You were right on about the kingdom hall consolidation here in the USA. It's just starting to have an effect in my region. Your post about this was four years ago. The end to the publisher card and reporting requirement should end in about four more years if your sources are true.
JoinedPosts by Acluetofindtheuser
New Upcoming Changes - No More Publisher Record Cards & Reporting Hours
by thedepressedsoul inpublisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away.
coming soon.. made this post 4 years ago, it happened -
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
I bet they will empty the halls with the highest property value. Some of these halls are near rich neighborhoods. They could fit a multi million dollar home in place of one of these halls.
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
It has been confirmed in the PNW that a number of congregations from different kingdom halls had this consolidation notice read to them this week. These other congregations were told they were part of the coming change. Going to have a bunch of angry old timers if their old cherished hall is sold for $$$ just to keep Mother funded in Warwick.
This Is It...
by JW_Rogue injust finished watching the talk by tony morris on john cedars channel.
sounded to me that he was hedging his bets.
on the one hand he says "this is it" and out of the other he says prophecies are best understood after they are fulfilled.
There's a scripture in Joel that says God will reveal prophecy, visions and dreams to certain folks in the future. (Joel 2:28-29)
Another scripture in Amos has God saying that he won't do a single thing until he has revealed his confidential matters to his prophets. (Amos 3:7)
Since the GB of WT Land do not know how to interpret prophecy, then they aren't his chosen ones per these two scriptures above. They have no God appointed authority because 99% of their interpretations past/present have never come true.
I have my own interesting speculations about the future but I would never hand over my creative works for them to steal. Even if I sent a journal of my findings they would either throw it away or get me in trouble for independent thinking.
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
A letter was read tonight in the Great PNW.
It seems there is going to be a "great contraction taking place" shortly in the worldwide brotherhood.
The elder read a letter from the branch that said that the whole region is being evaluated for efficient use of auditoriums. The ones that are partially empty will be consolidated with others to make full capacity congregations.
The hall that I attend was included in this change. They did not spell out what kind of change was fated for this particular congregation. They said you will be notified in a few months down the road. The technical details are still in the works. Even the elders were not in the know.
I do not know how many other congregations in the area had this same letter read to them. I will find out in a few days from friends and family soon enough. The particular congregation I attend has the building all to itself. The seating capacity at max fills to about 80% but normally it's only filled to 50%. The building is quite old but it's in decent shape. They either will send other congregations to this hall or they will disband the current one and demolish the building and sell the property.
There is a great number of senior citizens in this hall. I know they will be very upset if they have to travel farther to the meetings. A lot of them are die-hards so I know they will go because that is the direction from "the slave".
They quoted a small portion in the Organization book about the subject of using auditoriums. I will give details on that later.
WingCommander guessed right on the 1st page!
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
I had to dig through many boxes to find my Organization book. I discovered I had two different versions. One was published in 2005 and the other was 1983. I rarely ever looked at these books. I will show you a chapter listing of both. It looks like they started focusing on the “Faithful and Discreet Slave” title in the 2005 version.
1983 version
1. Organized to accomplish our ministry
2. Benefiting from theocratic subjection
3. Recognizing Christ’s role in God’s arrangement
4. How the congregation is organized and governed
5. Overseers to shepherd the flock
6. Ministerial servants render valuable service
7. Arrangements for regularly assembling together
8. Ministers of the good news
9. Ways to expand your ministry
10. How the ministry is supported
11. Holding to Jehovah’s righteous standards
12. When difficulties arise
13. A worldwide association of brothers
14. Enduring with life in view
Appendix: Questions for those desiring to be baptized
2005 version
1. Organized to do Jehovah’s will
2. Recognizing Christ’s role in God’s arrangement
3. Trusting “the Faithful and Discreet Slave”
4. How the congregation is organized and governed
5. Overseers to shepherd the flock
6. Ministerial servants render valuable service
7. Meetings that “Incite to love and fine works”
8. Ministers of the good news
9. Methods of preaching the good news
10. Ways to expand your ministry
11. Arrangements for places of worship
12. Supporting kingdom activity locally and worldwide
13. “Do all things for God’s glory”
14. Maintaining the peace and cleanness of the congregation
15. Benefiting from theocratic subjection
16. A united brotherhood
17. Stay close to Jehovah’s organization
I’m guessing from the 2005 version that number 4 will have a change or number 12.
