JoinedPosts by Acluetofindtheuser
Three congregations dissolved and a kingdom hall sold within a 50 mile radius in my area...
by UNCONDITIONAL LOVE inhas anyone else heard of these situations with congregations and halls in your area?
i thought the ground breaking mandatory pledge a little while ago was to keep up with "immense" growth?
how soon they forget... looks really bleak for the future of the wbats, the jw gravy train seems to be coming to a slow and agonizing yet inevitable stop.
Recently in the pacific northwest I heard about two English congregations in the same Kingdom Hall being merged into one due to a lack of publishers. Both halls had enough Elders and MS but just not enough publishers. The preaching work is not attracting any new converts. -
Bethel Library moving to Warwick, are older items 'vanishing'
by Lostandfound inin a post re dates etc from fatfreek reference was made to huge library at bethel with items dating back to pastor rs day.
like the year 1975 which has vanished from wt theology, are gb using move to let them put all old and inconvenient items into some sort of cold storage and off library shelves.
already the revelation book has gone from the orgs website, and that was quite recent relatively, we studied it 3 times at congregation book study, yet now, like type and antitype it mysteriously was never there.
I bet Sam Herd has already taken Angels and Women out of the bethel library and kept it for himself. I've heard a number of stories where JW refused to believe that book was at Bethel. There are those that want it destroyed and others who want a copy for themselves. An original Angels and Women is quite expensive these days.
The nice thing about the book is there are no questions at the bottom of the pages and the work was originally done by a woman in Christendom (late 1800's). Only men get to write literature in JWdom.
I really hate the word "ones".
by schnell innecessary as it is at times, i hate this word.
for one thing, "ones" is a plural form of the number 1. that is dumb, and it's reason enough to avoid it where it isn't entirely necessary.. one could argue that it never is necessary, but it can still come up in colloquial dialogue when discussing objects.
jw leaders use it to discuss people.. interestingly, jws even did this to jesus christ in their own translation of the bible, referring to him in ephesians 1:7 with "through the blood of that one" where another translation would say something like "through his blood".
I also hate it when the literature reads as, "these ones". This is improper English. These implies ones. These word combinations are always being used in talks all over the states.
Jehovah sure loves foreskins!
by rebel8 inan atheist (never jw) friend of mine is an rv for a jw who he is trying to deprogram.
he started this totally on his own and just telling me about it.
it's quite amusing what he comes up with.. point 1: why the s & m stuff with foreskins?
Apparently God hates yeast infections. Cutting off that extra skin must have helped in males. Sorry ladies, you’re stuck with it in the nomadic world.
I do believe in a form of flood event that happened in the past. The whole purpose of that event was change the atmosphere for the worst. The earth has one new side effect, yeast infections. A good side effect, beer and wine can now be made.
The Great Crowd!
by A Believer innotice the 144000 can be counted and they all come from israel.. 9 after this i saw, and look!
a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues,*+ standing before the throne and before the lamb, dressed in white robes;+ and there were palm branches in their hands.+ .
this great crowd, no man was able to number, and they come from every nation!
If the account in Revelation and what Jesus said to his apostles about the 144,000 and Great Crowd are blended together you get a better picture.
1. Jesus returns to earth after the great tribulation.
2. New Jerusalem comes down from heaven. Sits on a lofty mountain top.
3. Jesus is King and temporarily sits on God's throne here on earth. Jesus is Eternal Father(new Adam), Mighty God. He will take on physical form but he will be able to phase in and out just like after his resurrection.
4. A special group of people work with Jesus around the temple to be counselors and advisors to the nations. This is the 144,000, but the number is not literal because it's too conveniently rounded. It's just a symbolic big number that is associated with the original Israel arrangement. This group will most likely not have married, just like Jesus.
