood, then having it yanked away. Going to school after Christmas break and having all the kids ask what you got for Christmas. And having grown up in the 50's and having those authentic, original bubble lights on your tree, then having your mom throw them all out and all the other Christmas ornaments and memories from childhood! My sister and I reminisce over those each year. Course, if mom hadn't thrown them out we would probably be fighting over them now! Ha
When You Were A Witness Did You Ever Celebrate A Birthday or Holidays?
by minimus ini knew some families that celebrated "family day" on christmas eve or some time around the holiday.. i don't know of too many witnesses that actually celebrated but kinda came close....haha.
Not really, but our mom would always make our favorite dessert sometime around our birthday, but not on the birthday. As for Thanksgiving, always being on Thursday, which back then was meeting night, our family and extended family would always have a big turkey dinner (only because turkeys were plentiful and on sale at that time) on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Hypoctitical I think, but even back then I don't think my super JW family could really find any good reason to not give thanks for the life and freedoms we enjoy in this country. Especially since, in 1912, my grandfather had escaped a tyrannical government in Romania.
Who On This Site Would You Like To Meet?
by minimus inthere are a lot of interesting people that frequent this site.. sometimes, we get an idea of what the posters are really like in "real life".
and i'm sure i could be easily surprised by some that you think might be strong personalities because of their board presence, and in reality, they might be shy in a face to face setting.. i would enjoy meeting simon.
simon used to be terribly annoyed by my posting and now i think he's accepted with tolerance my being here.. farkel seems like a grouchy cantankerous fellow but i think he'd be very interesting company!.
Elderelite because he helped me so much last year when I had a problem/question. The problem didn't resolve itself 100% but I am stronger now with a whole new attitude.
Diseases that force you to violate Jehovah's commands
by rebel8 ina few days ago i ate a corn nut that was kind of sharp.
it made a very tiny scratch on my tongue the size of a period (.).
i have a bleeding disorder so it bled for 3 hours.
Yes, having the RH negative factor in your blood. When I got pregnant I had been in a slow fade for about a year, so still had some influences on me. I found I had the RH factor which usually is not a problem for the first child, but could be in later births, so it is routine to give the mother a RhoGAM injection immediately after giving birth. Not having this could lead to blood related problems for the baby in later births. I found out that RhoGAM is a sterilized solution made from human blood and therefore was forbidden by the Witnesses. Well, since by then I knew what I had been raised in for 25 years was a load of hooey, I had the shot without broadcasting it to my family. (I was remarried to a nonwitness so it really wasn't an issue to us.) The RH negative factor is rare but not uncommon, so I am sure other Witness women have had to deal with this. The only personal experience I knew of was some 50 years ago in our congregation when a woman gave birth to her 3rd child and this was an issue. They wanted to replace the baby's blood with a transfusion which was of course refused. Fortunately the child survived, but had many expensive medical issues that could have been prevented. (She has since grown up, had babies of her own, and last I heard was no longer a Witness!)
And, BTW, to maisha, yes, there are numerous whackos in the congregations when it comes to health care and trying to impose their ideas on others. And the elders telling you that you can't do something to stumble someone else, even if you and your conscience have no problem with it. I was "in" from 1961 till 1984 and saw this all the time.
What are your favourite movie lines/quotes????
by karter in''well there's one thing you got ta ask yourself punk....you felling lucky...well do ya punk".....clint eastwood dirty harry.. "it's life jim but not as we know it" capt kirk star treck..
"Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges" or something like it from the 1948 Humphrey Bogart film Treasure of the Sierra Madres. Could also apply nowto those walking around a circuit assembly withour proper ID!
Proof that Jehovah's Witnesses Live in a Fantasy Land
by Sour Grapes inas i attend some meetings i like to make notes on statements.
that are made that make my jaw just drop and almost laugh.
out loud.
"No one takes better care of their fellow believers than do JW"s"................Anyone who has had an elderly loved one in a nursing home knows that the only visits they get are from a group of their fellow Witnesses who are in field service and can count the time they spend at the nursing home! Both my parents, out of their physical infirmaties, had to spend their last months at a nursing facility. They had been "in the Truth" for over 50 years, and the only visits they got were during these field service occasions. Yeah, what a bunch of loving folks they are! My parents were among those who sacrificed their lives for a pipe dream, that they would never grow old and die.
Welcome Newbies & New Posters ! How has this Board Assisted You ?
by flipper init's nice to have you here !
i found that this board was very supportive when i first got on it over 4 years ago .
i still find it supportive !
I was a lurker for a long time and joined this past summer. I have been "out" for 27 years but have a lot of family still in. This board has kept me updated on the latest crap coming from the society, which many times has explained the actions of some of my family towards those of us who are out. You know, like sometimes they can talk to us, sometimes they can't, even though we have just drifted and not DA'd or been DF'd. I never really doubted my decision to leave, but being raised with the WT since the age of 10, I sometimes got that little niggling thought that maybe they were right about some end of "this system of things" (I really hate that expression now) but reading here all the flip flops and how they have so many important dates wrong, and seeing how they blindly follow everything the WT says with no research of their own, I know I could never go back. Even being around my family sometimes when they make a comment about how "we really need the new system" makes me cringe. The things I have learned here have given me a few zingers I can throw out at times that hopefully will make them think.
I was a teenager in the 60's and grew up with 1975 looming large, so did not get a higher education, which is my greatest regret. I was straight A in high school and could have kicked butt in college, but that was out of the question. Anyway, I digress, but this board has helped me more than I can say. Also, this past summer so many of you helped me with a personal issue, which still is not fully resolved due to my own inaction. Just reading the stories of so many of you who went through the same things growing up, school issues, relationship restrictions, the torture of 4 and 5 day assemblies...geesh, it's a wonder we are so normal now!