Hey all
I was up late last night and did a bit of research and number crunching. I copied and pasted the info, but don't have all the links. The information I was from The Center for Disease control and the GAO(government accounting office) freely available for all to look up on the web...hehe I feel like JT here "Love this web thing"
Okay where to start? First this report is the number of live births in 1998 -3,941,553 and the number of abortions in 1997- 1,184,758(the CDC does not have the figures for 1998 on the web yet. Some facts about the woman getting abortions. 88% already have 2 or more live births. These are not woman who don't know what a pregnancy and subsequent child is about. Women who obtained legal abortions in 1997 were predominately white and unmarried. As in 1996, approximately 20% of women who obtained a legal abortion in 1997 were aged less than or equal to 19 years; 32% were aged 20-24 years.
Simon Sorry no listings were given for economic history for the woman. Am I assuming that there is an income level for those you consider "trash"? Or is "trash" a degrading way of saying that those individuals who decide to have abortions views are not "up to par" with your own?
As for the fundage I have a very long article from the GAO but will only snip a bit for you. This article is an accounting of goverment funds given to certain agencies that deal with woman health issues.
November 13, 2001 The Honorable Joseph R. Pitts The Honorable Christopher H.
Smith House of RepresentativesSubject: Reproductive Health: Federal Funds That Supported Four Nonprofit
This letter responds to your request that we identify the amount of federal
funding for fiscal years 1999 and 2000 that supported the domestic and
international reproductive health activities of four nonprofit organizations
and their affiliates- the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the
Population Council, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and The
Alan Guttmacher Institute- in addition to identifying the federal agencies
that provided the funds and the congressional committees with jurisdiction
to authorize or appropriate them. This information updates our letter of
July 18, 2000, that provided funding information for fiscal years 1997
through 1998. 1
In brief, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America and its affiliates,
the Population Council, the International Planned Parenthood Federation and
its affiliated associations, and The Alan Guttmacher Institute used
approximately $184 million in federal funds for fiscal year 1999 and about
$196 million in federal funds for fiscal year 2000 to support domestic and
international activities related to reproductive health for individuals.
(See table 1.) The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.
S. Agency for International Development (USAID) were the major sources of
these funds. Four committees in the Senate- Commerce, Science, and
Transportation; Finance; Foreign Relations; and Health, Education, Labor,
and Pensions-- and four committees in the House of Representatives- Energy
and Commerce, International Relations, Science, and Ways and Means- have
jurisdiction over the authorization of the programs under which the funding
was provided. In addition, the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations
each have subcommittees that have jurisdiction over the appropriations for
the programs
These agencies provide the following services: [quote]BACKGROUND The Planned Parenthood Federation of America- a nonprofit
organization headquartered in New York City- and its 128 affiliates, with
850 local health centers, provide reproductive medical care and birth
control education. The affiliates are independent, separately incorporated
organizations with their own boards of directors and financial autonomy. In
1998, the affiliates provided reproductive health care to 2.6 million women
and men and educational services to 1.5 million individuals.
The affiliates
and their clinics provide family planning counseling and
birth control services, pregnancy testing, abortions, cancer screening,
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing, screening and treatment for
sexually transmitted diseases, prenatal and well- baby care, and other
reproductive health care services. Abortion is but one of the many services provided. And the cost of an abortion is minimal in contrast to a prenatal visits, delivery, and then subsequent well baby checkups. As for further digging into state grants etc, I did not do this, so the numbers may be smaller.
As for the welfare program<grin> There has been 4.5 billion dollars spent last year alone for child care subsidaries, that is a work/school program that allows needy familes with children to get back in the workforce or attend school. This program subsidizes child care costs for the families.
Bush had a brainstorm and decided to allocate 100 million dollars[/b] aside for education for unwed mothers. Yes, he is promoting, with your money marriage counselling! I think it is a wonderful idea, don't get me wrong, but using this money in this way takes away from the work first programs. I am sure you all realize you can't eat a marriage certificate, but I bet that there are many people who "sleep better at night" knowing our country is a more moral place.
IMO the people who cry that they don't want their tax money going to abortions need to look at how much is spent on actual abortions. A drop in the bucket compared to the actual cost of raising a child. I am not in anyway saying we should promote abortions because it is cheaper, just giving a birds eye view of the numbers. As far as how many abortions are paid for by the goverment that is hard to tell. I would love to find out if we can get those numbers.
Stepping out now
Edited and still can't get it right so I am leaving it as is lol!