My response to my thread has disapeared again ?
JoinedPosts by eruption
Are JWs Who Join This Forum Expected to Tow the Accepted Line of
by believingxjw incan those prominent in the "apostate" world be criticized?
we expect that jws be willing to read and swallow what is written here about their leaders and i agree with this. we also allow criticism of those taking the lead among us?
Its a lot better to have a verbal skirmash, and real debate, than that stale pretend shite a lot of us entertained and condoned,as JW,s.
I feel WE usually reach some sort of concensus, often after heated debate, My own example, I started a thread because I genuinley believed in the Ark. I stood there like a boxer going toe to toe, giving as good as I got , not seeking a fight. Until somebody made a really sarcastic reply, but the points raised were undeniable, the other posters had been right, I just could not SEE IT, but rather than take offence at the snide remarks, I just started laughing at the effects many years of brainwashing by WTS had had on me, THEY WTS had turned me into a moron.
For me having the ability to debate is great, and if I have to tone down my language, its a small price to pay for my continued participation here.
I get the sense many people here, can handle themselves, I also get the sense that if anyone on this forum tried to bully another, the bully would be( dead meat )
Are JWs Who Join This Forum Expected to Tow the Accepted Line of
by believingxjw incan those prominent in the "apostate" world be criticized?
we expect that jws be willing to read and swallow what is written here about their leaders and i agree with this. we also allow criticism of those taking the lead among us?
I need to try and limit my bad language, and have been pulled up on that, which is fair enough it it gets ott, other than that I take shit from NO ONE, however if IM wrong I will apologise, we can have a robust exchange of views.
There is a hirarchy here, but so what ? Just ignore it, or if its valid, put the boot in, either way I think you would have to behave really badly, be unapologetic (if you were wrong ) and basically want to be removed, to be taken off here. Thats just my view.
These things Prove if Jehovah is guiding and speaking through the JW'S
by Terry in"some times the lord has let his people look for the right thing as the wrong time, and more frequently they have looked for the wrong thing at the right time.
" and " will be the other fellow that will have to do the explaining, and not we.".
1. germs don't cause disease.. 2. aluminum cookware will poison you.
Well the WTBTS got number 3 right, ONE out of 27 aint bad, I cant even bring myself to say the P word !!!
Terry you could not make it up, and your points are just the tip of the Iceberg, but the SOCIETY knows every trick in the book.
RULE 1 The society is always right.
RULE 2 If the society is wrong, rule 1 applies.
No wonder they discourage education.
Are JW EX elders in need of our contempt or sympathy ?
by eruption inpoint 1. not so long i would have strung them all up and hanged them.. point 2. these guys were the real succers, not only did they become jw,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, ie not have a f-----g life.
point 3 they had the onerus task of making sense, of the ever changing (truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.. point 4.they had to take the lead in (sales) distributing literature.
point 5.they were the authoritarian face of the society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders.
Jgnat, Its possible I was just unfortunate, but so many of my friends, all ex-J dubs dont have a good word to say about the elders.My own experiences were really bad, for Eg, the elder who was assigned to help me, ran off with my wife. Now its understandable, that that experience would cloud my judgment of them. However, my 3 closest friends, are 2ex MS and 1 ex elder, who have no such axe to grind. Indeed they poke fun at wtbts, Why, because they benifited from having family conections, (nepitism) they laugh and tell me they should never have been appointed, they were doing drugs and getting hammered, too drunk to take FS ect.
I personally would love to see more of them here, my own experience was rare( i hope )
Are JW EX elders in need of our contempt or sympathy ?
by eruption inpoint 1. not so long i would have strung them all up and hanged them.. point 2. these guys were the real succers, not only did they become jw,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, ie not have a f-----g life.
point 3 they had the onerus task of making sense, of the ever changing (truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.. point 4.they had to take the lead in (sales) distributing literature.
point 5.they were the authoritarian face of the society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders.
Intresting photo that Mr punk, In my case I wish i,d got the FLOCK out of there quicker !!!
On a different note, Were you ever into the Stranglers ? totally fab band even without Hugh Cornwall
Are JW EX elders in need of our contempt or sympathy ?
by eruption inpoint 1. not so long i would have strung them all up and hanged them.. point 2. these guys were the real succers, not only did they become jw,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, ie not have a f-----g life.
point 3 they had the onerus task of making sense, of the ever changing (truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.. point 4.they had to take the lead in (sales) distributing literature.
point 5.they were the authoritarian face of the society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders.
Really good points Sizemik, I find it difficult to be objective when discussing Elders, as I endured years of persecution at thier hands. It was only when my marriage to a pioneer ended, that she finally admitted that what I had suffered was appaling.(up until that point her LOYALTY !!! to the organisation,prevented her from supporting me), and I let her give up work, whilst I worked like a dog so she could fullfil her amition to pioneer.
After experiencing difficulties in my marriage, I was assigned an Elder to help. I came back from work to find the (kindly) elder and my wife in the process of emtying my home stealing my belongings. Yes for 6 months I had been a fool, she stole my money cleared out my accounts, and was leaving.
perhaps that explanation explains the trouble I have in remaining objective and impartial, when disscussing the E word
Are JW EX elders in need of our contempt or sympathy ?
by eruption inpoint 1. not so long i would have strung them all up and hanged them.. point 2. these guys were the real succers, not only did they become jw,s, they embraced and adopted the cults teachings, and to some extent subjugated thier familys happiness, and thier own,to elevate themselves, and achieve status and recieve privellages, ie not have a f-----g life.
point 3 they had the onerus task of making sense, of the ever changing (truths) and having to teach that crap to the rest of us, and cope with the subsequent questionings that would invariably follow.. point 4.they had to take the lead in (sales) distributing literature.
point 5.they were the authoritarian face of the society, and a lot of people, (myself included ) thought they were jumped up janitors and window cleaners with a chip on thier shoulders.
Its just a disaster for everyone involved, feel for all of you, and for me, onwards and upwards, lol