And me, please ...
JoinedPosts by nastyrnyi
2020-08-25 Food Distribution Program! (as of 2020-08-26)
by Atlantis in2020-08-25 food distribution program.
those on the email list have already received this letter.
if you would like a copy, reply below and i'll meet you at your pm box with a link.petra!.
2020-08-S-236-E-- Instructions For New Regular Pioneers!
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08 instructions for new regular pioneers, s-236-e, in english and in spanish.time to grab the hair brush.!.
And me, please....
Assistance Received!--2020-August-S-147-E Announcements And Reminders! (as of 2020-08-02)
by Atlantis insomeone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Please include me in the mailing list. And if there is something in Russian I will be very grateful!
2 Letters Arrived-English and Spanish-Announcement!--(as of 2020-07-17)
by Atlantis in2020-07-10--announcement.
(2 letters--one in english and one in spanish.).
use of messaging apps to share video files:.
And me, please ...
Manual-- Instructions For COVID-19 and Announcement-2020-07-17
by Atlantis inletters are from spain:2020-07-17 english announcement2020-07-17 spanish announcement2020-07-17 english instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.table of contentsgeneral precautionsmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and construction projectscongregation expensesjudicial mattersconventions and assemblies2020-07-17 spanish instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.índiceprecauciones generalesreunionesministeriopastoreoedificios destinados a actividades espirituales y proyectos de construccióngastos de la congregaciónasuntos judicialesasambleas regionales y de circuitothose on the email list have already received these documents.
if you are not on the email list, reply below for a download link to be sent to your pm box.petra!
Hello. Please send them along to me. Thank you so much!
MUST SEE VIDEO: "Read God's Word the Bible Daily" sign removed from Brooklyn, NY Watchtower Bldgs
by disfellowshipped1 in
hundreds were present in brooklyn to see this event..
Jehovahs Witness Elder in court for rape
by BlindersOff1 injehova's witness elder in court for rape, lawyer questions why victim's father took case to police instead of church.
lawyer to a jehovah's witness elder who is accused of raping a fellow congregant has wondered why father of the accused reported the matter to police when his church was capable of sorting out such matters.. .
Translated the news in the Russian language:
nothing personal, Jehovah’s Witness... )
Confidential Materials!
by Atlantis inall documents of important nature such as, our kingdom ministry, boe letters, forms, or other materials will now be sent only by email or private message communications.
they will not be posted out here on the board.
if someone else wants to post them, be my guest.. .. we have no other choice in this matter, and sending out confidential documents is better when it is done privately.
I Cant send a PM ...
I'm from Russia , I really need your stuff !
Here is my blog on JW: Enter me in the list for distribution of documents.Here is my mail:
nesterov1 "at"
Thanks, Atlantis!
The 1927-1946 "Messenger" CD by request!
by Atlantis infrom one of the friends here:.
nevada do you still have those messengers with rutherfords pictures?.
Please "1993 Child Custody Litigation When Religion Is A Factor"
Great thank you!
1993 Child Custody Litigation When Religion Is A Factor-PDF!
by Atlantis in.
1993 child custody litigation when religion is a factor-pdf**the owner used a mild highlighter in some areas but the text can still be read.
"Sorry, the file you requested is not available"
Atlantis! Please download the file again.
Thank you so much !