“With a perfect immune system, you would be able to ward off any disease.”
but after a bit of education...
" I did not mean the perfect immune system will prevent all types of cancer."
Yeah my answers have not really been for the benefit of you, I mean no offence, but it was for others that have read your claims. To say we agree to disagree is to claim the issue is 50/50 in each of our favour. But that is not the case. Your ideas are based on feelings and a theory based on your belief in the Jewish deity. I am defending scientific investigations.
But lets agree to accept not everyone respects scientific method. It would prehaps be fairer when you next claim to have a scientific approach to life, to state that your version of scientific method does not include "S ystematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses." This being how the rest of the world defines scientific approach.
I wish you a happy holiday, and much human love and compassion, truly I do ;) x
Snare X