JoinedPosts by ReligionOfHatred
Went to a revival meeting
by hoser inwell it was a circuit assembly but basically the same thing.
imitate jehovah in your family using resources wisely was one of the parts.
they basically said don't buy a new cell phone so you can give more to "jehovah".
Can you explain the "Octagon" statement made at the Region Assembly Revival, it was like using the Trinity "egg" example to show how its "one but three parts".Link +1 / -0 -
JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!
by ReligionOfHatred inhi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
Why do people allow bullies and abusive people to rule over them, I hate how women allow men to bully them, why do they like to be human punching bags and stay with men that beat them? I know there is a small amount of women that bully men, why do women allow men to hurt them and not leave?
I agree with all the negative comments and remarks your making, my mind is running wild because I can't stand what this religion is doing to people. If one JW can make sense of my crazy post and leaves, Mission Accomplished. I should have someone write my posts that flow better, I apologize for writing so hectic, I am a hyper person and my hands are not writing as fast as my hands! Please forgive me!
Was "Iconoclastic" a poster here who hated this religion? No, I am not them, they probably posted better than I did and made sense.
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JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!
by ReligionOfHatred inhi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
Sorry this is scattered all over the place, my granddad got slammed twice by Uncle Jaundice and its his bad for telling Jaundice what was said about Brother T! My granddad was trying to please a man who has hated both him and his wife, since he married Cruella and always had a strong arm to keep her from being around her parents. My uncle who died told me another story about how my grandma could have snatched her daughter out of his clutch, uncle was visiting with Jaundince and wanted to see his sister C. Jaundice said "Sorry, she's being punished so I locked her in her room! My good uncle before he lost his marbles, opened up the door and talked with C, she said "I was bad so Jaundice said I must stay in my room all day unless I have to work(she was the breadwinner, employers loved her hard working nature and she kicked ass, a born leader who could any business and Jaundice was jealous of her gifts. Jaundice frequently insulted her to keep her in line, how many women do you know who could(this is a example how strong my Aunt and how she could work him under the table, she did not lay cement but could!) while he's on the phone pretending to do "judicial stuff"(Aunt use to tell us play by play what this fool was doing to her until he poisoned her mind and ruined her intellectual gift of critical thinking and basic logical skills) pour cement while her husband sat in a car air-conditioned full blast while she dug trenches and poured cement so he could get his business license?
If only Aunt C went to B-School, she would have been a CEO instead of a scared little child, a child afraid most of her life from her bully husband. He tried to kill her gifts, he hated how smart she was and constantly did his best to put her in her place, insulting, telling her she's flat chested, saying there were other women who wanted him badly and she would be a Spinster without a husband! . Aunt C and J, Aunt C was not allowed to stay at home and raise her children even though grandma pegged their rent at poverty-levels, grandma wanted Aunt C to stay at home and raise her children and that is why grandma only charged her $50 to a little over $100 for 5 acres and a nice dwelling. Aunt C was not allowed to stay at home because Uncle J would call in sick(He bragged so many times, he could call in sick and say "I told them "I am sick of work, that's why I called in sick!") and after talking with people who worked with him under a Union Job, they verified all this information.
My cousins are nothing like their parents, my cousins are the most moral, honest and have hearts that Christians who obey Jesus Christ should have. I believe if the Organization would do a clean sweep and get rid of all the old ones who are not progressive, we could have a organization I would be willing to return to if they changed how they treat people! This is more like a diary I suppose, its written so people who are examining how Jehovah's Witnesses tell people their Kingdom Halls are, versus what's actually taking place. If any of what I said is false, it's libel, that's how strong the proof is everything said here is factual because I am not afraid of getting sued because there is proof everything here if factual!
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JW Elder Lawsuit Update: AAWA Fliers are Illegal and Uncle claims he is "Going to Kill us in Court"!
by ReligionOfHatred inhi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good jws in standing and non have put out anti-jw fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to court.
i have left the organization but than again, i was only a unbaptized publisher.
my grandma (whom i love so dearly was shocked to learn "i am not going to marry a pioneer and i don't want anything to do with any pro-jw females, i feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen).
