jworld, thank you for your response. What you wrote is what I have read on other sites regarding this issue, so I assumed it was where you were going, but I wanted to make sure before commenting.
While I have read that argument before and on the surface it does appear to have some merit (I have not researched it extensively to gauge exactly how much merit it does have), I am struck by this:
Aside from Romans
Which is where I was afraid the issue would end. I haven't yet seen an argument for why the comments in Romans may mean anything other than the typically accepted meaning.
For the record, I should state that I'm one of those rare Christians who just doesn't care about homosexuality. I'm not "liberal" in my Christianity by any other measure that one would typically use, but I just cannot ever find it in myself to care whether someone is gay or not (although I will never support or make excuses for the whackos who dress up in diapers in pride parades or act flamboyantly). I have wondered if I will be judged harshly by God for not having a stronger aversion to it when I see it. I honestly just don't know.
But if there is information that could lead me to believe the traditional view of homosexuality is incorrect, then I would really like to see it even if just to give myself peace of mind for not hating it. But all explanations seem to always fall flat in the face of Romans, which has so far lead me to the inescapable conclusion that I am wrong.
I hope you understand why I was asking.