Sinis, so true. I think all of us in our efforts to find the truth caused us in essence to examine our belief in it which resulted in exiting it. I think the truth is that we are all different. We don't always see eye to eye, but we can look in each others eyes and be honest and sincere about how we feel about each other w/o fear of some ORG. punishing us. I'll admit sometimes I'm obsessed with it. Just like I was when a JW. You can never get enough knowledge. And SA, yea you nailed it! peaceAll paulnotsaul
JoinedPosts by paulnotsaul
The obsession of being a JW, and the obsession of an EX-JW is just as strong
by sinis inafter being on this forum for a long time, i am starting to realize that the obsession devoted to and surrounding leaving the organization is just as strong, if not stronger, than the obsession for the wts as a current jw.
its like a tiny bug eating and crunching away at the inner ear.
is this healthy?
Wish PaulNotSaul wife a speedy recovery
by TotallyADD intalk to paulnotsaul last night and found out his wife was in the hosptial.
it was very serious but she is going to be ok. this is our opportunity to wish her well.
get well soon mrs. paulnotsaul.
Hey Everyone. Thank-you for all your prayers and well wishing concerns.You All are true 'friends'. My wife was discharged last night. Shes still weak but I'm just so jazzed to have her home. She and I read all your posts together. It really made our day. I am exhausted. Between work, kids, & my wife I didn't get much sleep. But my baby is home and thats all that matters. I probably missed alot of action around JWN but family always comes first. TotallyADD were going to be there on Sept. 3, I hope you like ambrosia? (hope not, more for me.) cause it is too good. Peacetoyouall paulnotsaul
Another girl dies because of the WT No blood command !
by Hairyhegoat inthe more i here of this then when these the morons call i have to destroy them with .
jehovah's witness died after family refused blood transfusion.
a young jehovah's witness died after a roller-blading accident because her family refused to let her have a life-saving blood transfusion, an inquest heard today.. a doctor said he pleaded with her family to allow her a transfusion which would have given her a 90% chance of survival.. emelie grootjes, 19, broke both legs after she lost control of her skates going down a hill on july 31. emelie, a dutch student, had been on holiday at the lockley park caravan park, hamworthy, dorset, with her mother, father, brother and sister, all jehovah's witnesses.. the inquest at bournemouth, dorset, was told she was taken to poole general hospital where she died from fat embolism syndrome five days later.. east dorset coroner nigel neville-jones heard that fat and marrow from her shattered bones had entered her blood system before jamming up around her lungs and finally killing her.. dr charles blakeway, a consultant surgeon, described a complicated two-hour operation designed to bind her legs and stop further fat getting into her bloodstream.. he said: "we would normally give a transfusion straight away.
Lately I've seen alot of threads on blood transfusions. My wife has Crohns disease. She had a flare-up last week and had to have a transfusion this last saturday. It was her first transfusion, ever. Her blood levels kept dropping. Because of me brow-beating her with JW doctrine on blood we almost relapsed and didn't do it. But because we don't follow/ believe that crap anymore she went ahead with it. I just keep thinking my wife could be dead right now. By following some mans doctrine on blood. There is something very evil about this ORG. They got alot to answer to. My wife is doing fine. Everthing is regulated. This is a demonic religion. peaceAll paulnotsaul
If you believe in the resurrection or reincarnation what race would you prefer?
by jam infor the past few years i have been asking people.
i have know(blacks) this question.
the results,.
Gman I like you. Youz good people. I know what your sayin. What you described reminds me of the way Bob Marley lived. Jah Rastafari. I do enjoy listening to your posts and threads. You bring it on a whole different level. You know what I'm sayin. peaceG paulnotsaul
If you believe in the resurrection or reincarnation what race would you prefer?
by jam infor the past few years i have been asking people.
i have know(blacks) this question.
the results,.
George, you almost had us until the end when you got all Public Enemy, Chuck D on us. peacemybrother paulnotsaul
How are things going since my exit?
by discreetslave intoday i got accepted to a christian university and we had an earthquake!!!
the college is located here in va and is the largest christian university in the us.
my husband is worried about the money but the fact that it's liberty u upsets him more.. otherwise things are good between us things are tense on meeting days.
DS, congrats! Good for you. Go for your self. Aren't you glad the ORG. prepared you for 'critical thinking'. ( just kidding! ) peace paulnotsaul
Thank you note from Circuit Overseer
by RayPublisher innotice how thankful we should be to "the slave"... he said that expression dozens of times in his recent visit, over and over and over ad nauseum.. .
can i barf now?.
That phrase "examine ourselves & make the needed adjustments in our thinking" is echoing in my head. Seems to be the catch phrase for "your not going to believe this, but". They fall for it every time. peacesuckers paulnotsaul
Interracial Marriage
by Quendi inhere is a question i want to pose because i do not know the correct answer.
i have seen many interracial married couples among jehovah's witnesses--moreso than i have seen in other religions.
however, i have been told that once upon a time, interracial marriage was frowned upon by the wts hierarchy.
Testifiy NC, Testifiy. peace. paulnotsaul
Interracial Marriage
by Quendi inhere is a question i want to pose because i do not know the correct answer.
i have seen many interracial married couples among jehovah's witnesses--moreso than i have seen in other religions.
however, i have been told that once upon a time, interracial marriage was frowned upon by the wts hierarchy.
Quendi, Thanks man for your regards. Very informative thread for all parties involved. I found out alot of this info on my spiritual journey out of 'The Lie'. I never realized the ORG. was such bigots! Nice to hear everyones experiences. So sad the WTS couldn't even get this issue right. What a bunch of twisted clowns! Old light if brought up to present adminitration. The evolution of the 'truth'. PeaceAll paulnotsaul
Interracial Marriage
by Quendi inhere is a question i want to pose because i do not know the correct answer.
i have seen many interracial married couples among jehovah's witnesses--moreso than i have seen in other religions.
however, i have been told that once upon a time, interracial marriage was frowned upon by the wts hierarchy.
Quendi, why the interest in interracial marriage? Thinking about jumping the fence? Catch a little jungle fever? I've been interacially married for 17 years. And whoever does'nt agree with it can kiss my white ass! peace paulnotsaul