I worked in the bindery & the overseers were complete dictators. Yelling & name calling was commonplace. I even thought that that was normal & acceptable as this was God's house & if I felt offended it was my faulty thinking not theirs. If you were LITERALLY 1 second late, they would call your name on the floor speaker to make sure everyone knew you were late & this would be marked against you.
When brothers would mistakenly fill in the wrong pockets with the wrong signatures (they called these weirdos) they would gather all the books, write you name on top of all the books and put in the amount of money you wasted (bound volumes were $10 & books $2). You would then have to use your lunch time to tear each book and throw then in the dumpster. I saw many new boys literally cry & be humiliated by this treatment.
John Foster was the bindery overseer and was very harsh. Even at lunch he would like to interrogate new ones & trash talk. We were made to feel that the organization was doing us a big favor by having accepted us to Bethel. Coincidentally, John Foster was in a bad car accident & suffered permanent damage.
Almost every morning we were told that Bethel should be our lifelong career. Leaving Bethel was almost the same as being unfaithful. One morning Sydlik promised that the Society would never let go of Bethelites. I feel for those having served 20+ yrs without any real skills & have been let go.
Once sat at Jaracs' table & you were scared stiff of both of them. No love whatsoever. Don't even try asking Sister Jaracs for anything at all!
When talking to family or friends back home, you had to hide many things that actually did go on.
During my stay there, I had to tell off 4 bethel elders due to their constant harrassment. They didn't accuse me cause I had info on them.
It's interesting how visitors especially worldly people were treated with respect and dignity when visiting Bethel but not fellow bethelites especially new ones.
I remember a Bethelite being arrested in 1995 at 90 sands for comitting fraud before entering Bethel service. It appeared in the papers but I have not been able to find it online.
Bethel was nevertheless a learning experience & gives you alot of weight when you talk to others about what goes on as one having been on the inside.