I'm interested in how you reconcile the two.
I don't believe the creation account in Genesis is to be taken literally. Actually, I believe a great many things in the old Hebrew scriptures were not literal but rather allegorical in nature (many Jews believe the same).
For a time I had considered atheism, but in the end I simply found it to be too irrational. I believe the evidence for evolution is clear, but I find it too irrational to believe that the initial building blocks weren't put into motion by something intelligent.
I have considered the whole "so doesn't that mean that a god would've needed a creator too" thing, and I don't discount the merit of that question at all. If God exists then his nature is outside the scope of what I can readily describe so I can't know if such a question would even pertain to his "form of life" (for lack of a better term). So it's not that I discount the question. It is a very valid question. I simply don't know and I don't know how I could ever possibly know.