Hi, my uncle made the first move by taking my mom, dad, grandma and grandpa(all in good JWs in standing and non have put out anti-JW fliers or speech), that's who he is taking to Court. I have left the Organization but than again, I was only a Unbaptized Publisher. My grandma (whom I love so dearly was shocked to learn "I am not going to marry a Pioneer and I don't want anything to do with any Pro-JW females, I feel this religion is one of the most hateful religions mankind has seen). Over the last few days my former JW friends called me and said my Uncle Jaundice is telling people my Dad is trying to murder him. The mechanic said my uncle "is lying, I never said his car was tampered with, he is not telling the truth but I refuse to involve myself because your uncle has too much power in this Circuit!" My Mother has a IRA with $400+, she took out $50k to fight my Uncle in court, Uncle was going to sell his property to us and than decided he thought he could get another $20k if he forced us to do a appraisal and make us all leave the property. I did research on his attorney, she's very smart and the last P.T.P costed her client $150k (That's the amount of profit or capital gain my uncle will get from his share not including some encumbrances my Dad hired a Contract Lawyer, Tax Lawyer and Real Estate Lawyer. Dad took out $100k from his IRA and gave the Contract Lawyer his retainer, tax lawyer and Dad is mad as Hell! I think they thought they were going to scare my parents with a lawyer not realizing Dad and Mom lived poor to have funds for a rainy day. Uncle is saying he's going to crush our family, so I ask you after reading this, would you not put out the AAWA signs?
My Uncle accused my Dad of trying to kill him, Uncle brings out the man who confessed to raping my mother when she was 4 to 7-8 years old, he was also a Bethelite when he did this wicked actions. He said what he did to my mother (Class A Felony) under the Hebrew Law was less than fornication, the DA said they are trying to change the Law in California to include her because this area of sexual abuse to children and the effects its having on them in later years is evolving, the authorities did not know all the psychiatric issues it takes upon victims. My mom is overweight, has nightmares and severe depression and seeing this creep walk by our house has added more memories of him violating her and telling her "I will kill you and kill your Mom and Dad if you ever tell this info. My uncle who died told me some weird information, he said(to me, my jw brother, mom, dad, grand-dad, grandma and several jws who visited him to boost their time, he said he caught the pedophile in bed with my aunt when their were teens and now he's dead and there is no way to prove my uncle's statement and none of us told the elders or anyone what he said because we thought it was his drinking talking. Why did we keep my Aunt and the Pedophile's allegations silent, I thought she was a better person and even though she's been nothing but hateful, our family thought it was best to "Keep the Peace" and "Wait on Jehovah"(I hate that, its a lie!) and my uncle hated my aunt until the end of his life, so that's why we never told the elders! My Uncle was funny when he was drunk and got very angry with JWs, he would tell me he "I hate this Org! I had affairs with many JW Elders wives because I hated the religion!: Uncle was funny, he really was messed up from the ReligionOfHatred, I think that's why he had severe substance abuses. He said "This Religion will Kill your brain and heart, Leave the Fucking Religion ASAP!
Uncle Jaundice is not very funny, all I remember about him being at my parents house was his ability to drink too, except it was ok for him to drink as much as my substance abuse Uncle because Uncle Jaundice was a Elder! Strange how Elders can drink but non-elders are drunks when they do the same thing! Uncle Jaundice told the police officer "I know (M) was the person who put all those fliers on his mailbox and around the neighborhood and that's illegal, M did it and I took videos of those fliers!" "Their against my Constitutional Rights!" My dad is not the one who put those up, when he called a friend and told them this story, the friend must have told the JW Opposition and they blanketed our entire area with fliers because Dad was at his attorney meeting to fight my Uncle Jaundice's lawsuit. Jaundice told the police officer "M is vandalizing my house, my cars" Aunt Cruella told the police officer that "I am terrified of living and and he scares me" is that why she walks her dog alone twice a day and nothing has ever happened to her? If she's so afraid and shivering like she lied, why does she go alone walking twice in places where its creepy to walk alone? The Pedophile walks in the evening with her before they go to meeting.
