Englishman, I was not gloating so I don't know what else to say in response to you.
Philo, he did not call me "dumb," but Duns. Can't you at least get that right? AGAIN: No normal person, no sane person, needs to use a callous term like that that many times in just three messages. 39 TIMES! I know that in downplaying it and laughing it off you are better able to come to grips with the reality behind this fact. I am happy for you. But don't expect me to take someone like AF seriously when he is coming unglued right before our eyes. Duns was trying to talk on a higher plane and AF insisted on roaming in the garbage. He is not a serious person and that's probably, probably one reason why he was rejected by his congregation and never appointed to an elder. I bet he took that personally as he does everything else. But I point out his symptoms here to remind him of what he already knows - he's cracking up and that's no laughing matter. If you were really his friend you would refer him to a local professional before he gets to 100 "dumbs," "Dummys," etc. I fear that if he hits that number by then it will be too late and his loss of cerebral fluid will be on your hands.