4. How the congregation is organized and governed
12. Supporting kingdom activity locally and worldwide
They need more money and I wonder if they are going to start tithing.
''Special Letter'' to be Read In Canada Week of Feb 3,2019
by Beth Sarim ini have just been informed that there is a 'special letter' to be read at the meetings week of feb 3,2019 in canada.
anybody heard of this!!
just a heads-up!
Last night they said a letter will be read on the mid-week meeting next week, during the Local Needs part.
The COBE said that everyone needs to bring their Organization books or have their electronic version available for that meeting. It has something to do with a change that is coming that effects the congregations.
I'm guessing they want us to edit some content in the Organization book for future reference. They had an emergency Elders meeting after the program was over. I knew the meeting was unexpected because one of them I was talking to at the end didn't know about it ahead of time.
I wonder what the change will be?
Flat Earth Jw and Galileo Galilei
by Earthmeasured inin the image you can see what jw wrote about how galileo was treated by the catholic church.
now they are disfelloshipping me because i believe the earth is flat.
is this coherent?.
Per the bible, the earth is not just flat, it's a flat square!
"the four corners of the earth."
Ezekiel 7:2, Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1, Revelation 20:8...The list goes on.
If you want to see all the scriptures, here's a link.
That's why it takes faith to believe in a product that's not scientific. Can you believe an inspired expression when science proves it wrong?
Of course the planet is a sphere to us humans but maybe it's a giant cube to the creator. It's a giant dark matter cube engulfing a sphere!
Whom shall we follow for Bible-based truths?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwatchtower february 15, 1981, pages 16-19 .
do we need help to understand the bible?.
true, the brothers preparing these publications are not infallible.
Out of all Christendom, the Catholic Church appears to be the original congregation formed by Jesus. All the other sects and denominations are her daughters who thought their mother was not worthy of the bride groom. If Jesus really comes back to inspect his house it would start with Vatican City.
The JW new/flip-flop light is just as bad as the no new light coming out of the Catholic Church. Apparently no denomination of Christendom can decode the day of the lord's return. Rapture this, everyone's going to Hell that, new heavens and pearly gates this, earth burned up that, Everyone's so confused. It sounds like the Jimi Hendrix (Bob Dylan) song, All Along the Watchtower.
There must be some kind of way outta here
Said the joker to the thief
There's too much confusion
I can't get no reliefBusiness men, they drink my wine
Plowman dig my earth
None were level on the mind
Nobody up at his word
Hey, heyNo reason to get excited
The thief he kindly spoke
There are many here among us
Who feel that life is but a joke
But, uh, but you and I, we've been through that
And this is not our fate
So let us stop talkin' falsely now
The hour's getting late, heyAll along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl -
Flat Earth and Jw. Not possible?
by Earthmeasured insorry for my poor english, i hope to make not too many mistakes.
im a jw and in the last three years i have studied a lot the topic of the earth being flat.
i have a good scientific background so im not stupid or crazy.
Maybe a flat earth description in the bible was intentional. Weren't there supposed surprise inventions of God for future generations. Ecclesiastes 3:11 comes to mind.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work God has done from beginning to end."
To ancient people, the fact of walking upside down on this world would be ludicrous. Mass and Gravity of the elements would have no meaning to those will no grounding in science. At some point in life a person has to become a believer in gravity to accept the fact that the earth is a globe.
A long time ago a co-worker of mind told me a story about a belief his mother had. She said that man could never have walked on the moon due to what the bible said at Genesis 1:16
"God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And he made the stars as well."
His mom was under the impression that the moon when lit up was emitting fire like the sun. She reasoned that the astronauts would burn up when they approached the moon. Isn't that funny?