It was illegal in the state of Virginia up till the early 1970's. peace All paulnotsaul
JoinedPosts by paulnotsaul
Interracial Marriage
by Quendi inhere is a question i want to pose because i do not know the correct answer.
i have seen many interracial married couples among jehovah's witnesses--moreso than i have seen in other religions.
however, i have been told that once upon a time, interracial marriage was frowned upon by the wts hierarchy.
Went to my first meeting today anonymously!
by TimothyT inhi everyone.. jack and i decided we would go to his local kingdom hall this morning.
although i have no interest anymore in being a jw, i think its still nice to have regular bible discussions, etc, which can give you something spiritual to think about each week.
i love it and i think its damn good for you.. today, jack and i walked in, a little nervous, but were greeted and welcomed like friends.
Hey Tim & Jack, I found on about 105 'open and affirming' churches in the U.K. alone. Maybe check them out? peaceT&J paulnotsaul
Rutherford v. the WT on Investigating Truth Claims
by Ding in"... there are some who who point out that the organization has had to make adjustments before, and so they argue, 'this shows that we have to make up our own mind on what to believe.
' this is independent thinking.
why is it so dangerous?
' Judge ' Joseph Franklin Rutherford. ' The lawyer who became a PROFIT '. peace$$$$ paulnotsaul
Matt 19:6 - WTB$ preaches the sanctity of marriage but see what happens when one partner leaves the bOrg!
by punkofnice inmrs punk was not a happy bunny when i announced i was leaving the wtb$ as it was all a big farce.. she has been quite rude to me, she walked out one weekend and came back 2 days later from staying with a relative.
she told me about all the negative reasons i left (attributing the 'evil' to me and none to the holy 7 headed beast the gb).
she has told the teenage kids they are not to listen to me.. she refuses to talk bible and gives me the 'talk to the hand sign' on the basis she refuses to listen to my 'spiritual pornography' (now there's an appealing thought!!).
Ya know Punkofnice, it sound like a case of " Don't hate the player, hate the game". peacepunk paulnotsaul
Have you considered the fact there is NO pure, useful Doctrine necessary?
by Terry infor fifteen hundred years, the only christian church officially vested with authenticity was the catholic church.. at least, this was their claim.. authority, so they said, was passed on to them by jesus himself when he established peter as "upon this rock" (peter=petra_).
peter was the church's first "father" or papa=pope.. additionally, the entire tradition of teachings from jesus forward gave them magesterium.
when official pronouncements were made about faith and morals these teachings were binding on earth and in heaven.
Terry, as my wife would say "God is dealing with you man". I see strenght in you. Your words, thoughts,feeling,and parallels on topics are on point. You question the answers and then answer the questions. I love the passion you put into each piece. Keep'm coming Terry. Show'm what'ca got! peaceman. paulnotsaul
Have you considered the fact there is NO pure, useful Doctrine necessary?
by Terry infor fifteen hundred years, the only christian church officially vested with authenticity was the catholic church.. at least, this was their claim.. authority, so they said, was passed on to them by jesus himself when he established peter as "upon this rock" (peter=petra_).
peter was the church's first "father" or papa=pope.. additionally, the entire tradition of teachings from jesus forward gave them magesterium.
when official pronouncements were made about faith and morals these teachings were binding on earth and in heaven.
Break it down brother Terry. peace paulnotsaul
Do you view the word "Apostate as derogatory"
by mankkeli ini just want to know how friends feel about the word "apostate" when being used to refer to them?, do you feel relegated?..
Hi mankkeli. I see two different versions of ' Apostate '. The JW version : because you left the ORG. Then the worlds verion: you left the teachings of christ. If a JW calls me one I just laugh. If the world calls me one then I take it seriously. Just my 2. peace paulnotsaul
Metaspy, celebrate your life in the real world. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! peace. paulnotsaul
What is the oldest car you have owned?
by moshe inhere is mine- a 1947 chrysler windsor club coupe.
i overhauled the engine under a big oak tree- push button starter- flat head 6cyl engine- a carry over from ww2 technology.
a real tube radio, which after i fixed, could pick up am stations over 500 miles away- seats like an over stuffed sofa.
I still own a 1973 Porsche 914. Simplicity at its best. Where's all you gearheads at? peace paulnotsaul
Do you think Jehovah's Witnesses have more attractive young adults than average?
by sabastious ini was recently hanging out with someone that went to the convention last weekend.
he/she mentioned that the convention was chock full of hotties and from my memory of the conventions, and i have been to dozens, he/she was right.
one thing that comes to mind is that witnesses can lose privileges within the congregation if they are too dirty so cleanliess (neatness) is especially important.
Whats the average? Amish, Mennonites. Then yes I think JW's young adults are more attractive. peace paulnotsaul