I just did..love to know your thoughts..here is my review: I'll be as upfront as this documentary filmmaker was in his story telling: I'm a survivor of eleven years of sexual abuse at the hands of my father. My 3 siblings also were abused as were other children. How do I know? Besides them telling me, I often witnessed the incidents. Not all serio-peodophiles are the stuff of witch-hunt hysteria, but trust me they’d sure like you to believe that was the case. I state that now because the filmmaker gives the audience the most important information first as well: this father Friedman, he loved his child porn. You don't need to be Sherlock to figure out what comes next. Or maybe you do. I didn’t because being up close and personal with a molester for the first 15 years of my life, I have a radar for such things. I had heard about this supposedly controversial movie for a while now but did not seek it out. I just happened tonight to come upon it on a specialty movie channel here in Canada. I think this documentary is a movie first, documentary second using real life persons - some of whom can act better then others. Hmm. Art imitating life? And what a window it is into the life of one peodophile’s family. As soon as we discover father Friedman has ordered one child porn mag, you have to be pretty naïve to believe it was his first. And yes, we soon learn he had a stack of kiddie mags. Then, as you discover this award-winning teacher gets excited about little boys, who couldn’t put two and two together and think he just might be a risk to his students and had been to his 3 sons? Oh, we do learn he only did “one kid.” Then it’s two. But they weren’t his students. Earlier it was only one mag and no children. Oh really? One or two -- they were somebody’s children! What parent wouldn’t have alarm bells go off when they discover their teacher is REALLY into their kids? The hysteria that ensues I would think would be less criminal than the fact that this teacher has kiddie porn, has molested and might molest one or more of these students. Watching this film is like watching a window into an episode of my family soap-opera. The mother is cast as the villain; the father is the talented victim/”peodophile, yes, but he didn’t do his students!”; the three sons are the entertaining drama-making by-standers. In my family there were also 3 sons, but with a sister. Our mother was naïve, yet devoted; our father, unlike father Friedman was not lovable or quiet, but was when it came to anything to do with our abuse. Over 30 people found out about our abuse and his silent admission had him sail through unscathed until I finally went to a detective in 1981 when I was 20!! Capturing The Friedmans is a horror movie. The quiet father who loved kiddie porn and molested by his own admittance at the very least two kids is completely responsible for the travesty that befalls his family and community. The “evidence” as portrayed in the film leads the viewer to believe that witch-hunt hysteria of the community destroyed one peodophile’s family. While it is a travesty that anyone (investigators and or/parents) would mislead children to wrongly testify, a devil’s advocate could suggest that the community’s reaction opened pandora’s box. Did the community have the right to know their student’s teacher loved child pornography and had a sexual interest in children? Again, what amazes me is that people can state, “only two kids”. The “one” neighbourhood boy my father molested in my presence “only one time”, I happened to report to police a decade after the incident. I met this brave now man who supported us, years after the incident, at the preliminary hearing. It took all his strength to come forward, be at the court house, be in the presence of his one-time molester. He looked like the raped young soul of a decade earlier. No, there is no such a thing as just one incident, one victim. Once is too much! Capturing The Friedmans suggests that a village destroyed one boy in particular [the youngest son was co-accused with the Father of molesting several students, and in a plea-bargain to avoid possible life-time incarceration, admitted his father had molested him]. This is one case where the sins of the father fell on the son and if this film leaves a viewer with the notion that anyone or anything was the primary destroyer other that the peodophile father, then I’d re-catergorize it as fantasy – documentary.