Its a lot better to have a verbal skirmash, and real debate, than that stale pretend shite a lot of us entertained and condoned,as JW,s.
I feel WE usually reach some sort of concensus, often after heated debate, My own example, I started a thread because I genuinley believed in the Ark. I stood there like a boxer going toe to toe, giving as good as I got , not seeking a fight. Until somebody made a really sarcastic reply, but the points raised were undeniable, the other posters had been right, I just could not SEE IT, but rather than take offence at the snide remarks, I just started laughing at the effects many years of brainwashing by WTS had had on me, THEY WTS had turned me into a moron.
For me having the ability to debate is great, and if I have to tone down my language, its a small price to pay for my continued participation here.
I get the sense many people here, can handle themselves, I also get the sense that if anyone on this forum tried to bully another, the bully would be( dead meat )