what's worse... prophesying everybody will get a good jab in the eye and then subsequently jabbing everyone in the eye!
Like you said....ASSHOLES!
the december kingdom ministry (km) is online.
no schedule for the first week in january 2016 - as in previous december kms.. so another evidence, that beginning with january 2016 the org will change the mid-week-meeting.. -----> download link: http://download.jw.org/files/media_publickm/72/km_e_201512.pdf.
what's worse... prophesying everybody will get a good jab in the eye and then subsequently jabbing everyone in the eye!
Like you said....ASSHOLES!
hello, i haven't posted for a number of years.
i've been struggling for years of wrestling in my mind regarding the organization.
i guess the big thing for me to push me over the edge is the generation overlapping thingy.
It is confusing - mainly because it doesn't make sense - and also it is complete crap.
They don't say the anointed have any special insight - just that the anointed have a special privilege later to rule in heaven with Jesus. Assumed to be chosen because of some special spiritual trait or some such.
i'm not jw, so i see this all standing up and very clear from an outsider perspective (i am still seeking my path).
i joined the blog a few weeks ago.
i dated a divorced jw (jw from birth) for a couple of years recently.
STA - The more dramatic the attack, the more they will attach to their belief and loyalty. Is how mind control works and that is why is such a powerful tool.
I would add that the education piece is big also. I think uneducated people are generally easier to fool and control. They also have fewer prospects outside the special group.
Like I heard Rush Limbaugh say once: You have to be a little smart to know you're stupid.
Well the typical JW isn't even that smart. :(
hello, i haven't posted for a number of years.
i've been struggling for years of wrestling in my mind regarding the organization.
i guess the big thing for me to push me over the edge is the generation overlapping thingy.
Damn good point Pete.
I will use that one.
i've decided to go full public with a new username on this forum.
it's been almost a decade since i've been out and i don't care at this point who knows.
that being said, here's a letter that i'm mailing to bethel.
That was too real.
JW Elders = Blissful Ignorant Authority
Gotta love it.
hello, i haven't posted for a number of years.
i've been struggling for years of wrestling in my mind regarding the organization.
i guess the big thing for me to push me over the edge is the generation overlapping thingy.
After reading OEJ's comment I thought about this.
Franz was pretty young by today's JW standards to have been "anointed" in 1914. Such a thing would never fly today. Just sayin!
hello, i haven't posted for a number of years.
i've been struggling for years of wrestling in my mind regarding the organization.
i guess the big thing for me to push me over the edge is the generation overlapping thingy.
I think the new belief is that the "anointed" existed before 1919, but the "faithful slave" wasn't chosen until 1919.
They essentially finished Rutherford's job of kicking Russell to the curb. They also elevated themselves even above the Apostles in that way. Imagine the arrogance.
Also, they usually spin the pre-1914 prophecies as "The Bible Students saw the significance of 1914 as far back as the 1800's."
This is sin of omission. They don't mention what the early Bible Students thought was significant about 1914. Like you said, they predicted Armageddon to break out in 1914. When WWI broke out, they thought they were right. Lol. Funny to think about now. What must they have thought when world conditions settled back down into relative peace.
This entire organization was founded on false prophecy.
i'm not jw, so i see this all standing up and very clear from an outsider perspective (i am still seeking my path).
i joined the blog a few weeks ago.
i dated a divorced jw (jw from birth) for a couple of years recently.
i'm not jw, so i see this all standing up and very clear from an outsider perspective (i am still seeking my path).
i joined the blog a few weeks ago.
i dated a divorced jw (jw from birth) for a couple of years recently.
I am just throwing this in the mix.
Back in the day, when a large percentage of members left (1925'ish I believe), the organization had some different policies in place that actually made that easier to do.
A big policydifference was - Disfellowshipping (shunning) was not a formal doctrine or practice of the religion.
So the medieval social/psychological trap was not in place yet in the cult. You might could even argue it wasn't a cult yet.
Translation: Members obviously felt they could air grievances to each other and subsequently take whatever personal action they needed to. This led to activist groups forming and leaving.
Today this is not allowed. Today is is a full blown nasty-ass cult. You complain - you are quickly kicked out and the remaining members are not allowed to speak to you. This actually happens too. It is not just on paper. Look up jwstruggle on youtube and you can watch these confrontations and trials led by congregation elders.
It is a sick complicated mess.
I personally wish for governments to step in and enforce The Universal Declaration of Human Rights which includes as Article 18:
got a call from a relative that i should go to the meeting this sunday because something major to be announced.
(they were told it has to do with branches closing down, missionaries being sent home, etc).
i said it's probably money.
I'm just verifying the letter mentioned in the OP. And just for clarification it is not the leaked letter spoken of in many posts and on jwsurvey.
It is a letter stating that a letter (prob the leaked one) and video will be made available this Saturday to be read at the next meeting. 99% of people will get it Sunday after an abbreviated Watchtower.
I spoke with another elder briefly in a different congregation and there are rumblings about the construction stopping. He has CO this week and the CO made comments about finances being at the root of it.
Who knows. Just letting you all know what is going around.