Danger Mouse - thanks for the text posting! Also, I wrote a letter to Councilman Yassky about this. Here it is:
Dear Councilman Yassky:
I have just read news of the above on NY1's web site. In that article, you are quoted as saying:
"This project would double the population of DUMBO-Vinegar Hill, which is a huge impact on a neighborhood," said City Councilman David Yassky. "My concern is whether the infrastructure of the neighborhood can handle that."
As a former Jehovah's Witness who spent two years as a live-in volunteer at the Brooklyn complex, I remember when the Watchtower Society wanted to raise a 30-story residential tower around the same area, circa 1987 -88. There was such an uproar from various neighborhood organizations and individuals, that ultimately the Watchtower's original plans were foiled.
While I agree with your quote above, and the various means by which you seek to find some middle ground with the Witnesses, I would also like to say that beside the problems of overtaxing the existing infrastructure, the Witnesses would contribute very little to the local economy, and many feel that their massive presence has a negative effect on the Brooklyn Heights area.
The Witness complexes in Brooklyn are their "world headquarters", and they are intensely proud of the fact it is almost completely self-sufficient. Instead of patronizing the local grocery stores, they make deeply discounted purchases from their own commissary, where most of the dairy, meat and produce is supplied by Watchtower farms located in Wallkill, New York. Instead of making use of local dry cleaners, the Witnesses have on-site facilities at minimal cost to individuals - and regular laundry services are free of charge. They have low-cost tailoring, beauty and hair-care services, as well as free barber services for men. All rooming, meals (the food for which, again, comes from their own farms), housekeeping services and utilities (except for inexpensive phone and internet service) are provided free of charge for Witness volunteers. As I was told when volunteering for them, there is almost no reason to go outside of the complex for goods or services.
While the Witnesses present a very docile and polite image to the world, their belief system is based upon apocalyptic ideology that borders on radical cult behavior. This, in turn, transfers to the manner in which they interact with the rest of humanity - whom they view as "doomed to eternal death" if they refuse to accept and adopt the Witness' teachings. In light of this, I seriously doubt they will be very cooperative when it comes to making concessions that will actually benefit the DUMBO, Vinegar Hill and Brooklyn Heights neighborhoods with regard to any new construction plans they have (as evidenced by their lack of interest in upgrading the York Street subway station). When you're up against an organization that really believes it is doing "God's will" - regardless of their methods or intentions - they will use every means at their disposal to get their way. That, and the fact that the Watchtower has a phalanx of their very own attorneys to take this fight right to your doorstep - but I'm sure you already know that.
Sorry for the length of this message. If there is anything else I could be of assistance with, please let me know. Thank you.
J. Michael Sidoti