It's natural to feel stung having been conned. It's natural to feel pain after such loss. It's natural to want to cry when realising we experienced what most thankfully will not, but leaves us asking why?
But Gorby my pal, my buddy, my man.... We got out. That, statistically makes us some lucky mother-duckers...
Quacking hell, it doesn't erase what we had to endure, but it makes us the right side of the fence...TODAY.
Gorby I have these days too, I feel for you as they are not pleasant. But by far, the average day is us getting up, going to work, getting on with life, forgetting the chains that once tied us down,
Constant studying of shallow, ignorant, controlling literature.
Years of repetitive meetings with developments and no intellectual or spiritual satisfaction,
No free thought, heart or mind.
No right to ask, question and never, never, never allowed to doubt.
A lifetime of blunted emotions and biological wants, the ignoring of nature.
The shunning and heartless punishment for nothing more than normality.
Hours, days, months, years going door to door with a very defensive version of our beliefs, sanitised for public consumption.
It was decades of dark turmoil, ignorance and hunger for a refreshing source of information, answers and logic. It was decades of emotional torture. It was decades of unnatural, unhealthy, dictatorial, unquestionable loyalty to an ORGANISATION.
It's normal to look back and feel pain for all this, it's normal to look back and think of the good times and good people we miss.
Whether this comforts or pains you Gorby, the religion we were in simply no longer exists. New name, new leaders, new doctrines, new hopes, Jesus Christ on a bike they even have a new bible!
We value you here Gorby, we are glad to have you as one of us, we are lucky.
We here at this site and sites like it, are the emergency crew escorting and embracing those leaving a burning down. toxic, dangerous, building. A building rife with unnatural control, financial greed, prophetic failures, rampant paedophilia, and oxygen sucking doctrines and beliefs.
They and we need you here, doing what you do..... We all need each other here doing this,