JoinedPosts by emanresu
convincing someone to live
by emanresu ini was wondering if you could help me out.. tomorrow, i will be visiting a jw and i learned that she has anemia and has been given 4 months to live.
i really care for this person who i've only seen about 3 times.
on every visit i've made, she seems to be drunk (probably because of all the stress) and she has mentioned a couple of times that she "wants to die for god".
NewChapter, That is my suspicion. we haven't gone into an in-depth discussion about her condition. All she said is that she has Anemia and that she has 4 months to live. I just want to be prepared for our discussion tomorrow
convincing someone to live
by emanresu ini was wondering if you could help me out.. tomorrow, i will be visiting a jw and i learned that she has anemia and has been given 4 months to live.
i really care for this person who i've only seen about 3 times.
on every visit i've made, she seems to be drunk (probably because of all the stress) and she has mentioned a couple of times that she "wants to die for god".
Hi all,
I was wondering if you could help me out.
Tomorrow, I will be visiting a jw and I learned that she has anemia and has been given 4 months to live. I really care for this person who i've only seen about 3 times. On every visit i've made, she seems to be drunk (probably because of all the stress) and she has mentioned a couple of times that she "wants to die for God". I never made any sense of this until she said that she was anemic.
I don't think she is a very active jw now because we've had honest iscussions about the bible and Jesus Christ and she seems interested. So, I was wondering if anyone out there could help me with how I could convince her that she doesn't have to give up her life (literally). Any bible or anything else concerning this would be greatly appreciated.
Computer Help?
by sandy inhi all:.
can anyone suggest a safe and free website to help me fix high cpu on my windows system.
i would be forever grateful.
if you have a windows pc, I suggest you first scan your computer for viruses. you can use windows website for this. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/products/security-essentials. this is their official website so you dont have to worry about it.
another option is to download a program that checks your entire pc for problems that may be slowing it down, defragmentation and other things. I personaly use 'Advanced System care'. it has never failed me. you can get it here http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.html they have a free version and one for sale. try the free version.
Is there one Bible Prophecy.....
by Phizzy inin the form of a prediction, that can be proven to truly be a prediction,i.e written before the event, and it came true ?.
it would be good not to have time wasters on this thread in the form of the common ones that are brought up to demonstrate the bible's prophetic prowess, like cyrus being named , these have been debunked already.. but does there seem to be a genuine prophecy in there somewhere ?.
I dont know if this has been mentioned yet, but the reformation of Israel as a nation in 1948 was prophecied.
here's an article i found:
Israel became a nation on May 15, 1948. This was a divine date set by God well over 2,500 years ago and is recorded in the Bible.
Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Moses declared to Israel the blessings of obedience and the curses for disobedience (Deuteronomy 28). The Israelites entered their land around 1400 B.C. under the leadership of Joshua (Joshua 1-24).
The prophet Ezekiel records the period determined by God as punishment for Israel’s disobedience.
Ezekiel 4:5-6
“For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel. And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.”
· Punishment = 390 years + 40 years = 430 years
Because of their disobedience to God's commands, the Israelites (Jews) were taken captive in 605 B.C. by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (2 Chronicles 36:5-21).
Later, King Cyrus of Persia conquered Babylon. In 536 B.C. Cyrus allowed the Jews to leave Babylon and return to their homeland.
· Punishment completed = 70 years (605 B.C – 536 B.C.)
· Punishment remaining = 430 year – 70 years = 360 years
Even though King Cyrus gave all Jews permission to return home, only a small number actually accepted the offer. The Jews had become comfortable in pagan Babylon and chose to stay in exile. Because of their disobedience to God, the 360 years of punishment remaining were multiplied by 7. The reason for this is explain in the book of Leviticus (Leviticus 26:18, 26:21, 26:24 and 26:28). In Leviticus, it says that if the people did not repent while being punished, the punishment would be multiplied by 7. Clearly, by staying in pagan Babylon, most exiles were refusing to repent.
· New Punishment = 360 years x 7 = 2,520 years
The 2,520 years are actually Jewish lunar years. The lunar years must be converted as follows:
· 2,520 years x 360-day lunar calendar = 907,200 days
· 907,200 days divided by 365 days = 2,485.479 years
Exactly 2,485.479 years from 536 B.C. is the prophetic date of May 15, 1948. On this date, Israel became a nation just as promised in the Bible (Isaiah 66:8). The return of the Jews to Israel is the key to Bible prophecy. Israel is the timepiece by which we can watch and know that Jesus is coming soon."from this sitehttp://waitingforjesus.com/1948prophecyfulfilled.html
are these publications legit?
by emanresu ini was searching the 'net for collections of watchtower literature and i came across these.
has anyone ever heard of them?
are they legit?.
