Please respect me then, I don't wish this kind of fate on anyone. What my father did to me is wrong. But He is living his hell now. I don't feel it is nessecsary to make it worse for him. He knows what he did, lets leave it at that. THe reason i did not press charges is because I thought he had changed, and I was giving him another chance, But a situation happened recently to let me know that some things do not change. I have choosen not to see him, but i would appreciate not seeing his pic\ here, it will be bad enough in court when I will have to face him. It is just to bad that he did not appoligize to me. Iam still kind of scared of what he will do. Please!!!!
JoinedPosts by needs_lots
NEW - VICKI BOER CASE - Toronto Sun sept. 11
by hawkaw ini notice the defence counsel had the disgusting gaul to bring up vicki's sex life.
don't these f___ing people get it?
a lot of this happened because of what she went through.
by hawkaw ini am saddened to report barb anderson and dr. james penton will not testify at the trial.. however, even better.
penton wrote a lengthy letter and barb did a 30 page document as well.. both documents have been accepted into evidence by the judge and will be reviewed by the judge as part of her written decision.
this means the documents will not undergo cross-examination which is a good thing.. so if you ask me - a partial victory.. there is more happening that i cannot discuss that is going vicki's way - stunning stuff actually.
Wow, someone in my family not only hates me, but obviously does not know me. My brothers and sisters are all in contact with me. I have spent the last week with my older brother , whom may i say was in court everyday to support me, my younger brother just spent 1 week with me and my family, and my sister lived with me for one year and recently just bought her own home. My girls are with her now. So honestly, get your facts straight. If you want to see evidence that my father abused me from the ages of 11-15 just ask Steven Brown. He can show you the letters written by the society. But of course you missed the first few days of testimony that prove abuse. The abuse was never an issue. In fact my father stimulated me to orgasim for the first time, as you can read for yourself in the elders letters in 1989. I will not debate you anymore on this. Next time you post, get your facts straight g.Palmer
Oh by the way, there was only one palmer at the trial
by honestly into notso perfect......what do i have against her?i have known her since childbirth,and once upon a time she was a normal sweet person who loved her parents,then she started when she met scott i would say.thats when her troubles began after she got married.she started exploiting herself sexually and started makin up the wildest stories about her husband and herself and thats when i realized that she wasnt the same person and i realized what kind of morals she had and she started sayingthings about scott that was when i realized she isnt the yrs went by she just got worse.and now i dont even know her,she has stretched her testomony and much of it is downright lies.i have actual letters from vicky from yrs back that contradict what she is claiming now.. why do i have against her???
?she has torn her family apart even cousins and aunts and uncles who can see right thru her.see you guy dont know both sides and you never will because vicky knows shes does enough damage and will come to her senses and her brainwashing by frank mottrill is coming see he is usinh vicky as a pawn to get back at the wts for his own wrongdoing.anyway it will soon be over........i personally will never look or talk to her again,she has been disowned my her realtives,most are not even witnesses so what does that tell you.. for the record many of you may not know this but the lawyer for the wts.
is not even a witness!
I don't come on to post often as you will tell. I believe that "honestly" is myaunt karen.My fathers sister. The funny thing about that is, i went to her first when i was suffering the pains of abuse. Her advise was to keep this quiet, because my father was the most liked son of the family. And that if my grandmother would die if she knew what Gower had done to me. My husband scott has been a great support to me. When my mother died, the whole family blamed me for her death because i had exposed the family secret. Iam not a drama queen, in fact i have spent the last few years of my life quiet, and suffered alone. My father is the only one responible for his actions and Iam getting tired of being the one to blame. It has been proven in both a court of law and in letters sent to the society that my father did abuse me for 5 years. That is not in question here. She is lieing about the letters. and if there are any, where are they. I always cried to her about the pain i was suffering, and to see her write such mean things is cruel. But I would exspect nothing more of her or her family. I only wish that they would see that this is not a person vindetta against them. THis has only to do with me , my fahter, and the watchtower society.
by honestly into notso perfect......what do i have against her?i have known her since childbirth,and once upon a time she was a normal sweet person who loved her parents,then she started when she met scott i would say.thats when her troubles began after she got married.she started exploiting herself sexually and started makin up the wildest stories about her husband and herself and thats when i realized that she wasnt the same person and i realized what kind of morals she had and she started sayingthings about scott that was when i realized she isnt the yrs went by she just got worse.and now i dont even know her,she has stretched her testomony and much of it is downright lies.i have actual letters from vicky from yrs back that contradict what she is claiming now.. why do i have against her???
?she has torn her family apart even cousins and aunts and uncles who can see right thru her.see you guy dont know both sides and you never will because vicky knows shes does enough damage and will come to her senses and her brainwashing by frank mottrill is coming see he is usinh vicky as a pawn to get back at the wts for his own wrongdoing.anyway it will soon be over........i personally will never look or talk to her again,she has been disowned my her realtives,most are not even witnesses so what does that tell you.. for the record many of you may not know this but the lawyer for the wts.
is not even a witness!
