Question: did ray franz show up???
JoinedPosts by itsacult2
Circuit Overseer talking Ray Franz in talk this morning (Phone number included)
by LightsOut ini'm still a semi member of the kh but not at all active and have major doubts when i started reading all kinds of opposing literature.
talked to elders about this and also my father but my father but he still believes it's the "truth".
anyways jist of this story is i gave my father a copy of "crisis of conscience".
Do they use Jehovah's name repeatedly because it's their name?
by WalkTall ini was thinking when reading another thread where it was mentioned how god's name was never used in the nt, but how often it is uttered in khs that it is used so often, not because we need to use his name, but because it is the name associated with their organization.
it is their name really.
could that be why it's used so often?.
In the long version of "against the wind".....Bob Seger says "against the wind" 53 times.
Do you ever look back and cringe...
by laverite indo you ever look back and cringe thinking of things you said or how you acted in the door-to-door ministry?.
i recently had two jws at my door and posted about that here:
they were gracious and polite.
Hi Broken promises, Don't degrade yourself. Developing social contacts is just a skill like anything else. A manual skill. It just takes practice. it's like finding common interests. It's like risking to talk with people. Seeing it as a challenge. Seeing that excitment about meeting someone new as a positive. It's not a negative. It just reprogramming your thought process. It just a skill like learning how to tie your shoes.
DOUBLE STANDARDS from the Watchtower Society
by Terry inthe double think standards of jehovah's witness authority is best illustrated by the following:.
jehovahs witnesses refuse to buy the malawi congress party card.
this card declares the holder to be a member of the ruling political party of malawi.
Hi Terry,
i hope you can find peace some day.
What if everyone just told the truth ....?
by Will Power inwhat if everyone just told the truth .... about why they are fading?
i wonder what kind of articles would be written?.
"i'm too busy at work" less controlling articles about gathering material things just to show off etc... "i need an education to get a good job" no more guilt over fame, recognition etc.
The truth is boring. People would rather feel good about believing nonsense. People who tell the truth get punished.
How does the WTBTS Deceive.
by ABibleStudent injohn 8:42-47 (niv 2008).
42 jesus said to them, "if god were your father, you would love me, for i came from god and now am here.
43 why is my language not clear to you?
>>"with all these "apostate" sites and all the anti-JW YouTube videos on YouTube, a true Christian would have left the organization by now, spiritually and/or physically. Those who are staying are not the kind of Christians who are concerned with truth, just appearances."<<<
Hi Lars58,
The total contempt for anything but W$#%TOW#$#$ just amazes me. Just choose ignorance. I guess. You can't insult people's intelligence and expect them to follow you; but the W$#%TOW#$#$ somehow does this.
JW's create triangles
by itsacult2 inis this something they teach in the cult classes?
i just got tired of it.
i've been carrying around a poster of the "apostles creed" in my car.
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
born of the virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, dead, and buried;He descended into hell. [See Calvin]
The third day He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.I believe in the Holy Ghost;
the holy catholic church;
the communion of saints;
the forgiveness of sins;
the resurrection of the body;
and the life everlasting.Amen.
JW's create triangles
by itsacult2 inis this something they teach in the cult classes?
i just got tired of it.
i've been carrying around a poster of the "apostles creed" in my car.
Is this something they teach in the cult classes?
I just got tired of it. I've been carrying around a poster of the "Apostles Creed" in my car. Afraid to put it up for fear of offending my wife the JW and her insane mom the JW former elders (4th grade education) wife (no formal education). I put the apostles creed poster on the wall right where she does her daily ritual (habitual) standing. [right where she has to look at it every time she walks down the hall]
I just got tired. I said to my wife. You know. I don't know if i believe all of that [apostles creed] but it's just something i have recited since i was a little kid, so yeah, i guess i believe it.
put that in your knitting club and smoke it.
How the Watchtower MELTDOWN fits in the stream of time
by Terry infrom puritan times there was an urge to expand the kingdom of god on earth by creating as many communities of christians as possible.. this was to be done by setting a "pure" example of utopian harmony.
a "shining city on a hill" with a beacon of light for all nations to see.. perfectionism and personality development was key.. .
it was to be christianity by example!.
every dogma eventually collapses. i'm just curious about the void that will be created in the brainwashed 7 million.
The Interview That Almost Wasn't
by PublishingCult insorry if this redundant.. my first guest unflaked.
there was a misunderstanding with regard scheduling.
he is kind of a busy guy.
I don't usually bother argueing about the bible.
I thought the new testament was written by men.
I thought you either buy the resurrection or you don't.