A former congregation of mine had to merge with its sister congregation at the kingdom hall because there were too few members in each. Now they have too many elders in the one. A bunch of them had to lose their special titles.
JoinedPosts by Acluetofindtheuser
The story of my congregation in the last five years.
by Crazyguy inlet’s start with the good news for the congregation that is.
two new sisters were added to the group a mother and her daughter.
then the bad news.
Austria Begins Closing Mosques and Deporting Imams
by cofty inaustria, a member of the eu since 1995, is a country of 8.8 million people with a muslim population of around 600,000 mostly turkish immigrants.
in 2015 it passed an 'islam law' prohibiting foreign funding of religious groups and creating a duty for muslim organisations to have 'a positive fundamental view towards state and society'.. many mosques in austria have continued to receive money from turkish muslim organisations so the new right-wing government have decided to enforce the law.
seven mosques have been identified for closure and 60 imams are to be either deported or refused visas.
Is it true? If someone converts to Islam you are given an Islamic sounding name? I found out while visiting a Muslim country that this was the case. Why can't the leadership be happy with the name they already have? My sources say, the name change is for other Muslim followers to know who to rat on when someone disobeys the Quran. Does this sound familiar? You're not speaking the pure language.
JW Parents in bad shape with no retirement.
by blownaway inmy wife's parents are in very bad shape.
they are both 2nd gen jws.
my father in law worked for a large american manufacturing company in the 60s and early 70s.
I was told by an elder many years ago that I should invest in the 401k plan on my first job that had one. I said, "Isn't the end so near that we won't be needing a retirement savings?" He said, "You need to save for retirement just in case the paradise is way off in the distant future ." He's still in but he's too old to have elder duties anymore.
Religious Discrimination; now LEGAL
by lastmanstanding innewsflash.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
Something similar happened to me. A confidential blood matter reached the CO and he was blabbing it to every Tom Dick and Harry at the Halls. Unbeknownst to him, he blabbed it to the source. That day, I knew this was a man unapproved by Jesus.
How does mankind know what happen before we were created??
by James Mixon infor example, "and god said, let there be light: and there was light.
"a personal and vocal god said, "let there be light.
"so god saw the light, and thought it good, but how did the priestly scribe know that he did?
I think some have said the account was an inspiration of Moses. He takes credit for the first 5 books of the bible.
The movie "Noah" that came out a while ago suggested that he was inspired to write about the creation story. I believe the WT believes this version because they had an article about an ancient Genesis record being passed on from faithful person to faithful person. It's been a while since I read it. I'm not sure if they think Noah got the whole story downloaded into his brain. WT probably thinks it's more like this: Fallen Adam tells Seth. Assuming the creator had a 1on1 with Adam before the fall => Seth tells Enoch => Enoch tells Lamech => Lamech tells Noah => Noah tells Shem => Shem tells Abraham => Abraham tells Issac/Jacob => Jacob tells Levi => Levi has multiple offspring and it is passed on to Moses.
I'm probably missing some in between people. Enoch may have been dead before Lamech. I can't remember.
countdown to darkness
by waton inif you want to experience the impact of an historic event, go and visit the next stark darkening, the eclipse in 2024. to be precise, ~1969 days away.
the countdown also will take you, like an anti-daily text, through wt history as a retro prophecy a day for a year.
ha ha.
1966 - I guess this would be for Sunday 5/6 countdown day event.
1966 Fredrick Franz is quoted with saying the following statement.
"Does it mean that God's rest day began in 4026? It could have. The ... book does not say it did not ... You can accept it or reject it ... Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished ... by 1975? It could! It could! All things are possible with God. Does it mean that Babylon the Great is going to go down by 1975? It could ... But we are not saying."
This was F. Franz's uncertainty clause about the end happening in 1975. He was the vise president of the WT at the time. He should have said that there will be no talks allowed by anyone supporting that the end would come in 1975.
Psalms 146:3 - Do not put your trust in princes or in humans, to whom no salvation belongs.
I think the GB and FDS believe they are princes. Then Psalms 146:3 applies to them.
countdown to darkness
by waton inif you want to experience the impact of an historic event, go and visit the next stark darkening, the eclipse in 2024. to be precise, ~1969 days away.
the countdown also will take you, like an anti-daily text, through wt history as a retro prophecy a day for a year.
ha ha.
A stab in the dark.
That's what someone does when they think they are revealing hidden secrets from the bible through their own predictions. This happened with the August 21, 2017 Solar eclipse. Someone put up a website saying the American 2017 solar eclipse was a special sign from god. The author of the website said the eclipse passed through seven(?) different towns named Salem across the entire United States. Some of those towns were pretty tiny. I couldn't find some of them on maps that they claimed was there. That guy or gal got a crowd following but the prophetic fad just faded...into the dark.
How did ancients know entire Earth was covered by water?
by Bad_Wolf inentire world used to be covered by water.
i am not talking about the 'great flood', but on earth's formation itself.
the bible talks about earth being only water and then god making dry land appear.
The earth would have been a highly pressurized gas ball in its early formative days. It would still have had a rocky surface like it is today. The water would not be in liquid form. It would be water vapor mixed in with many other gaseous elements. It was probably like Jupiter but at a way smaller scale.
Jehovah Misses Me
by Phoebe inmade the mistake of opening the front door today...i was expecting someone to service our central heating...oh dear, it was a sister instead :(.
she tells me jehovah misses me.
it seems god only sees me if i go to the meetings.
A few PIMO friends of mine and myself believe the WT leadership has turned the Organization into Jehovah. They protect the image of the Organization at all costs because it is their God. They have transgressed into the realm of idol worship.
The JW woman should have said, "The Organization misses you." instead. That would have been more truthful.
What is the strangest book or craziest book the JWs have ever printed?
by blownaway inwhat do you think the crazies or strangest book they ever printed is?.
Apparently an angel dictated the entire book to Mrs JG Smith and she wrote and published Seola. CT Russell encouraged his followers to buy it and read it.
I just want to point out that the claimed angelic dictation came from the Bible Student leadership in the foreword of "Angels and Women" only. The original author who wrote "Seola" said in her appendix section that it was only a fantasy. Also, the original author was a biblical scholar. Prior to the "Seola" publication in 1878 the author produced a 406 page book titled, "From Dawn to Sunrise - A Review, Historical and Philosophical of the Religious Ideas of Mankind". This book was published in 1876.
If the book was really inspired by an angel then why did they need to revise the original one? I thought it was a sin to tamper with the inspired record.