D this is a great. I remember talking to you about this little church your wife attended. What a small world, huh. Divine intervention? My wife and I are looking forward to our visit. Seeyasoon. paulnotsaul
JoinedPosts by paulnotsaul
Unbelievable! Two prayers and encouraging words in the last two days
by TotallyADD inon friday morning i got a phone call from someone who was interested in buying a utility trailer i had for sale.
the man came over and looked at it and ended up buying it.
i invited him inside our home to fill out the paper work.
Trying to Salvage a Friendship
by Quendi inmy friends,.
i need your counsel on a personal matter, and i hope you will give it in love.
as some of you know, i was disfellowshipped six years ago, but it wasn't until june 2010 that i made up my mind never to return to the wts.
Quendi, I'm so jazzed you got to see mark. Wow man, what a visit. His mom almost thru a monkey wrench in your stay. I think it was a sucess, though. He truly missed you. Time will tell how much he wants to respond back to you. You came in peace and you left in peace. He knows where you stand. I do have to wonder if you are the only friend to visit since his DF. I wish you well. Your head should feel a little clearer. PeaceQuendi paulnotsaul
Jehovah's Witnesses with OBVIOUS drinking problems?
by lovelylil inhi guys, been a while since i've posted.
summer is very busy at my job, lots of ot, which is good because winter is slow and i barely get my f/t hours.
anyway, i had to post this to see if anyone has seen a similiar situation in their congregation.. i drive a lot for work, do home visits for a local visiting nurse association.
In my area definitely. My brother-in-law whose an elder has a bar in the basement. And all the dogs are named after beers. I saw another elder at a beer tasting festival. I could go on and on. But, I think the point for me is I don't care what or how much they drink. Its the fact that their susposed to be 'Judges for Jehovah' according to their elders book. And there is a standard to abide by as an elder/christian. I like the line in the movie The Congo: "WE ARE WATCHING YOU!" I rest my case. peacetoall (and I do mean All) paulnotsaul
True Faith
by paulnotsaul ini was thinking back to when i believed "the truth".
i was trying to remember any real emphasis put on faith.
it always seemed that faith, in the jw mind was a visual concept.
Thanks wobble. I do understand your point. And yes to after leaving "the truth" I'm a little critical of certain words/phrases. But where I am going with this is in Romans 8: 24-25. I point this scripture out to many jw's and they just don't get it. I guess that why I titled it True Faith. Because what is faith unless you truly believe in it. Sight unseen. I like your avatar. Winnie was a favorite of mine as a kid. He always had a positive outlook in all situations. peacetowobble paulnotsaul
Perfect refreshing drink for a hot day...
by Glander ini love ice cold buttermilk.
you can add a little crushed ice.
i like it as is but some folks like:.
True Faith
by paulnotsaul ini was thinking back to when i believed "the truth".
i was trying to remember any real emphasis put on faith.
it always seemed that faith, in the jw mind was a visual concept.
I was thinking back to when I believed "the truth". I was trying to remember any real emphasis put on faith. It always seemed that faith, in the JW mind was a visual concept. Paradise earth, live forever, be perfect, never die. All definates in the teachings. But did the bible teach this kind of faith? It appears that true faith is sight unseen. In your heart you just knew and you didn't doubt it. I never understood what faith really was until I left the Org. Does anyone feel the same way? That depends if your still a believer. PeacetoAll paulnotsaul
i could never understand what was "good " about the "good news "
by looloo inas someone recruited in my 20s and spent about 6 years "interested " though never baptised , i just felt depressed after the lovebombing i received at first , i felt trapped by knowing "the truth" and wished i hadnt heard about it .
i couldnt understand what was good news about billions of innocents dying including poor children who have suffered enough in countries where there is famine etc... and all my relatives were doomed along with them !
i was a much happier person before i met jws believing you go to heaven after your death and live with god jesus and your loved ones .
My wife and I were just talking about this. She almost got sucked in by me (a born in). She painfully described how the ORG. breaks who you are/were down to nothing. Then they violently build you up to their warped understanding. She equated it to psychological abuse. My wife is a born/breed Baptist. Its a touchy subject for her. She to wishes she was never introduced to this CULT. But she does love me. peacetoall paulnotsaul
Trying to Salvage a Friendship
by Quendi inmy friends,.
i need your counsel on a personal matter, and i hope you will give it in love.
as some of you know, i was disfellowshipped six years ago, but it wasn't until june 2010 that i made up my mind never to return to the wts.
Quendi, keep us posted. I hope all goes well! peace. paulnotsaul
Trying to Salvage a Friendship
by Quendi inmy friends,.
i need your counsel on a personal matter, and i hope you will give it in love.
as some of you know, i was disfellowshipped six years ago, but it wasn't until june 2010 that i made up my mind never to return to the wts.
Thanks again talesin. You are a good woman. A caring person. Its a shame the ORG. can't look past it's corporate legalistic agenda and see some of the good people it loses. Wait a minute, let's not forget all the other BS. Yea, disregard that last comment.peace. paulnotsaul
Trying to Salvage a Friendship
by Quendi inmy friends,.
i need your counsel on a personal matter, and i hope you will give it in love.
as some of you know, i was disfellowshipped six years ago, but it wasn't until june 2010 that i made up my mind never to return to the wts.
Thanks T. Its just human nature to wonder what if. What if I reached out? I don't know. I guess I never will. peace. paulnotsaul