TH: You couldn't do much worse than the one we currently have. And I mean that as a sincere compliment, in case you wondered.
Well I hope I would do better, considering the idiot in office, right now.
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
TH: You couldn't do much worse than the one we currently have. And I mean that as a sincere compliment, in case you wondered.
Well I hope I would do better, considering the idiot in office, right now.
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Actually I was thinking about running for Mayor of Seattle in 2005.
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
In all honesty TH I dont care if it offends you or not.
Then why should I care what offends you?
It is what I think is funny. Just like your avatar is offensive to me but you dont hear me bitching and moaning about it.
Well obviously someone has, because it keeps getting taken down.
In fact, almost every post you make is offensive to me because you seem to try and make everyone who is in the military, as well as our president, out to be some dumb ass gun toting redneck who wants to follow orders and shoot someone.
Actually this is a bold faced lie, people that are in the military aren't dumb, just certain individuals, I have said all along I support our troops, but not this administration. Get your facts right.
The fact that you and others continualy use this forum, which is SUPPOSED to be about being JW's at some point in our lives, as your own damn personal soapbox regarding political issues is aggravating as hell.
Actually this thread wasn't started by me, as many other threads have not been started by me, you people do the same exact thing, so get off your high horse, and stop being so hypocritical.
I keep quiet and throw in a comment here and there but this is pathetic. When someone disagrees with you, you turn into this ugly horrid monster who does nothing more than throw childish insults.
Really? Where did I insult you? You know what's pathetic, is people like you whining about me throwing "insults", when if you look back at many threads I have actually insulted, it started with one of you people.
Do you not grasp that most people here do not care for you, your politics, or the way you go about things around this forum???
Ask me if I care? I'm not here to placate you. Nevermind the fact you are wrong, the people that have actually met me, do actually care for me.
I know I have read MANY messages to that context.
Many messages by the same people, do not make alot of people.
Why you get away with what you do is beyond me.
Get away with what? I didn't break any rules.
Grow up man.
You do the same.
You live in the same country that I do, one that I have willingly signed up to defend. Wether I like you or not I would give my life if it means that you keep yours.
The difference being, I would defend this country against attack, not romp off to some forien country, and invade another, I would wiling sing up to do that.
Maybee we disagree in some issues. SO WHAT?!?!?! You have the right to say whatever the hell you please and I have the same. If I offend you, I honestly dont care. You have done nothing but talk shit on our government since the day I came to this forum. I wont give you the old.. if you dont like it why dont you leave bit. Instead, if you dont like it..... but you want to live here, then work to change it from the inside.
Uh, as a matter of fact I have been. That's what protesting is about. Peaceful protesting that is, not these rock throwing anarchist.
Dont come onto a JW forum spewing all your hatred of our current government.
LOL I just love your circular logic. " You have the right to say whatever the hell you please and I have the same ", but then you tell me to shut up. Why don't you not come to a JW Forum, that's owned by a British person, and stop flouting how wonderful the US Government is?
If you think you can do better, then run for some public office.
Actually I am.
Make a difference! Because honestly man... all you do is annoy the shit out of people here.
I'm sure everyone here, has appointed you, they're spokesperson. LOL
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Neither one of us. I just think that the pic is pretty damn funny.
Well considering your not the butt of the joke, then I guess you would find it funny, I myself, find it offensive. I'm not a pussy, and I challenge anyone to prove I am. I'm a patriot, I believe in the constitution and what it stands for, and I believe we could have better spent the billions of dollars that we did on this war, towards something better. Like shoring up our failing education system. It astounds me, why anyone would want all this money put towards war, when our children have crappy schools to go too. Teachers are under paid, and live at poverty levels, who will teach children, when teachers stop teaching?
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
Sorry to tell you this PR, but because I choose to exercise my right to protest something I think was wrong, does not make me a pussy. You chose your path, I chose mine, you chose to follow orders, I don't. Who's more of a pussy, me for standing up for what I think is right, or you for following every order that is given you?
at walter reed medical center in washington dc recently the sergeant major of the army, jack tilley, was with a group of people visiting the wounded soldiers.
he saw a special forces soldier who had lost his right hand and suffered severe wounds of his face and side of his body.
the sma wanted to honor him and show him respect without offending, but what can you say or do in such a situation that will encourage and uplift?
i don't think she has posted this yet.
mulan called me yesterday afternoon to tell me her dad had suffered a stroke.
i did talk to my dad last night and he seemed to think that grandpa was going to be ok. i had a birthday party with nine little girls all afternoon and was completely out of touch as a result.. i think she could use a hug, don't you?.
((((Mulan)))) Take care, hope everything get's better!
an interesting read:.
some key bits:.
Amerikins need to get over they're bad selves.
i think this is my first debatable topic.
for anyone who has experimented with recreational drugs or who knows about someone who has how do you think they can change you for the better as well as for the worse?
i know a few ways in which they really changed me, i was very shy and never felt compfortable around people until i had my first experience and felt totally unhibited around a room full of people (talking in retrospect) and i never forgot what that felt like - it opened my mind and i learned to become much more confident.
You could get high, off my spinal fluids. Been years however since I've done LSD, it was always my favorite drug, sex was awsome on it. I always had clean stuff. I had some very spiritual events on it also. You could say that it was the end of my dub-dum, because it opened my eyes. I don't even smoke MJ very often anymore, maybe once or twice a year, I barely drink also. I tried coke once, didn't like it, didn't think there was a point to it, in fact I tend to stay away from most opium based products, they don't do good things in my system, I usually bounce off the walls. Hell I was in a great deal of pain from my fall down some stairs, and I asked for a non-narcotic pain killer. The only thing I'm addicted to, is my girlfriend at the moment.
when it comes to discussing politics or sexuality, you cant resist getting in on the argument.. true or false?.
and why say yea?
brummie ( of the america is in season class)
Politics, or Sexuality? Sorry I was too busy having sex to notice.