N.drew, please try to stick to the topic and be respectful to other readers, you brought anal sex into this thread, you lowered the tone.
Have you ordered the book you asked for yet?
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
N.drew, please try to stick to the topic and be respectful to other readers, you brought anal sex into this thread, you lowered the tone.
Have you ordered the book you asked for yet?
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
Awesome, thanks Cofty!
That reminds me, Where is the best place for people in the uk to go looking for fossils they can find themselves? ideal to take home and research , perhaps with the kiddies ? Any ideas or suggestions? Also if you are interested in doing this elsewhere in the world just ask and see if we can help.
Fossils are awesome, you can hand someone the evidence of a living thing from millions of years ago, something they can touch, feel and remember.
hello, you sexy sassy posters of jwn.
i'm starting this thread in the hopes of finding... uh, hope.... and sharing it with others who are in a similar boat.
i'm looking for input from anyone who meets the following criteria:.
Glad to be of service, it's so obvious why they don't want you to go, when you go there. It's like someone opening a door to a room you never knew about... Whole languages, specialities and intense researching into areas of life you never knew existed. Being raised on JW information, you have no perspective of how much modern man knows, can achieve and has potential to do.
I left the JWs and within days was engulfed....chemical moles, quantum strings, mutating bacteria, laws of diffusion and osmosis, wave theories, half lives, Descartes, Plato, the laws of thermodynamics, simultaneous equations, scientific referencing (Harvard, Vancouver), junk DNA that isn't so junky, retroviruses, covalent bonding, redox reactions, evolution you can watch take place over days in bacteria....... And this was just a tiny snippet of my first year back to school.
It doesn't compare to talking about the statue with feet made of copper and clay and bullshit...
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
Awesome news breakfast :) I hope you enjoy it and look forward to your conclusions.
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
N.drew, I have suggested a book and I look forward to you reading it and giving us your opinion, I sincerely do. Will you oblige now we have taken the time to find you something to read on the topic you asked for?
Just to clarify for other thread readers, the origin of life is not a black hole in scientific knowlege, there are theories, experiments and studies being performed. We don't yet have answer to that and many other questions about life. Science has the humility to say "we don't know" when it doesn't know. But evolution of simple cells to modern life is a topic that although connected is a separate branch of scientific interest. We have immense data, understanding and evidence that you can look at and decide for yourselves, we are just here to help point you in the direction of the information.
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
I no longer accept free will. Think on this simple mind experiment. If you UNKNOWINGLY traveled ack in time one hour, would you make the exact same decisions? Think about it...
Of course, you would, for the same reason you made them in he first place. So if you are always going to make the same desicion, do you have free will? Philosophers argue that we have only influences to our decision making, nothing more.
As the sadly late Mr Hitchens said when asked if there was free will... "yes I have free will, I have no choice but to have it"
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
Thanks Ziddina,
In darwins time, evolution was discussed readily amongst biologists, his father was an early advocate. Of course Wallace also arrived at the theory the other side of the world at the same time, via evidence in butterflies etc.
Darwin first saw legitimacy in evolution by estimating the age of a local hill. He used simple calculation to guesstimate its age by the time taken for it to rise in height. This made the hill millions of years old, time enough for evolution. Geology is the plate that evolution sits on. The simple logic should be enough to intrigue a skeptic. The further down we dig the farther back in time we go, the simpler life gets. We don't find humans in the depths of the land, we don't find animals, just evidence of simple cellular life. This is totaly contrary to the bibles account of man being earths first life. This could not have been proven more wrong. This evidence progresses throughout the geological chronology, we don't find humans at the dinosaur levels.... Etc etc. if you want answers dig deep and dig down!
The bible clearly dates man as being 6000 years old based on the ages of key figures in the genealogy accounts. We know this is not true from human remains and until these geological studies, faith in this mythology led people to believe the earth was a mere 6000years old, even now some still believe this. Geology has offered huge swings in the knowlege of mankind.
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
Hello Cofty,
Hope you are well x
Spot on mate yes, the fovea is the densest region of photoreceptors. Take a peak at this video, I have a gut feeling you will enjoy it..
would you like to know where to start and what books to read?.
feel free to ask any questions about evolution.
it concerns me that a minority of people who admit not reading the theory or it's evidence, muddy the waters of this forum with their gut feelings and ignorant self experiments.
N. drew, I specifically said evolution, the process of mutational adaptation, dominating where the environment suits. We don't have all the answers, asking for things we dont know yet is immature and ignorant. Please refrain from disturbing a post you have no interest in. Evolution is a science with facts and evidence people can touch and feel, visit at a museum and ponder over themselves. There are theories as to how evolution was initiated but that's is not what this thread is about. However been as you asked I have a book for you, AND as you asked I expect you to get it, read it and report back to us on it.
Snare x
mary: what's evolution?.
me: well it's kinda complicated.
they think plasma gave birth to monkeys which gave birth to humans.
TD ... I picked up some more human anatomy that a Christian wouldn't like on my med degree,
The palmaris longus, a muscle in the forearm/hand for holding onto branches, we are in the process of losing it with 14% of humans missing this tendon. Tense your wrist and look for a big tendon in the middle of your wrist. (mines missing = less of an ape lol)
The reccurant laryngeal nerve supplies your voice box, but instead of going from your brain straight to the voice box, it very precariously travels down around your heart vasculature, then back up to your voice box. There is no need for it to travel so far away, it needs to only be a few inches in length. A designer would never do this, however when you put evolution in reverse, it fits exactly to the descending heart in embryology of our fish ancestors. The heart over millions of years decends into the thorax and the RL nerve has to lengthen with it and around it.
The gland of the penis has a rear facing rim at its base (like a barb), this is to scrape out opposing male sperm during intercourse before ejaculation.
The eye is shit, there is a terrible blind spot in the middle of our vision, requiring us to constantly shift our vision left to right (subconscious and fast) where the optic disc sits in our retina and no light is received. This has been avoided in other animals where a better design has evolved. Our night vision is crap, we have to look out of focus to see things, I.e. divert the light. Other animals eyes have evolved simple solutions. Obviously god got smarter..
Apoptosis is programmed cell death, babies form from death not life, hands form by killing the cells between the fingers not growths of outward cells. We have the instructions in our DNA to build things we no longer use, tails, horns, muscles, enzymes etc. But we kill those cells off in growth.
Most humans have back ache, it's obvious why, back muscles travel horizontally all down our back because we are supposed to be on all 4's. Now we wander the planet upright, the muscles need to be vertical to cope with the load.
Most humans have incontinence with age and have to learn bladder control as we are not born with it. Why? The bladder has evolved for an animal on all 4's. In an upright human,the bladder freely releases urine requiring unassociated pelvic muscle control to restrain it, not a problem for our ape ancestors who's bladder is ideal for them.
Why we get sick is a really good book explaining how we have evolved disease and how disease has evolved.
Ill leave it there, but let's be honest if there was a god, his design skills wouldn't get him a job with apple! Seriously! What a coincidence evolution explains all these flaws and can be seen in the reversing of evolutionary stages.