Wanted to tell the Original Poster to hang in there. And I'd like to say to Sinis...that story is f*cking inspiring. Well played.
JoinedPosts by stray
To ex-elders,that are df'ed, disassociated, fadeing and a wife thats still in please answer this.
by TheLoveDoctor inme ex elder, pioneer was very active but am trying to fade.
one elder knows how i feel and i would not talk to anyone but him.
i miss most meetings now.
So, as it turns out, I was quite the Zombie.
by stray ini'm a young man.
happily drifting.
the lie was my life.
Thanks for the kind words, both of you. I remember reading that Ray had passed...I suppose I like to think that he's somewhere looking down. Either way...I'm glad to have a "family" of you guys on here. I'm like you- I rejected The Lie completely about a year ago. Just now getting to the point where I think that I've pulled off a successful "drift"- nobody expects me to be there anymore. Not even my wife.
Isn't it creepy to hear your family talk, now? It sounds so much different from the outside- I pick up on so much more desperation when I listen to them. I was really angry to start with. Now I'm beyond anger- I feel sadness for them. It's so hard to listen to the same old rehashed "broken record" rants- as if, in their minds, they say it enough times it will come true. I know what it feels like to be a misguided, hell-bent individual who is engaged in true religious zealoutry. I'm willing to slowly work with any of them who are willing to open up their minds just a little bit. My better half is my main concern, right now. She's a wonderful person who is heavy in to the cult. Hope I can help her to reclaim her life, too.
I've hunted down some of my old Return Visits- the ones that I knew who became vehemently opposed to Witnesses- and apologized to them. I let them know what happened to me. Actually made several new friends out of that same group of people.
And tal, my 'tude hasn't always been the greatest. I've done my best to recover from a spiralling crash- depression, trainwreck, etc. I'm fine now. I can tell you that I am a calm, cold, calculated and very dedicated person. I am "driven". The same sense of purpose and honor that kept me from giving in to "Satan's" sweet little "temptations" all of those years is still somewhere inside me. As long as I am alive, I will be looking for ways to "help" Watchtower Society along to it's inevitable fate of total obsoletion and structural, organizational nonexistence. If Bethel closes it's doors during my lifetime- hell, that would be a dream come true for me. I hope that I live to see it.
by outsmartthesystem insince i am not yet fully out.....i was at the dc.
the drama was just awful.
for anyone else that saw it....i need your opinion.
The music in between "modern" scenes killed me. So dramatic. Thought I was going to gag while laughing.
Whats changed since you were baptized????
by karter ini was baptized in 1986.. 2 generation changes..
Herp changed to Derp. Lots of Herpa Derpa going back and forth through the "channel of communication" since I was baptized.
Bethel: "Herpderp!"
Congregation: "Derpherp! Affirmative! Derpherp, everybody!"
Elder to Publisher: "You there! You're not herpderp enough! Armageddon! Herp! Derp!"
Publisher to Householder: "And you see, this is why God says that we must derp when we herp. Do you want to the derp to herp your eyes out? Any further questions? Now we we'll ask brother Herp to Derp with Herp."
Pretty much sums it up.
So, as it turns out, I was quite the Zombie.
by stray ini'm a young man.
happily drifting.
the lie was my life.
I'm a young man. Former MS/Pioneer. Happily drifting. The Lie was my life. I was one of those brainwashed-since-childhood kids that genuinely ate, slept and breathed every utterance published and promoted by that dead, soulless cult. The kind of puppydog witness who would stream tears at the end of a district convention- fought tooth and nail to "help build up the congregation". What a waste of life. Perfect way for a person to flush their childhood and teen years down the toilet. Leaves you with guilt, to boot- knowing that you were a tool who helped to spread the miserable societal virus to others.
I was raised in The Lie- never celebrated Christmas, never had any "worldly" friends. Never had a birthday party. Never even had sex till my twenties (and I really am a handsome devil). Never had "higher" education. Never said the Pledge of Allegiance. Never voted- Never thanked a Soldier for his service. Never knew what I was missing.
I'm going to tell you- what ended up saving me was my attachment to my childhood best friend whom I "lost to the world" during our teens. Through the later half of our teen years, I never gave up on him- never gave up on trying to "save" him. One day it hit me- God was going to KILL him? For what- wanting to be like every other redblooded American kid? Not going to sit down in a building owned by hypocrites for hours every week? Trying drugs? I waged that war internally for some time. I just didn't believe it- I didn't believe that this GOOD person did anything that warranted being killed by an God that "is love". He was never any less of a friend to me- even if I was the worst friend that any normal person could have ever asked for.
My story is long and tragic, like all others. I'd love to tell it and disclose the details, twists and turns. But I still have family being held hostage, rotting in that prison. Want to help them out...and I'm sure some of the elders watching this place would love as many details as they could get about me. They're already suspicious of me. (Ha-ha, f*ckers, you'll never catch me) But yeah, I'd like to avoid clown justice for as long as possible. My story is unique- one day, when I have no OpSec to violate, I'd love to tell it.
Thanks to all of you on here, who- whether you realized it or not- gave me company during this lonely transition with your posts and expressions of conviction. Thanks to Ray Franz (I know you're reading this, Ray!), Marvin Shilmer, Theocratic Joker. Thanks to God- by whatever name You'd like me to call You. Thanks.
What a beautiful feeling. Freedom.