For Naeblis, REM, Xena & others who resonded to ILLogical's retort to my thread: THANK YOU!!!
I'm glad some of us are on the same page. ILLogical's world view is obviously skewed a bit. The attack on military installations and terrorist training centers in Afghanistan is not a knee-jerk reaction to the WTC & Pentagon attacks. They are precise, selected targets, meant to cripple further terrorist attacks here and elsewhere. The US waited for more then 3 weeks, gathering as much intelligence as possible on who could be held responsible for the attacks on America. All evidence pointed to Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorist network that he heads. That videotaped taunt that aired yesterday only makes it more apparent that he was behind, or at the very least, is supportive of those same attacks. Justice must prevail here, and sometimes it ain't pretty. But Bush gave the Taliban fair warning about the consequences of harboring bin Laden & other terrorists, so now they must be dealt with.
And, ILLogical, as for being "blinded" or "brainwashed" by the media - I think the majority of those posting here are balanced, level-headed folk, who are intelligent enough to not rely on ONE source of information, and can distinguish between what's really going on in the world, and the hype that the media sometimes feeds us. I don't know what planet you're from, but here on Earth we like to see justice take place when crimes against humanity are committed. What bin Laden and his minions did on 9/11 were atrocities against ALL of us - not just the American capitalistic system or its governments.
When the ugly face of terrorism shows itself in YOUR neck of the woods, I'd be interested to see if you hold the same position as you do now.
"Any day spent NOT knocking on doors is a good day!"