Thanks for posting that info. Mulan...I hadn't heard that..I agree with Simon about the child stars thing.
This week's show will be long as Justin doesn't sing.
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Thanks for posting that info. Mulan...I hadn't heard that..I agree with Simon about the child stars thing.
This week's show will be long as Justin doesn't sing.
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
I agree Shera...I don't think Justin looks comfortable in his own skin. Give me Clay, Reuben or Kimberley any time over him...that's nothing personal...I just don't care for his performance style.
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Anyone seen Kimberley sing two songs on Entertainment Tonight?...sensational. It just might work for her being 3rd behind the two most popular contestants...there's no resentment that she usurped them; almost everyone agrees she sang her best the night she left. In this business, the last performances are always what are remembered most.
On American Idol, Kimberley and Clay, I would say made the most improvement changes in their appearance, stage pressence.
Reuben from the first time was consistantly amazing...week after week, effortlessly wonderful. Only the last few weeks after some of the judges said try something new, did he seem to be straining, lose comfidence [this also happened to Josh], and also look awkward in some ridiculous clothes.
I wonder if subliminally this has affected our opinion of Reuben?
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
I agree Mulan...Justin was awful...Clay will win.
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Thanks Trotafox, Lady Lee and Aztec (hey you'd make a great girls' group!)
Thanks for supporting Kimberley!
What did you think of Tamyra and Justin's singing? The top 3 this year sing way better than Justin...I had to leave the room..he drives me nuts. Tamyra did well but in the clips of saying good bye to Kimberley, they show her singing the same song : Over the Smokey Robinson said, That girl can Zang!!!!
I've seen it posted before that some don't think Kimberley has stage presence...I don't get many of these pop singers (ie. Britney Spears) do so much on stage in a 2 hour stage show to detract from their boring voices.
I COULD go see Kimberley sing almost every song she sang in this competition...I mean, god, I'd be entertained...(from It's Raining men - I say, hallaleuja, to My Heart Will Go On, to, Where The Boys Are) in fact, I wish I recorded every one, then edited to one tape. I loved Reuben and Clay early on, but kinda find their voices predictable.
Reuben looked like a deer in headlights last night. But when I saw how the people responded to him back home, the little children especially - what a wonderful role model for them...I almost wanted him to win right then and there.
I have a feeling Clay will win. (Reuben just didn't sound as good on Tuesday.) I think if he wins, he will be great too...I mean how they all yacked about his look at first. I guess that's not so surprising, even Paula had a nose job to give her the Hollywood look.
The fact that these 3 made it to the finals show sometimes substance champeons over superficial ideas of what an American Idol should look like!
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
It would have been more interesting if Kimberley was in the final, but I'll still watch.
I think Kimberley sang superbly tonight ...a moving performance...
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Just got back from my bank in time to see American Idol in a few minutes...3 bank tellers told me based on last night, they've switched to Kimberley...they said Reuben strained and that Clay's 2nd song wasn't the best song of the competition as Paula suggested last night...
Of course, most of you are Clay/Reuben fans but it could be close!
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
Hi Mulan & Shakita
You know I noticed Reuben was staining his voice too! It didn't look like a good night for him but we know he can sing.... I differ on Clay, but all 3 deserve to be in the finals..too bad there wasn't a wouldn't that be something!!! *
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
My friend who lives out of town watched the show last night too..we'd call each other during commercials and compare notes...His fav is also Kimberley, he never cared for Reuben - he says he always sounds the same (I love Reuben) and with Clay, he used to be our fave and we agree he can sing but...
we also think Kimberley has the widest voice range and this competition proves a producer could take her in a studio and come out with everything from a Burt Bacharach sound to Where The Boys are from the early 60's to My Heart Will Go On (which she aced a few weeks ago) to a Natilie Cole song, like last night.
Even though Clay and Reuben have great voices, there is a sameness to all their performances.
I also think all of our likes & dislikes on American Idol reflect our own personal choices in music. We can never agree because we have individual tastes. And thank god for that!
i know most of you american idol watchers perfer clay or reuben...and they are both worthy winners...(last year i would have croaked if kelly clarkson didn't win!
)...but i'm sure you'll agree it will be more fun if all 3 give outstanding performances tonight and it's not a token night tomorrow!
I don't take it too girl just sang and she was a 'band of gold'..even if she's probably voted off tomorrow, she's going in style!