My aunt is trying to slander my JW Brother who is in good standing and wants to become a Elder, her husband is a bully and would tell our family who was going to be DF'ed before they were df'ed from as far as 80 miles in all directions. Why is my Aunt Cruella trying to slam him and his wife, I don't know but I would like to know if its against the law to post the AAWA signs in our yard, we are the only ones who work on the yard because grandpa who use to do all my uncles work has dementia(he's the one my aunt and uncle were telling all my JW friends was faking his dementia(82 year old honest man lying? They wish!) and spreading rumors my grandma and parents are apostates! Grandma is one of the most loyal JWs, she has never done anything to hurt the Organization, my aunt and uncle started to shun her back in 1995 and sporadically would do nice things after grandma would allow them to not pay rent or use their car or borrow tools(think Makita Drill my Uncle borrowed!) or (Grandma's car did not need Oil or antifreeze this idiot told the mechanice the reason it blew up was it was air cooled even though the mechanic showed him the oil was empty and anti-freeze was empty and tires were bald!
They paid nothing to grandma thinking their $50 a month rent and eventually grandma raised it to $150 per month when average rents were $700-$1500 here by the coastal areas! Granddad stepped down from being a Elder after my uncle begged him to know what was said on a judicial committee regarding uncle's fellow cousin, stupid granddad against past experience told uncle in 1998 what was said and Mr. T called grandpa and ripped him in to a asshole. Granddad profusely apologized but it was not enough. Granddad stepped down and Uncle said "Sorry, you should never have told me and than I would not have called everyone to share this dirt with! Uncle called Mr. T's relatives and told what was said during the judicial committee. granddad resigned from being a elder and stopped attending meetings thank's to uncle and his sharp tongue! Mom tried to forgive the pedophile (JWs telling her to forgive him) and he started acting up by writing letters, stalking her blog and writing nasty letters after she said she would try to forgive him. How is his actions meriting forgiveness if he's going on the attack?
Uncle basically caused me to leave the Organization because I got sick of hearing "Wait on Jehovah for this matter", Mom has waited since 1971-1976 for justice, nothing ever happened for him. All that happened to the Pedophile was he got removed and he sent mom two letters explaining why he did what he did to her and why it was not really pedophilia! "Thighing, oral sex and other things I won't explain was not pedophilia?"? He blamed her claiming she seduced him, how could a four year old seduce a man old enough to join Bethel and the Military?
Musing About JW-Watchtower Legal Problems Attorneys Deal With. Funny Stories and Not So Funny.
by ReligionOfHatred inwriter laments the jw who is selling amway, herbalife and other mlm products he's sick of!.
or throwing up links to some third-party, membership-based website that allegedly has some new and exciting information that you must have right now!
Has your wife or family member appointed a KIngdom Hall elder as P.O.A over your wife?
My wife appointed a fellow church member power of attorney ( Jehovah witness)
Naturalization and the Modified Oath for Jehovah's Witnesses
Musing About JW-Watchtower Legal Problems Attorneys Deal With. Funny Stories and Not So Funny.
by ReligionOfHatred inwriter laments the jw who is selling amway, herbalife and other mlm products he's sick of!.
or throwing up links to some third-party, membership-based website that allegedly has some new and exciting information that you must have right now!
Writer laments the JW who is selling Amway, Herbalife and other MLM products he's sick of!
". Or throwing up links to some third-party, membership-based website that allegedly has some new and exciting information that you must have right now! Or, even better, gets in the group and starts knocking on people’s doors by sending them emails on the sly to try and get them to hit some pay to play event.
