Dear Mom
I am ashamed to have to be the one to inform you that you are not serving Jehovah. You are serving an organization. Your "loyalty" to God is commensurate with how well you accept any and all dictates, rules, and changes as presented by the "faithful slave". You are told that you cannot have a relationship with God outside of the organization. You are told that you cannot understand the bible without the organization. You are told that you will die soon at Armageddon without the organization. The organization has become your golden calf. We never left Jehovah. Sadly you cannot understand that because the organization IS your Jehovah.
God is not asking too much of me. As Jesus said, his yoke would be kindly and his load light. Harsh doctrines such the arbitrary ban on certain blood products and the disfellowshipping/shunning rule are the opposite of love and are anything but kindly. A forced acceptance (at the risk of being disfellowshipped for not agreeing) all dictates and interpretations.....even ones that have later been proven to be mistaken, is anything BUT a light load to carry. No, God is not asking too much of me. But the organization does.
MS desires to have a relationship with BOTH you as his grandparents AND DB. (No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family." Awake! 2009 July p.29) Why don't you try taking this advice to heart? Or was this advice only intended for those of OTHER religions? Sadly, you are the ones creating the division. You are holding MS captive to YOUR beliefs and ideals. You are making HIM choose between DB and you because of YOUR beliefs. I am not surprised by his decision. I too would choose someone who loves me for who I am over someone whose love for me is purely conditional based on social status within an organization. We do care what you think, but unfortunately with this religion it is your way or the highway. You have decided that strict obedience to the interpretations of Watchtower leadership takes precedence over natural family love.
We are deeply saddened that you would be so bold as to completely disinvite us from your 50th anniversary. Think about what you are doing. What it amounts to is emotional blackmail. IF we cease our association with the family that the Watchtower Society says we shouldn't be associating with and we begin attending meetings again, THEN you will allow us to come. THEN you will shower us with conditional love. Even if we were to grudgingly stop our association with DB and DS and begin coming back to the kingdom hall.....would we be doing it for the right reason......or simply to try to stop the painful shunning and emotional torture that you have instituted? With what you have said as well as the tone of your letter, it is clear that you believe that emotional blackmail is the right thing to do........accepted by God. You have time to change your lives as well. You have time to let the law of LOVE finally outweigh the pharasaical letter of the law.
Whether or not we are "on jehovah's side" is between us and Him. Please re-read Matthew 7:1 and learn how to actually apply it. We long to be a close family again too. But we want it to be based on love. Real love. Not manufactured love whose affection can only be demonstrated in accordance with organizational acceptance.
I am sorry but your words about love are hallow. Love is a emotion. It cannot be demonstrated ASIDE from actions. Words mean nothing. You cannot SAY you love somebody but then treat them as though they are dead. Actions speak much louder than words. There ARE other ways to show somebody that you are not pleased with their decisions. Shunning does not have to be one of them.
I have enclosed a picture of us. Please notice that there are two empty spots on the sofa....waiting to be filled.