Yeah, when I was growing up, anytime there was a question about paradise, they always said Jehovah will take care of it in a twinkling of the eye. Like, don't worry about it, don't speculate, just pick out the house that will be yours in the new system as you go from door to door in the upscale neighborhoods.
JoinedPosts by SafeAtHome
Plastic buckets in Paradise
by Sour Grapes ini remember one picture of a pretty little girl holding a plastic bucket in paradise next to a tame lion.. i asked my wife if there is going to be polution in paradise?
of course the answer is no!!!!!..
i asked her where did the plastic bucket come from?
My best friend died yesterday
by TimeBandit insometimes people make special connections to animals.
sometimes they bond very deeply and are real friends.
yesterday was the end of such a friendship that lasted ten wonderful years.
TimeBandit So sorry for your loss. Don't know where you live, but there are many, many vets around here and I know for a fact some of them make house calls to do what is needed with a very large dog. My daughter is a pet sitter and I work part time for her. One of her very first clients was a gi-normous Great Dane, Kaiser, a mottled grey color. He is the sweetest, most loving dog. I thought I would be afraid of him the first time I had to take care of him on my own, but for whatever reason he likes me and is always very protective of me. He sticks to me like glue when we are out, almost unbalancing me, but whatever, he is so funny. I am on the short side so we are almost eye to eye, ha. His mommy says he does the same to her, so that is a compliment.
Obviously we are animal lovers, we have several cats and through the years have had to make the very difficult decision. This past year several of my daughters clients have had their pets pass and believe me, when they call to let us know, we grieve along with them for the loss of a sweet friend. I believe it shows the true character of a person in how they feel about and care for animals. Silly as it may seem, I like to buy into the idea that many of my sweet kitties are waiting on the Rainbow Bridge for me!
Jim Trafacant
by Jeannette injim trafacant was involved in a very serious farm accident and is in a medically-induced coma.
has anyone heard how his is doing this morning?.
Just saw where he died today. He was an Ohio congressman who served time in prison on several federal charges, including tax evasion and dealings with mobsters. He had a very colorful career. Too bad, he was only 73, could have lived many more years in quiet retirement. But hey, according to the dubs, he will be resurrected because he died before the big A.
Jim Trafacant
by Jeannette injim trafacant was involved in a very serious farm accident and is in a medically-induced coma.
has anyone heard how his is doing this morning?.
It's an Ohio thing, but when he was in office his hair piece was famous and made fun of on many national TV shows. Looked like he had a squirrel sitting on top of his head. Well at least the national media had something else to make fun of Northeast Ohio for other than our sports teams.
Do You Think All JWs Believe Whatever Their Religion Teaches?
by minimus inthat same question applies to catholics, jews, islamists, baptists and so on.
just because you belong to a religion, does it mean you espouse every idea that they have ever presented?.
The sad part, at least for me, is that I can't come right out and ask my brother or my cousins who are still in exactly how they feel or what all they believe. We grew up as one big close family, every one on my dads side a JW, mom, dad, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins. My brother and most of my cousins are still in. All our parents are gone now, except for one aunt who is 88. We were the 1975 generation who were told not to go to college, etc. My sister blew that off and got her degree and had a great career in journalism. She is now very comfortable in her retirement, unlike most of my still in cousins.
I can't just sit down and say, "Hey brother, how do you really feel about this, do you still believe it all, all the changes, do you think those of us who had the brains and ambition should have gone to college. Should you have let your kids play sports in high school? Should cousins A & B have done more to plan for retirement? If this is the truth, why has everything changed, why are all those big boring books we studied on Tuesday nights no longer relevant? Why is it that if I wanted to come back after 30 years of being out, I would have to learn everything different? What kind of truth is it that has changed so much?"
And you know, as you all have said, we would get the same answers from them: well, it is new light, we are moving forward, imperfect men, and blah, blah, blah. It used to make me so frustrated but now I am at the stage where I honestly feel sorry for them and their closed minds and allowing themselves to be dictated to by those geezers in Brooklyn. And that is not a very good feelling, to feel sorry for your family.
Watchtower In The Window
by watson inevery time i see this new "logo",, i'm taken back to the days in the late 60's and early 70's when we used to put a watchtower in the rear window of our cars when on the way to our, i mean, the district convention (that's what they called it back then).
then, some years later we were "admonished" to not put the watchtower in the rear window of our cars while on the way to the dc.. how long before they council the "friends" to not bring "undo" attention to the organization?.
boring subject?
Oh outlaw, I so remember that statement about the U S Army coming to see how the JWs fed so many! Even at that time as a kid I thought it was BS. Hey, are you that old? I was at the NYC convention in the early 60s, and yes, that was our family vacation that year. We were at the Taft Hotel and the room was so small you had to go out in the hallway to turn around!
Posters do you know of any cases where a devout JW was DF'd for Lesbianism?
by booker-t ini think this is a hush hush topic among jws but i remember years ago at an assembly i saw two sisters(i am only assuming they were jws they could have been studies or relatives of jws) walking arm and arm like a married couple.
some of the jws looked at them like they had horns.
some of the jws moms were covering their small children's eyes and those two women were stared at like they had the plague.
I also find it disturbing. I hope this wasnt something compulsary these soldiers had to participate in. I agree it could be used as a propaganda tool.
What Happened to the Religion I Left in 1995?
by JoshJeffries injosh here, new to the board.
glad to know this site is here.. i would not be writing this if it were not 2014. i was a ministerial servant and regular pioneer who left the jehovahs witnesses back in 1995/96, around that time.
i left suddenly, didnt fade away, just left when something clicked one day in my head during the morning shower and made me realize this religion wasnt true.
jhi29 Do you know if the subversive lady who asked such a provacative hypothetical question is still in? Sounds like she was finding her way out too, hope so.
My jw mum threw us out.
by abbasgreta inmy brother (non-jw but became a christian 6 months ago) and i nursed my aged jw mother back to a semblance of strength over the last three weeks.. the elders were happy to pass the buck on to me, her da'd daughter and my bro.. he has been living with her for 3 months and has transformed her ill-kept home and garden and literally nursed her like a professional alone.
before i stepped in to help him care for her.
he repeatedly told her how much he loved her and was so caring, it brought a lump to my throat.. he has been going to church sunday mornings, telling her he 'was meeting up with friends' so as not to cause friction.but she knew where he had been.. we noticed a shift in her demeanour towards us (she knows i'm a church-goer) over the week-end and she started to.
You and your brother sound like truly good, caring children, but you can only do so much and now you are done. You can walk away with a clear conscience. You mention she is alcohol dependent. Well, if the elders know that I doubt any help will be forth coming from her congregation. I would not be surprised if you get a call from her asking for help again. How you respond is up to you, you need not feel any guilt either way, no one would blame you if you choose not to involve yourselves in her toxic abuse again!