Jehovah’s Witness guy shows up at a networking event…not to, you know, network…as much as he’s there to “pitch”. He wants to make absolutely sure that you know about the product he’s hawking. He has to be certain that every. single. person. in the room. has heard his shpiel…whether that’s by circling the group like some half-witted shark looking for even slower-witted prey or just by using his “outside voice” so that people in the private rooms out back don’t miss this golden opportunity."
Winning a custody case against a Jehovah witness father? back to court
Can jehovah's witnesses be stopped from preaching in HUD operated apartments?
"don't have any details to add
Manager says they are owned and operated by local church and uses no soliciting. According to Internet they are owned by a corporation and use a management co for employee's. And they are a section 202 facility . I just found out that because it's a public building it has to have a board. All the board members and the manager all go to the same church, the one that helped get the apartment built years ago. All we are wanting to do is go in from time to time and go door to door like we do at homes. Some of the tenants would welcome our visits but are afraid it could affect their living privileges."
Centerville, TN | on Apr 22
True believers never save their money
by stillin init's an article of faith.
either god is going to save them or he is not.
since one local elder proudly told me that he never saved a nickel until just before his retirement, i've given this subject some thought.. savers are worldly..
This mindset is not uncommon among witnesses, they use to get upset with people with mutual funds and stocks and bonds claiming they had no faith!
The same witnesses had no problem spending all their money on expensive trips, Five Star hotels and spending $300 for a meal for two at some luxurious dining place. How come its good to spend, squander all your money on things like I mentioned and if you can't afford to pay back all that money you borrowed, Jehovah allows you to file bankruptcy and rip the creditors off! That's JW ethics and morality, not all JWs spent their money on luxurious living, some did get slammed by unseen events and truly did deserve a second chance while other fat pieces of crap knew they were going to file BK and charged up their cards to the max!
Nice little summary by Barbara Anderson re dear old Geoffrey GB and "presumptuousness"...
by umbertoecho injw governing body claims to be the faithful slave.
did you know how (in sworn testimony during the recent australian royal commission hearing) governing body member geoffrey jackson responded to the question, do you see yourselves as jehovahs spokespeople on earth?.
jackson replied, that, i think, would seem to be quite presumptuous to say that we are the only spokesperson that god is using.. really?
There were areas I was hoping the judge would go regarding the role of women in the Watchtower Organization. I asked my Dad about his comments and he said something interesting, there was a woman who ruled over Israel, a woman who was the judge and celebrated by Jews because she was courageous, strong and tough! How come the judge did not mention Deborah. How come nobody mentioned her, the first and last female ruler of Israel who was appointed by God!
Deborah was both a prophetess and ruler of the people of ancient Israel, the only woman among the twelve judges. She held court under the Palm Tree of Deborah in the hill country of Ephraim, deciding the people's disputes.
All was not well, however. The Israelites had been disobeying God, so God allowed Jabin, a king of Canaan, to oppress them. Jabin's general was named Sisera, and he intimidated the Hebrews with 900 iron chariots, powerful tools of war that struck terror into the hearts of foot soldiers.
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Done.....done done done....
by dubstepped inmy wife and i just found out that our disassociation was announced last night.!.
i'd like to take a moment to thank some people:.
congratulations, since I was never baptized and counted as a unbaptized publisher, does this mean I don't have any connections to the Organization of Pain? Impressive you both were able to find out all the information together, I wish you the best and everyone else here, all the good people here are rooting for you friends!Link +4 / -0 -
This San Fransisco Attorney say's the Watchtower and Jehovah's Witnesses Don't Send Out Pedophiles Door-to-Door!
by ReligionOfHatred injohn m. kaman.
criminal defense attorney.
san francisco, ca.
Criminal Defense Attorney
- San Francisco, CA
- CA licensed
Posted yesterday at 7:26amI have no religious affiliation but I doubt the Jehovah's Witnesses are "sending out pedophiles" to sell their publications. You sound like Donald Trump. If you are truly being harassed get a civil restraining order. I would not name this person (people) as pedophiles because you may get sued for defamation if your charges turn out to be untrue"