5. After a long period of time Jesus puts everything back together here on earth. Jesus then gives the throne back to his Father. The throne seat will probably be empty when that happens. That's the way God wanted it in the first place. People will know who really sits in that chair but he doesn't have to.
by DwainBowman inwell beards are still a no no!!!!!!.
in a new letter from the branch/gb nut's, beards are not acceptable in the us branch area!!!!!!.
my eldub brother in law, shared this today.
I went to a recent CA and noticed a handful of young brothers sporting beards. The last few years no guys had beards. I think a trend is forming.
I know a couple of older (50-60's) brothers from two different halls starting to wear beards. These guys are both long time publishers. One of them is pushing the issue because he knows the Org has no real case against beards. I found out that if you are enrolled in the TMS and you have a beard you will not be able to give your part. They will assign someone else to do it.
Why Did JWs Abandon Brooklyn for the Sticks?
by Room 215 ini may have missed this, but can anyone tell me what was the pretext the gb concocted to justify their abandonment of a perfectly suitable, high-profile, high-visibility complex in what is arguably the world's greatest metropolis for the bucolic isolation of upstate new york.
any how does the move square with their purported belief in the imminence of armageddon?
Because someone back at Bethel had a frightening revelation after seeing the 1998 movie, Deep Impact.
After the small comet Biederman hit the Atlantic Ocean a giant tsunami is shown headed for New York City. In one shot you can clearly see the destruction of the Brooklyn Bridge. The viewing angle of that scene appears to be coming from the top of the Furman street Bethel building.
Video clip of the wave taking over the bridge
Just kidding... or not.
Happy Pi Day
by dothemath intomorrow is march 14 (3.14), so its known as pi day, to honour the all-important constant.. incidentally, the bible has been criticized by mathematicians because the scriptures give a very poor value of pi.. the scripture is based on 1kings 7: 23 and reads as follows:.
"and he proceeded to make the molten sea ten cubits from its one brim to its other brim, circular all around; and its height was five cubits, and it took a line of thirty cubits to circle all around it".
now that shape is actually mathematically impossible to construct, because if the diameter is 10 cubits, the circumference would have to be 31.4159 cubits.
The Menorah in the Holy chamber has a strange association with the approximate value of Pi. With the 7 lamps and 22 almond blossoms you get the ratio 22/7 = 3.1428. This approximate value of Pi is only good to two decimal places compared to the real value: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
What makes it curious is the fact the artwork of the Menorah usually shows the branches of the lamp in a half circle formation which is what Pi is all about, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
At my work today they gave out small Hostess fruit pies to everyone in honor of Pi Day.
London Bethelites Living on Their Nerves?
by The Searcher injust got home and received information from a source regarding london bethel: .
a bethel couple told my source that they are getting rid of about 20/25 bethelites every week and that if they are to go, they will get called in on a friday and given their leaving date.everyone is "on edge" and hoping that if they get the boot, they've got time to make alternative plans.. perhaps bethelites everywhere should apply this scripture, by looking for a job and accommodation now - and then just resign from their "vow of poverty" without giving advance warning.
(proverbs 22:3) "the shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself, but the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.".
Maybe the organization is going to follow the path of Paul's lifestyle.
This months Awake even says under the heading, "religion and money": "WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS: The Bible writer Paul wrote: "We are not making a profit from the word of God."" Then it goes on to say. "Even though Paul was a prominent minister in the early Christian congregation, he often did manual work so as not to impose a financial burden on others. His attitude reflected his obedience to Jesus' command: "You received free, give free."
If they make everyone at Bethel and in the circuit work get a secular job then there will be loads of savings for the Warwick compound.
Memorial of the Death of Jesus 2016
by wolfman85 inin 2016, jw will have their memorial of jesus death on march 23, 2016.[search_id]=99cee3cb-687e-4276-9c70-3af8d20c220b&insight[search_result_index]=0.
that day is not for nissan 14th of the jewish calendar, or am i wrong ?
It appears they want to line up the date with the usual Easter holiday which lands on Sunday March 27, 2016.