Thanks you for the replies. The Searcher - I've copied and pasted your comments as well as a few others into a text file and saved it to my dropbox account so I can easily access it from my iPad when the elder comes back. He could come anytime now. If he doesn't come today, which I think he will. But if he doesn't he will come on Friday morning.
JoinedPosts by chrisuk
I could do with some help please?
by chrisuk inso the elder i studied with called round last wednesday.
i didn't tell him i'd lost my faith, i just said there are a number of reasons i wouldn't be able to return to either my studies or the meetings.
he asked me whar 2 or 3 of my reasons are so we could discuss them.. my reply: 1 i think all christians should partake of the bread and wine.
I could do with some help please?
by chrisuk inso the elder i studied with called round last wednesday.
i didn't tell him i'd lost my faith, i just said there are a number of reasons i wouldn't be able to return to either my studies or the meetings.
he asked me whar 2 or 3 of my reasons are so we could discuss them.. my reply: 1 i think all christians should partake of the bread and wine.
Thank you all for the great replies. Sorry I've only just replied, I was so tired last night I couldn't keep my eyes open once I'd made the post. I'm not baptized I was just a long term study. I'm trying to accomplish 1 of 2 things: Either the elder marks me as a trouble maker and leaves me alone for good, or, he starts questiong the wtbs's teachings him self. I know people have said you can't, and wont ever reach an elder, but I see plenty of ex-elders on this very site.
Thank you all again.
So Who Would Win In A Fight, and Why?
by Apognophos in.
: apologies if this has been done before.. (if the link ever breaks, i'll try to post a new one in a future post, but it's a pic of the current governing body.
M.S. Lett. He's got that crazy look in his eyes.
I could do with some help please?
by chrisuk inso the elder i studied with called round last wednesday.
i didn't tell him i'd lost my faith, i just said there are a number of reasons i wouldn't be able to return to either my studies or the meetings.
he asked me whar 2 or 3 of my reasons are so we could discuss them.. my reply: 1 i think all christians should partake of the bread and wine.
Hi everyone :)
So the elder I studied with called round last Wednesday. I didn't tell him I'd lost my faith, I just said there are a number of reasons I wouldn't be able to return to either my studies or the meetings. He asked me whar 2 or 3 of my reasons are so we could discuss them.
My reply: 1 I think all Christians should partake of the bread and wine. I said Jesus himself said unless we do so we have no life in us. The elder said Jesus was talking to anointed Christians when he said that. I replied with: But he said unless we partake we have no life in us, to me that seems like a message to all Christians.
Reason 2: I believe that when Jesus said he had other sheep that were not of this fold/flock that he was refering to the Gentiles and maybe even people in the future who would need to be taught Christianty.
Reason 3: The 144,000 isn't literal, it's symbolic, as are most things in the book of Revelation.
Now, I've done some research on and also on the Calm website, but I can't seem to get clear enough evidence to backup my points. Also I'd like to be able to quote my sources and I know if I quote an apostate source that will be the end of that conversation.
I want to give short, clear answers. Prefrebly directly from the Bible, or at the very least from sources I can show to him. He said he was going to do some research and get back to me next/this week. He looked a bit confused though if I'm honest. Anyway it was last Wednesday morning around 10 ish that he came so I'm expecting him at the same time in the morning.
Could anyone who is very familar with my 3 points be able to help me out please? I'd really appreciate it.
Kind Regards.
I think Im an Atheist :(? :)?
by chrisuk inive been pondering my beliefs for a while now and ive come across things that i just cant accept.
i was recently walking with a christian who stated that the universe couldnt just come from nothing.
he said that the universe was so complex that it needed a designer, he also said something which ive heard before.
Thanks for all the replies guys. I'll answer some of the questions later on, specialy the ones about my sources. I'm busy working at the moment so I'll post back later.
Do you frown upon tattoos?
by confusedandalone ini am very interested in hearing from people who really think that people with tattoos are somehow weird or cagey individuals.
i would just like to get your outlook on this matter.
today i was in a grocery store and i sawe this guy with his two kids and his wife shopping.
I have a few from my late teens, early 20's and I regret having every single one of them. I think tats looks tacky and they're pretty pointles. An ex of mine from way back is now coverd in them, last time I saw her I didn't know wether to say hello or cross her palm with silver.
I think Im an Atheist :(? :)?
by chrisuk inive been pondering my beliefs for a while now and ive come across things that i just cant accept.
i was recently walking with a christian who stated that the universe couldnt just come from nothing.
he said that the universe was so complex that it needed a designer, he also said something which ive heard before.
There simply can't be a God, there's more evidence against there being a God than there is in support of a God. The God of the OT was as bad as hitler, if not worse. Killing every egyptian first born to punish one person? Asking abraham to sacrifice isaac as a test?? wtf!! Where is the evidence of the Exodus? Millions of people living in the desert for 40 years and not a scrap of evidence left anywhere??
Or perhaps the God of Islam is the true God? Allowing his prophet to marry a child and kill thousands of people?
What about one of the 3 million hindu Gods??
And lets just say the God of the Bible is real. He gives us a set of rules, tells us to obey them and we'll be rewarded, but don't obey them and he'll destroy us forever! But wait! He loves us! Oh please. My eyes have been opend to all this shit. Christians can't even agree with eachother, how many sects of christianity is there? Each saying if you don't follow their path the God who loves you will wipe you from existance??
scum bag elder
by Crazyguy inso last night i had a family meeting and told my kids that i was quitting as a jw and then gave my wife my da letter to give to the one elder i like at the hall tonight.
so this morning i see a text from the co elder the one that met with me and is gunning to get me out and had already tried to get me to a jc meeting this week.
so the text reads "your wife has informed me of your letter and its sad to hear, would like to meet one last time not as a jc, to be sure this is what you want.".
I'd just tell him that you're sure it's the right decision for you, so thanks but no thanks.
Sighhhhhhhh, the Draw Close to Jehovah book again for the Congregation Bible Study.
by Stand for Pure Worship incheck out this gem from the dec 2013 km which explains why it's good to over this book a second go round.. "congregations previously considered this book during 2004 and 2005. however,for many of the approximately two million publishers who have come into the truth since then,this will be the first time that jehovahs endearing qualities have been discussed in detail.for those who studied the book before, the review will help them to deepen their appreciation forjehovahs".
i gotta kick out of this because i can only think of maybe two or three new ones in our congregation who weren't present when this book was first studied.
at the same time, going over jehovah's qualities isn't something new.
Have I missed something here? Is Stand for Pure Worship actually speaking critically of the org??
I think Im an Atheist :(? :)?
by chrisuk inive been pondering my beliefs for a while now and ive come across things that i just cant accept.
i was recently walking with a christian who stated that the universe couldnt just come from nothing.
he said that the universe was so complex that it needed a designer, he also said something which ive heard before.
Thanks Witness My Fury I'll check him out.
Thanks Adamah I'll check out your articles.