thx for all the replies, esp somebody and zev. i think the comments are leaning towards the elder talk being a futile exercise and of little personal value. im leaning there myself...
on your way out, did you have the 'talk' with an elder?
(or elders?
) the kind of, 'excuse me, brother only-elder-who-i-really-trust, i've been having serious doubts about such-and-such and i would really appreciate it if you could help me see if i'm missing something, i sincerely want to know...'.
thx for all the replies, esp somebody and zev. i think the comments are leaning towards the elder talk being a futile exercise and of little personal value. im leaning there myself...
lol expat, precisely
martyr complex:
one GB member (i think was swingle) would pray every night in his room kneeling depsite the fact that he could no longer stand up from a kneeling position on his own power. he needed 2 brothers to come in and help him get back up every night. the brothers would ask why he kneeled to pray if he couldnt get up, to which he would reply, "that's why jehovah gave us knees."
it doesnt count if you arent suffering. air-tight logic too i might add.
i think this is an excellent question nickita and i dont think desire for fame and fortune or what have you enters into it. control may certainly be a part of it but not in the way we would normally think of it as in politics or the military. but at the heart of the question you pose is not the question of motive but rather the question of sincerity. do they really believe they are who they say they are and they are doing the lord's work? and i believe yes, definitely they do. i dont believe that an absolute fraud could be sustained this long, whatever the motivation. i also would not attribute some kind of terrible master plan to the GB or any deviousness at all really. i would say they are misguided and not too bright at times. they are just people like any other people. or more correctly, they are just zealots like any other zealots, of which there are many. the power aspect of it therefore is not a material power but a religious power, and part of that is a martyr complex. anyways i wont go into the psychology of it, not being very well versed on the subject and knowing that many others have already explained it much better. when people paint the GB as a money-hungry, fraudulent lying bunch, im sorry to say that i think they have a bit of a martyr complex themselves. solely my opinion.
i was driving past a disused kingdom hall last week, here in wsm.
it looked very out of place with its watchtower crennelations, like a mediaevel sort of castle, with a huge sign announcing that this was now the home of the british red cross.
however, we are now blessed with a new, quick-build kingdom hall on the outskirts of town.. but this is not the true story, this quick-build kingdom hall took 3 months to erect, unlike the publicity blurb handed out to our local newspaper which claimed that the work was done in 3 days.. being involved in the building trade, i knew that the local equipment hire company had been supplying the dubs with concrete mixers, diggers, back hoes and jcb's for fully 3 months before the build officially started.. all the ground work was done weeks beforehand, all the services laid on, the roof trusses were ready and waiting as was the curtain walling and window shutters.
our old hall was sold to a religious organization and i never heard of it bothering anybody. in fact, the operating committee often talked about how nice they had been to deal with. the suggestion was sorta put forward that Jehovah's hand was in things as evidenced by the size of the offer that they put in, far more than expected. i remember joking that since we 'dedicate' a building after construction that we should also 'disfellowship' it after we sold it. :)
hello all, registered just to post this and see what you all had to say about this.
i, for one, am in shock.
it was anounced today on "extra" and they said we would soon see a change in his music because he was "marrying his music to his religion.
he's been at that for a while, studying with none other larry graham (sly & the family stone) - i havent heard that hes actually getting baptized, or even publishing tho. did the article say?
wtbts arguments against internet correspondence.. .
1. you never know for sure with whom you are communicating.. 2. they may be apostates.. 3. they may lie to you, and you won't be able to tell.. 4. they may be boys pretending to be girls.. 5. they may be porn pushers.. 6. they may be child abusers.. 7. they will waste your preaching time.. 8. there's "nothing quite like" face to face speech.. duck shooting season is upon us friends.
roll up, rollup for the summer quack-attack.
keep your lions away from all the young beasts! you knows what havoc your lions will wreak on the poor young beasts.
wow, in what context is that mentioned?
she was a fine sister with a history that went back six generations with jehovahs witnesses.
her family boasted well over 1000 jw family members, many of which had high station within the organization.
this proud heritage was marred by another fact in the familys history this sister had not disclosed.
how do these directives from the Pay Attn book relate, SL? i have never heard you mention them
p 111
Strong circumstantial evidence, such as pregnancy or evi-
dence (testified to by at least two witnesses) that the
accused stayed all night in the same house with a person of
the opposite sex (or in the same house with a known
homosexual ) under improper circumstances, is acceptable....
If there are two or three witnesses to the same kind of
wrongdoing but each one is witness to a separate incident,
their testimony can be considered.Such evidence may be used to establish guilt, but it is
preferable to have two witnesses to the same occurrence
of wrongdoing.
i thought i would break the suspense and tell everyone what the new book is going to be at the district convention.
i can't believe that anyone has not brought it out yet.
are you ready?
Isaiah I is a verse-by-verse Isaiah commentary for the first half. will be the next book study publication. nothing controversial in it or particularly strange like the daniel book. interestingly the books split Isaiah into halves, but get where they put the halfway point: end of Ch 40, beginning of Ch 41. Those who know how Isaiah is understood to have been compiled may find this division a bit amusing.