All freedoms have their limits. There were those that said snake-oil salesman had a "right" to sell bogus remedies and that the public had a "right" to buy bogus remedies. In other words, why can't people buy the placebo effect if they want to? That was the argument.
Eventually smarter minds prevailed. The lawmakers realized that people were being bamboozled and taking bogus remedies in lieu of taking legitimate medicine. So lives were being lost to line the pockets of crooks.
Similarly in religion, I think we are still in the "We have a right to purchase snake-oil" phase. The argument is that religious leaders have a right to sell whatever beliefs they want to (for the most part), and the public has a right to swallow it. Eventually I think society will realize there is a line that should be drawn on what a religion is allowed to convince people of. Or maybe it's better to say the line should be moved in some to exclude extremist views.