I think I am going to have to change my name to screwthesystem. I just couldn't take it anymore. Knowing full well what would happen.....I let my FIL know how I felt about the organization. He promptly called the COBE from the KH I faded from and the COBE called me asking to set up an appointment. When I inquired why he said, "oh...you know we like to make visits to the sheep every now and then". I said, "well, I'm good. thanks anyways." He said, "well, um....er...um...we um...heard....ya know...um that you....ya know...um....". I said "Ah.....so this ISN'T just an out of the blue shepherding visit like you tried to indicate?" He said..."well no.....we just want to ask you some questions and you know.....see how you're doing....spiritually". I said, "well.....it's a good thing I cleared that misunderstanding up, isnt it? Tell you what. I am going to send my materials to Bethel. When they answer my questions (which they wont' even attempt to do), I'll call you back." He said....'um....ok that sounds fine....um.....when will you be sending the material?" I said "pretty soon......nice talking to you".
Here is what I am going to do. Effective immediately I am joining the YMCA and taking my oldest daugher with me to play raquetball. Previously I used to walk on eggshells....and would never dream of doing such a thing so as to not upset the wife. I am going to strongly urge her (my child) to sign up for fall/winter basketball. I will take her to practice and games. In three weeks will be my birthday. I will buy myself a cake and celebrate in front of them. And they are no longer allowed to go to every meeting. They can go with my wife every other time she goes. I am tired of her controlling what the children watch.....what activities they do....what they learn etc. I am tired of worrying that I've pissed off the queen bee that I've been too liberal. I am doing things my way now. I am giving my children the opportunities that were stolen from me. And if she doesn't like it....she can walk. I will call Duane Magnani.