I don't come on to post often as you will tell. I believe that "honestly" is my anut Karen.My fathers sister. The funny thing about that is, i went to her first when i was suffering the pains of abuse. Her advise was to keep this quiet, because my father was the most liked son of the family. And that if my grandmother would die if she knew what Gower had done to me. My husband scott has been a great support to me. When my mother died, the whole family blamed me for her death because i had exposed the family secret. Iam not a drama queen, in fact i have spent the last few years of my life quiet, and suffered alone. My father is the only one responible for his actions and Iam getting tired of being the one to blame. It has been proven in both a court of law and in letters sent to the society that my father did abuse me for 5 years. That is not in question here. She is lieing about the letters. and if there are any, where are they. I always cried to her about the pain i was suffering, and to see her write such mean things is cruel. But I would exspect nothing more of her or her family. I only wish that they would see that this is not a person vindetta against them. THis has only to do with me , my fahter, and the watchtower society.
by honestly into notso perfect......what do i have against her?i have known her since childbirth,and once upon a time she was a normal sweet person who loved her parents,then she started when she met scott i would say.thats when her troubles began after she got married.she started exploiting herself sexually and started makin up the wildest stories about her husband and herself and thats when i realized that she wasnt the same person and i realized what kind of morals she had and she started sayingthings about scott that was when i realized she isnt the yrs went by she just got worse.and now i dont even know her,she has stretched her testomony and much of it is downright lies.i have actual letters from vicky from yrs back that contradict what she is claiming now.. why do i have against her???
?she has torn her family apart even cousins and aunts and uncles who can see right thru her.see you guy dont know both sides and you never will because vicky knows shes does enough damage and will come to her senses and her brainwashing by frank mottrill is coming see he is usinh vicky as a pawn to get back at the wts for his own wrongdoing.anyway it will soon be over........i personally will never look or talk to her again,she has been disowned my her realtives,most are not even witnesses so what does that tell you.. for the record many of you may not know this but the lawyer for the wts.
is not even a witness!
To all my Friends on line.
"honestly" is an imposter. he or she has misspelled several names. including his own daughter. SO HONESTLY . BE CONSTRUCTIVE AND STOP POSTING MISLEADING THREADS. AND IF THIS IS A JW PLANT YOU ARE TRUELY SICK.....
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
It is sad what happened to your sister. I went through the same thing, but now Iam fighting back, as she should do. You should tell her to come to my trial. Iam sure it will sound familiar. She needs the reassurance that what they did was wrong. They still need to pay for what they did. I can't believe that your father did nothing. MOre than likely he was told by the Borg that he couldnt press charges. Would make a good lawsuit. When are they going to start paying for the mistakes they made. Iam really tired of paying myself. It has cost us so much money, but I don't know of anyway else to stop them.
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
The elders did know, there was a letter sent out to them, but they were also told to keep the congregation files confidential. THere is no excuse.
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
A POEM MY HUSBAND WROTE ABOUT THE SOCIETY WINDS OF CHANGE A touch of thyme, a hint of rose, A shady, muted garden grows. Buds of green, of red, of gold Smothered in a shade so cold Each precious bulb, each fragile plant Straining for a light so scant. Yearning for the Suns true light, Under the Oaks uncaring sight. The mighty Oak stands tall and proud; Its lofty heights an emerald cloud. To itself the light it keeps And in its shadow the garden weeps. Almighty Oak, foreboding to my eye; Reaching, reaching for the sky; Your heartwood, no longer true Lies weakened, rotted through and through. The winds of change begin to blow Stirring Oak leaves too and fro Liquid sun comes pouring through; A warming touch in mornings dew. The wind; it grows on a whispered word; The truth, the TRUTH; it shall be heard! The voices strike a mighty blow. Be gone ye Oak let the garden grow! Damn the truth the Oak wont bend So tall, so proud; but in the end Its rotten core could not hold. The Oak has fallen, splintered and cold. Oh blooming bulb, Oh flowering plant, Now basking in your rightful grant. Grow strong and true in pure, clean light, Under the Suns maternal sight. A touch of thyme, a hint of rose; In wondrous light the garden grows. Blooms of green, of red, of gold Such perfect beauty I now behold. Scott Boer
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
Hello from Canada!
Again, thanks for all your support! The court date is the 9th, sorry for not replying earlier. Yes I have gotten in touch with Bill already, him and many more have been a great support to me! Hopefully the society will get to see the great damage they have cased. People who are abused suffer enough as it is. We need understanding, love and "worldly" help. I know that now, as I did then. They have to stop seeing these abusers as simply "sinners", but as criminals. I hope that everyone is watching this case. Again, anyone that can come as support would be awesome. My email address is [email protected] . Anyone wishing to send extra support! Thanks, and I will again keep you posted. Trial is set in Toronto.
by hawkaw inthis is to alert all folks in canada and the united states that a civil court case will be going to trial on september 8, 2002 in the greater toronto area.
again this case is a civil case and not a criminal case.
the case involves one vicki boer who now resides in eastern canada.
Thanks to all,
My husband and I have much to do, and we appreciate your comments and suggestions. If you dont hear from us in a while, it is simply that we have to prepare. Again, having any of you there at trial would mean a great deal to us. My lawyer was asked by the courts if he would need a small court room or big, he said small, I will tell him that we need a big one! lol. Lets work together to fight these guys that think they can win.