Thanks all!
I'll know add them to my collection
are these publications legit?
by emanresu ini was searching the 'net for collections of watchtower literature and i came across these.
has anyone ever heard of them?
are they legit?.
I was searching the 'net for collections of watchtower literature and I came across these. Has anyone ever heard of them? are they Legit?
Checking Bibles for "God's Name"
by sabastious ini had a ritual growing up every time we traveled to an assembly or convention.
in the hotel i would always take a look at the gideon bible's that were always stored in one of the drawers.
immediately upon finding it i would open up to psalms 83:18 to check if the bible had god's name within it.
I have to say, i am a bit surprised that this is how Jws measure the accuracy of a bible translation. I myself have used the NIV for most of my life because it is easy to understand, but recently i learned most modern bible translations have verses missing or changed.
here's a list:
Matthew 12:47
Matthew 17:21
Matthew 18:11
Matthew 21:44
Matthew 23:14
Mark 7:16
Mark 9:44
Mark 9:46
Mark 11:26
Mark 15:28
Mark 16:9-20 (all 12 verses)
Luke 22:44
Luke 22:43
Luke 23:17
John 5:4
Acts 8:37
Acts 15:34
Acts 24:7
Acts 28:29
Romans 16:24
I John 5:7
please help me help a friend
by emanresu ini am not a jw nor have i ever been one, but i joined this forum because a close firend of mine is.. we met and became good friends in the senior year of high school, and i didn't know what it meant to be a jw at the time, all i knew was that they were another christian denomination so i let it slide.. .
it was only after sometime after graduation that i began to really take my faith seriousely, and in the process i decided to do some research on watchtower beliefs, and i was actually scared for her.
now i knew enough by now that if i tried to confornt her on this issue, that would be the last i heard of her so i tried as best i could to not "blaspheme".
Thanks everyone for your insight. i will definately do my reading.
one more thing, what should i expect of her if and when we meet? will she ignore me? or does that only apply to those that have been disfellowshipped?
please help me help a friend
by emanresu ini am not a jw nor have i ever been one, but i joined this forum because a close firend of mine is.. we met and became good friends in the senior year of high school, and i didn't know what it meant to be a jw at the time, all i knew was that they were another christian denomination so i let it slide.. .
it was only after sometime after graduation that i began to really take my faith seriousely, and in the process i decided to do some research on watchtower beliefs, and i was actually scared for her.
now i knew enough by now that if i tried to confornt her on this issue, that would be the last i heard of her so i tried as best i could to not "blaspheme".
Hi all,
i am not a JW nor have i ever been one, but i joined this forum because a close firend of mine is.
we met and became good friends in the senior year of high school, and i didn't know what it meant to be a JW at the time, all i knew was that they were another christian denomination so i let it slide.
It was only after sometime after graduation that i began to really take my faith seriousely, and in the process i decided to do some research on watchtower beliefs, and i was actually scared for her. Now i knew enough by now that if i tried to confornt her on this issue, that would be the last i heard of her so i tried as best i could to not "blaspheme". But i guess i didn't try hard enough because my worst nightmares came true a few weeks ago. it's more than a nightmare because we were so close in high school. we hung out all the time people thought we were dating. Any way, the fatefull moment happened when she was at some school, i think sge called it pioneer school or something. it was a two-week school. so i sent her an email asking how she was doing, and she replied excitedly that she was having the best time of her life and said she was learning about how this system of things will end. it must hve been my comment about how our unsved loved ones may not be with us in the end that offended her because, i'm guessing my email address is now on her 'spam' list. She lives quite some distance away from me, so we've only seen each other once or twice since high school.
now i am stuck, because i prayed to God for her salvation, and i just know that he wants her to be part of his family. And i know God wants to use me to be a wintess to her for Jesus Christ, but it seems as though all doors are closed. I don't know if he will ever bring her back into my life or not, but i want to be prepared for the conversation we will have. so is there anyone who can give me a few pointers as to how to go about this? how bout a few do's and dont's on how to re-establish a meaningful connection with her. i would really appreciate any help