Do you remember Manuel Cano, the bethelite busted for video cam'ing young boys and teens in the Airport bathroom and who had hundreds of child porn DVD's /CD's in his room? Somehow the cleaning maids and his roommate were completely oblivious to this for decades. Although it is possible to think that Manuel Cano kept all the DVD's to himself, it does make you question how he could have remained secret with such a high control group when others were busted for much easier things to hide in their rooms. In addition, with so much pedophilia rampant within the org, I find it difficult to believe that he did not share his collection with other members, and also exchange DVD"s with others in and outside of the Watchtower org.
As for now, we've got suspicions, hunches, and conjecture. However, there is a lot more to dig for. I don't put anything past this organization, however, I also look for evidence so I can continue to write to various officials about it.
Here's a link on Cano