Teen, I meant what I said, I don't think he's dumb, so what is your point? I'm just trying to point out there is a reason for the maybe mis-conception that pro-war people are pro-bush. Because many of these support the troops rallys, are really just support bush and everything he does rallys. Ask me if I care what some democrats are doing, I'm not a democrat, and I think the democrats have wimped out. This isn't about party lines, because I have met many anti-war, republicans, that still support many of bushs other policy's. I think bush is doing our troops a great diservice, by cutting vetrans benifits by 25%. My point all along has been that, while were cutting all these things, we're spending billions on war. Don't you think your children, say having a good education, is better than going to war? I have no love for the democrats, they are the ones that got the DMCA(Digital Millenium Copyright Act) in acted.