All snarky comments aside. Can someone seriously explain to me what the appeal of Trump is/was? Because I can't get my head around how anyone managed to ignore his incoherent ramblings, making fun of a disabled reporter, refusal to denounce white supremacists, calling Mexicans rapists, bragging about molesting women etc etc etc
Genuinely seeking answers. Surely you wouldn't accept this stuff from Biden?
I know you to be a sincere person and I understand your basis for asking.
Many people who supported Trump feel as you do. You will notice the things you mentioned above were rather inflammatory in nature and were fed to us by the media. Lets set them aside a moment.
Imagine your little girl needed an emergency heart had to be quick. You were told the BEST surgeon was a jack ass and a womanizer and racist but had never lost a patient and was considered the worlds best pediatric cardiology surgeon. kind of like Gregory House on House M.D. (the tv show). Your other choice was a fine Dr who was just competent but no genius and his track record was average.
Who do you choose? For myself, all my high moral ground would vanish and I would choose whomever I thought gave the best odds of success for my beloved child.
SO there are a lot of people who looked at Trumps presidency that way. He was shrewd in how he looked at the global economy. He was fearless in calling it as he saw it which made other world leaders who hide under rocks, for the most part, did not like it when he kicked over their rocks so to speak. He understood that just as a family (however goodhearted and charitable) could not keep taking strangers into their home endlessly without compromising the home - America as a home could not allow its self to be overrun with illegal immigrants. His wording was brash and harsh and he was abrupt and rude in dealing with people but it is a sign of wisdom to look beyond what is being said and look at what's being done. America was clambering to its feet again under his 4 years economically.
A lot of people were willing to overlook his lack of social ability based on his results. These are things that supporters of Trump have expressed to me. Business people who saw construction pick back up, farmers who saw a way to continue rather than sell out, military families (my personal experience) who saw respect coming back to the military.
Yes, you can go anywhere on line and see statistics that will say he did a terrible job. You can also find stats telling you what a fine job Democrats have done. Statistics be as they will, I mentioned above the things I personally witnessed that were positives for the country.
I dont think he started out to be who he is now. I think it was probably more of an "I can be president and do a good job" thing. But once he got there and they started the attacks, the leaders in the house SITTING and refusing to stand when he entered in an official capacity - the tattered state of the military - the general slime that coats all of our political leaders of both parties - it started to be personal to him - I believe he honestly thought our country was in more competent hands than he found it to be. He was wrong. We have all been wrong in thinking our leaders are leading.
Most of them (on both sides) have been bought out by the oligharchy of big business, big pharma, tech giants as well as Foundations such as the ones run by Gates and Soros. Facebook, Twitter, Google, control our information. Other giant monoliths control our food and water. Now with the virus, we get to see a high level of control over our choices there as well.
I dont think anyone, Republican or Democrat, if they speak from a non-emotional viewpoint, thinks Biden is up to the task of taking on all of that. But then, a lot of people (myself included) don't think people voted for Biden - it was more of a vote against Trump or for Trump. They just want him gone.
Humor me with one more illustration and I will stopImagine you are in a room with two men. Your goal is to get out of the room but you must take one - the other will not survive. One man is smelly, unkempt wino, and rude - the other is clear-eyed, intelligent and likable, charming in fact.
Most of us would pick the obvious guy. But what if you were told ahead of time he was Ted Bundy? Or just insert any clean, charming, intelligent sociopath here - it doesn't matter. The moral is, you can't always go by someone's offensive presentation when judging their skill and ability. People should have been looking at the reaction from the Democratic leaders each time Trump did something rash and offensive. Their disrespect for the office of the presidency, their utter rage at him pointing out their graft add incompetence.
IF I was a Democrat OR a Republican I would have been watching that just as closely as I watched Trump. And I will close with no, I don't think Biden is bad although I do see that he has covered over his son's misdeeds and I do find the hair sniffing of young girls off putting - I could look past that if I thought he could take on China and the rest of the world and if he could keep the big businesses from butting into the running of this country but alas he cannot. He is old, weak, and confused. It's the people running things behind the scenes I feel a pit in my stomach over.
I am afraid that in our (Americans) not liking the frying pan - we have jumped into the fire.