Audioslave--self titled CD
JoinedPosts by gwyneth
What CD is in your CD player right now?
by Dimples ini have the best of teddy pendergrass in mine.
i was just in the mood for some sweet mellow music.. what about you?.
ebay: what have you bought/sold
by RAYZORBLADE inyes, i know....there've been topics started discussed about ebay.. i've had an absolute blast with it as of recent.. what have i bought lately?.
a yellow dial telephone in excellent condition (from manitoba).
several 45's (vinyl records).. i'm amazed at what you can find on there.
I've bought: Dale Earnhardt refrigerator magnets, Rosemary Clooney sheet music, autographed pic of McGuire Sisters, Time/Life magazine (1955) with McGuire Sisters on it, Spin magazine (1992) with Kurt Cobain on it, heart-shaped garnet earrings, and just lost bids on a stained glass grinder and the Blue Moon Outcesticide CDs numbers I through V. My partner who shares the account with me buys old books, old Sterno sets, old flashlights, old anything. Just bought a digital camera so I can start selling stuff.
What are your favorite TV shows?
by gaiagirl in.
mine, in no particular order, are coupling, seinfeld, sex and the city, ed, friends, saturday night live, frasier, and various episodes of nova.. gaiagirl
Dead Like Me (totally addicted)
Law and Order (all three)
CSI (both)
Even Stevens
Dinner for Five
Words you invented, or said the wrong way
by JH indo you have your own way of saying things, your own words for describing things?
for example, i don't say alzheimer disease, i say old timers disease.
why not, usually only old people get that.
My sister called crepe myrtle "creep myrtle" while working in a nursery...she also can't say "metropolis"--it's "metropopolis.", plus the ever popular and already mentioned fall "foilage." I embarrassed myself at 11 years old while reading a paragraph during a young people's watchtower study--I said "omni-potent" instead of "omNIPotent", and the foreign exchange student from Venezuela politely said it correctly in his comment. My boss was from Brazil, and there was some sort of mechanical horse race during a trade show, and she said she bet on "Summer Squash!" (The horse's name was "Summer Squall"--I laughed my ass off) plus she always said, "He's trying to pass the bucket" instead of "buck", and my uncle likes to go to Dunkees (his word for Dunkin' Donuts.) And speaking of regional misunderstandings, my friends from Minnesota invited us over for supper (or dinner, can't remember which) after the meeting, and when we showed up at 5 p.m., they'd already eaten hours before! She said, "You were supposed to come at noon!" I said, "Then why didn't you say LUNCH!"
Kids names
by smack inwhile watching a tv program about football, i saw that one of the players names is moses.
my brother peter has 2 boys, named joshua and caleb.
my sister has 4 boys named jacob, samuel, amos and phillip.
If I were naming babies now, I would use some of my ancestor surnames, a wonderful custom I learned doing my genealogy research.
My family is from MA, and used surnames as middle names for their kids--my mom's middle name is Stanley (she has been harrassed all her life about that), her sister's is Montgomery, my cousin Cheryl's middle name is Locke and her brother Paul, is Dixon. My parents made our middle names regular, run-of-the-mill names, but my middle name is after the given name of my grandmother (at least it is a feminine sounding name. )
Favourite 80's song.....EVER!!
by ScoobySnax in.
i make no apologies for going on about the 80's again, its just that i've been having another nostalgia music session know dig out all your favourite tracks type thing..... i nominate........ duran duran union of the snake.
i reserve the right to change this though, with out warning......
Everyone's posts bring back so many memories! These songs really stick out in my mind:
No One Is to Blame--Howard Jones
Save a Prayer--Duran Duran
That's the Way (I'm Only Trying to Help You)--Culture Club
One on One--Hall & Oates
Don't Give Up--Peter Gabriel with Kate Bush
Sister Moon--Sting
and two groups that released these songs off albums in the 80's but I didn't listen to them until the 90's and 00's, respectively:
Blue Moon--Cowboy Junkies (Trinity Session, 1988)
and Blew--Nirvana (Bleach, 1989)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
by Aztec indo any of you suffer from what you perceive as ocd?
to any degree?
do you think it is because of the wtbts?
My daughter was diagnosed with OCD after breaking her arm at her 10th birthday party (shrink said OCD can appear out of nowhere after a trauma) and hers manifested itself in obsession about hair, skin and nails. She thought that if she lost any of those things in public, things that normally slough off your body daily, that someone could find them and trace them back to her, and harm her. It was a real battle for her to leave the house (hysterical crying), and if she finally had no choice, she would wear a hoodie to cover her head, jam her hands in her pockets and wear sneakers in 95 degree Florida heat, so she wouldn't lose skin, hair or nails. Zoloft worked wonders on her; now she is 12 and off the medication, and currently has a slight obsession with germs (lots of hand washing and Purell, which is not necessarily a bad thing--she gets sick about once a year compared to my next door neighbor's kids who are sick literally once or twice a month.)
What is your all time favorite album?
by William Penwell indon't know if this has been done but it it has my apologies.
.i was just listening to the beatles, abbey road.
i consider this as one of the great musical albums of all time.
The Trinity Session--Cowboy Junkies
Nothing Like the Sun--Sting
The White Album--Beatles
I can't take it anymore!!! *** Echoing Scream ***
by Elsewhere ini've been on the atkins diet for several weeks now, and to it's credit i have lost about 20 pounds.
but*, the diet requires you to limit your carbohydrate intake to only 20 grams a day... and i love carbohydrates.
i'm off to the boston pizza restaurant to have a woooonder pizza and a tall beer!!!
I've done Atkins too, and if you really want to stay on track tonight, order the equivalent to a "meat lovers" pizza, scrape off all the toppings onto a plate to eat with a fork (will probably need to scrape about 6 slices to make it worthwhile) and toss the crust. Salty/spicy is good with cold beer! Good luck.
Nose piercing problems
by gwyneth inhi, i wasn't sure which heading to post this under, but here goes...i got my nostril pierced in mid-january, and i have developed a keloid next to it.
i am beside myself, i hate the keloid so much.
has anyone ever gotten a keloid, and how did you get rid of it?
Thanks, Xandria, for the links. Kat, I am 33 also, and I just did the piercing! For those who don't know, a keloid is a pimple looking growth that is actually hard scar tissue. It usually occurs when the skin is traumatized, and over compensates healing and produces a raised bump. I have done some research, and some remedies include applying vitamin E, as well as getting it surgically removed or having steroid injections into it. I didn't want to go that far, and was hoping someone had a success story I could glean some advice from. Thanks!