No... You don't understand, your using my answer which uses the term 'applications' and along with your ignorance decided this is it's only function. Servers run off atomic clocks. Today's Internet could not work without synchronised time I.e. atomic clocks.
Despite your untruths, gps and today's satellites depend on atomic clocks, this also impacts on the Internet as well as the obvious such as cell phones. To repeat ..... No atomic clock.... No gps.
I love how you have changed your stance from, 'your talking devil lies' to 'your technically correct, but one could argue if one was being annoying that these items cold exist but just not work as well if....' but even this stance is incorrect.
The earth is crap at keeping time. We are awesome. Try setting your pc to time settings based on the sun and see how you get on.
Bye x
P.s. for anyone unsure, just go read up on this and decide for yourself, as to the original post, we do not live in a 'hand crafted like watch' galaxy, with perfectly working luminaries shining down accurate time. It's all balls n gas... Kinda like some people down here.