As someone who has been on the receiving end of violent sexual abuse at the hands of Jehovah's pedophile, I saw how adults routinely ignored me when I pleaded for help. Despite being told to shut up, I never stopped talking about it and was subsequently "marked" until I left at 21. Many adults knew, as not only were they told by the Incubator (woman who gave birth to me), but also by me begging for help. Entire congregation knew and the neighboring congregations had elders and people in there that knew. They didn't care to help, but sure did care to gossip and use it as conversation pieces amongst themselves. There was even one elder who took a special interest in me, by calling one-man judicial committees with the incubator & the step-person (her husband). He would relentlessly hound me about associating with "worldly" kids as he told them he wanted to keep the congregation clean, all the while KNOWING I was being violently sexually abused. He wasn't even in our congregation! After he had these meetings with the incubator and step-pedophile, they'd come home angry, and the step would beat me with his fists and metal part of belt buckle, quoting the scriptures fed to him by this elder. I think he was wanting to groom the situation and take advantage of it for his own narcissistic gratifications.
I think he was wanting to groom the situation and take advantage of it for his own depraved narcissistic gratifications. Up to this day he helps cover up several other child sex abuse cases within his congregation.
So it's interesting to see adults now try to deflect blame. Watchtower wants to deflect and say it's the individual elders and congregation members/parents who are responsible. They in turn want to blame mamma-org.