Happy Birthday to you, Englishman!
(And bloody bollocks to Dubya. The gobshite.)
today is my birthday!.
july 6th 1946 when they sprinkled star-dust in my hair!.
by a quirk of fate, sylvester stallone was also born on july 6th 1946.. but i've just found out that someone else moderately well known was also born on july 6th 1946.. groaaaan!
Happy Birthday to you, Englishman!
(And bloody bollocks to Dubya. The gobshite.)
jul 6, 2:25 pm edt
portland archdiocese filing chapter 11
This thread title is a bit misleading.
It was only the archdiocese in Portland, Oregon that filed for bankruptcy - no the entire Catholic Church. Believe me, it would take much more to empty THOSE coffers!
enjoy .
1. being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host.
then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.. .
You seem to ignore the fact that "trickle down" works. The entire reason the economy has recovered...the strongest growth in 20 years mind you...is because of "trickle down." Taxes were cut meaning people had more money to spend...which means more jobs...which means more money in the economy...which means growth...which means more jobs...etc etc etc.You're hatred of the rich is amusing...how many jobs have you received from a poor person?
You seem to want to support the democrats who think that government spending is the road to prosperity...YIKES!
The... logic of this post ... is... staggering... BWAH HAHAHAHAH!!!
"Trickle-down" or Reagan-omics - by whatever name, ONLY WORKS FOR THOSE NEAR THE TOP OF THE TRICKLE.
Thanks - come again!
ok so lets have a little fun topic.. i think i was born in the wrong country and i was meant to be born in the uk.
help a girl out.. what are some of the slang terms you use so i can put them into my every day conversation (and confuse people) for some fun!.
my brother uses the word "jit" (git?
Shut it, ya gobshite!
well, yes, but only just a bit of it.
the construction of a memorial garden for the british people who lost their lives at the wtc is well under way.
Nice topiaries.
You Brits do LOVE your shrubbery!
last night my mate and i read three articles from the july 8th awake on adolescence & puberty.
i vasilated between laughing my ass off and being apalled.
the first article is only a one page intro to the next two articles, it is entitled, the joys and challanges of adolescence it basically says that we are "living in critical times hard to deal with"(2tim 3:1) so this adds to the pressures on youths.
EEEEWWWWWW! Spankin' Socks!!!
cosby has harsh words for black community
by don babwin, associated press writer
chicago - bill cosby (news) went off on another tirade against the black community thursday, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere.
agreed, whites don't usually view the color of their skin as a bonding force
Well, I believe there are many examples of that in the White Male-dominated corporate & financial cultures, as well as the usual "old boy" organizations - not to mention the White elite organizations. Country Club, anyone?
Mr. Cosby makes valid points that may be hard for some (including Blacks) to swallow. However, I think what he is most frustrated about is the lack of parental responsibility, as well as individual responsibility, period. It's a given that Whites are found at the very highest levels of government, business, education, and religion in America; therefore, it's much easier to find acceptance and prosperity in those areas if you are White. Blacks have been stigmatized, stereotyped, and categorized for more than 400 years in this country (and, of course, they are not the only group to have been treated so) primarily because of the unwillingness of the majority (Whites) to WANT to know more about the minority's (Blacks) culture, beliefs, aspirations, fears, etc. White America often takes the path of least resistance in regard to race relations/understanding, i.e., the unspoken feeling is "Why should I concern myself with these other folks, when I can remain safely within my own socio-economic/cultural/ethnic society?" Couple this with the advent White America In Denial (the ostrich effect), and you pretty much have, in a nutshell, the crux of the problem with race in this country. There is not enough dialogue between the races, to see where we stand with respect to each other, to try to come to some understanding about who we are, where we've come from, and where we're all going.
and more important to you than the bible.. ok, for some of us most books are better than the bible, for others the choice is more difficult.. a book that i feel has more value and wisdom than the bible is:.
the hitchhiker guide to the galaxy by douglas adams (all 5 book in the trilogy actually).
"Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right" - Al Franken
enjoy .
1. being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless you're a conservative radio host.
then it's an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.. .
Corvin: Thanks for your insightful and sensitive replies.
True, I am living in Canada (originally from Holland), but I feel much more American than Canadian. I am a staunch Conservative, but I prefer to see the truth as it really is in a fair and balanced manner.
Stick to Canadian politics, Son.
it may just be getting onto news sites now.... .
It may just be getting onto news sites now...