I am an elder.
I don't see any letters on it when I log in. It still could be true but I haven't heard anything.
i am not sure if it's true but i heard from a good source that wt has given instructions to elders to postponed disfellowshipping members from wrong doing/gross sin until further instructions given by headquarters.
i heard some jws were just reproved either privately or publically.
has anyone else heard anything like this recently?
I am an elder.
I don't see any letters on it when I log in. It still could be true but I haven't heard anything.
during the assembly they made an announcement about contributions and as always mentioned how expenses outnumbered the contributions so far and we are at a deficit of $6700 or so.
however, they then said that our money on hand in savings for the circuit was $51,000 and that they voted and will be sending $45,000 of it to the society.
who voted?
Yes I have sat in those stupid elders "business" meetings. You have as much say as a typical congregation resolution. In other words, zero. A handful of brothers have already made the decisions based on "direction" from the branch. You are a putz if you disagree or ask any questions.
If this were a loving organization that was truly "Christian" and generous, then they would use the Circuit's surplus to pay for the assembly outright. There is no need for the "friends" to feel obligated to give for this assembly if they already have 50k in the bank.
How cool would it be to hear this announced from the platform,
" Friends, Jehovah has provided for our circuit in an abundant way! We already have more than enough to take care of our Circuit obligations. If you would like to make a donation to the WWW, then feel free to do that at any of the boxes... How does it make you feel, to know Jehovah has taken care of you in this way?....." (thunderous applause)
But that never and I mean NEVER happens. What do they do instead? Guilt-trip the attendees by telling them there is a deficit. That is an implied obligation and expectation for the attendees' to pony up. The 45k donation is mentioned separately as if it isn't the attendees' donations.
Gotta love greed cloaked in self-righteousness.
he mentions changes in assignment at 1:14 and 7:09.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1uufpx8jqk.
The stress and negative world view was caused by them not life. I wish more people could wake up and see that.- Seeking Agape
Well said. I hope to fully experience that some day...
he mentions changes in assignment at 1:14 and 7:09.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1uufpx8jqk.
Geez .... Could these people be more corny and bigger dorks?
Whats up with these syrupy condescending tones these idiots have?
You can tell they know they are speaking to an unintelligent, uneducated flock.
They also speak with an unnatural confidence (read arrogance) that comes from being in an environment where they will never truly be questioned or debated.
firstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
All for show - I like your idea of offering up a few concessions as a bargaining chip. An annual meeting could announce birthdays are ok, blood is a conscience decision, and 10% of our income is expected by Jehovah in order to receive Holy Spirit and blessings.
They probably wouldn't send a bill per se or ask to see your tax return, but would harp on it and question your love for Jehovah if you were holding back your "first fruits". Maybe even referring to it as a secret sin. Elders could ask if you are giving your "share" when they go on shepherding calls. They could guilt trip publishers into thinking they are holding back their own blessings by not giving Jehovah what is rightfully his, even implying they are stealing from God.
Wow, it's sad how diabolical you can think when you've been raised in a cult... But doesn't that sound just like something they would do?
firstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
James, I have been in "da truf" for my whole 40 year life. I have never personally known anyone, rich or poor, give 10% of their earnings to the WT. Now they may give something at the end like in a will, or make a one-time big donation for a project, but nowhere near 10% of earnings on a regular basis.
I have done the accounts before in multiple congregations and basically knew who gave the bigger donations (because they were always checks). 200.00 a month was the biggest regular check I ever saw.
firstly, there are cash flow problems in wt town.
i don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.. their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion.
more entitled may be a better way of putting it.
Firstly, there are cash flow problems in WT town. I don't think it's necessary to list all the cutbacks and layoffs, but there have been many.
Their thirst for money seems higher too in my opinion. More entitled may be a better way of putting it. It makes me wonder... Do the GB lie in bed dreaming of 10% tithes coming in from every Tom, Harry, and Sally JW around the world - like so many other churches and religions have?.... Do they have donation-envy?
Can they resist New Light on Tithing?
I know they have ridiculed "Christendom" for years for tithing, passing the plate, etc... But... that could also be said about TV evangelizing, Christian cartoons, Christian music, Christian music videos, and more. All of these are now seen regularly on JW Broadcast or on JW dot org.
Heck, JW's even believe in the Rapture now, they just refuse to call it that.
Another consideration (I learned on this forum) is that they chose to use the word tithe in the RNWT at Malachi 3:10. It now reads like this:
10 - Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this regard,β Jehovah of armies says, βto see whether I will not open to you the floodgates of the heavens and pour out* on you a blessing until there is nothing lacking.β
The obvious question after reading this new rendering is - why would the WT use a word (tithe) that is so connected to "Christendom" unless the feelings toward the word and concept have softened?
So what do you think? Will we wake up one day and find that Jehovah's Witnesses in good standing are expected to give the organization at least 10% of their earnings?
I mean after all... 100% of the money already belongs to Jehovah... right?
a non-witness insider told me this week that the wts has financial problems.
that lead to halting down their building plans and lay off the special pioneers and.
bethelites.. the reason of the financial stagnation is beside some bad investments,.
It's a cash-flow thing.
They have hundreds of millions, tied up in long-term investments (imo based on some of the areas where they have to report financials). When I say long-term investments, I mean 10 or more years till payoff. Things like annuities and such.
They scream poverty, but they will never reveal how much they have tucked away. I guarantee you they didn't put their annuities and such up as collateral for the construction loans. Those loans are based on a certain cash-flow picture they promised to the banks.
Jehovah didn't bless them as expected :) They refuse to collateralize their investments. So they have to deal with the banks shutting down a large portion of their projects.
The WT complaining about money is like a rich person saying "I can't afford it". When a poor person says that, it means the poor person couldn't buy it if they wanted to. When a rich person says it, it just means they haven't budgeted for it or simply don't want it.
was speaking with someone last night who just recently toured the us bethel's.
the brooklyn tour i heard was awful, very limited and disappointing and conducted by a local pioneer and not even a bethelite.
well from what they are telling the folks on the tour since the tm3 bit encouraging (guilting) people about going to disneyland on vacation when you haven't visited bethel, monthly tours went from 6000 to 16000!
whats the point AM3??
Disney costs thousands to go to for a family. So he was targeting families with expendable income. He wants a 500.00 donation to take a pic with a cardboard Caleb cut-out.
a non-witness insider told me this week that the wts has financial problems.
that lead to halting down their building plans and lay off the special pioneers and.
bethelites.. the reason of the financial stagnation is beside some bad investments,.
I also like what Sir82 said about big construction loans being held up because of financial risk assessed by the banks.
Makes perfect sense. If Chase Manhattan tells them to stop construction immediately, they will stop. The next loan draft would be held up until they complyed.
The WT will then tell the writing department to come up with some way to spin it to the sheeple.