P sacramento - " IF Christ chose the bibel students of Russell in 1919 then the Jw's of today have A LOT to answer for, LOL ! "
Like what?
1st evidence: the release of loyal jews from exile, made possible by the fall of babylon, foreshadowed the release in 1919 of anointed christians from spiritual exile.
2nd evidence: that year marked the beginning of the period when the anointed remnants were released from a form of spiritual captivity to the ideas and practices of false religion.
although having rejected such false teachings as the trinity and the immortal soul, they were still tainted by babylonish practices.
P sacramento - " IF Christ chose the bibel students of Russell in 1919 then the Jw's of today have A LOT to answer for, LOL ! "
Like what?
1st evidence: the release of loyal jews from exile, made possible by the fall of babylon, foreshadowed the release in 1919 of anointed christians from spiritual exile.
2nd evidence: that year marked the beginning of the period when the anointed remnants were released from a form of spiritual captivity to the ideas and practices of false religion.
although having rejected such false teachings as the trinity and the immortal soul, they were still tainted by babylonish practices.
LeavingWT - According to your timeline
1920: There would be worldwide all-embracing anarchy.
1920: All earthly governments will pass away.
1920: All republics will disappear in the fall of 1920
1925: Anointed Christians would be taken to heaven.
1925: Resurrection would begin, faithful men of old would return to earth in this year.
With due honesty,Please, which of the above weren't fullfilled?, be sincere with yurself.
1st evidence: the release of loyal jews from exile, made possible by the fall of babylon, foreshadowed the release in 1919 of anointed christians from spiritual exile.
2nd evidence: that year marked the beginning of the period when the anointed remnants were released from a form of spiritual captivity to the ideas and practices of false religion.
although having rejected such false teachings as the trinity and the immortal soul, they were still tainted by babylonish practices.
Blondie - There are more than enough evidence to back up the claim, But I have to simplify it for the sake of easy-reading.
1st evidence: the release of loyal jews from exile, made possible by the fall of babylon, foreshadowed the release in 1919 of anointed christians from spiritual exile.
2nd evidence: that year marked the beginning of the period when the anointed remnants were released from a form of spiritual captivity to the ideas and practices of false religion.
although having rejected such false teachings as the trinity and the immortal soul, they were still tainted by babylonish practices.
1 st Evidence : The release of loyal Jews from exile, made possible by the fall of Babylon, foreshadowed the release in 1919 of anointed Christians from spiritual exile.
2 nd Evidence: That year marked the beginning of the period when the anointed remnants were released from a form of spiritual captivity to the ideas and practices of false religion. Although having rejected such false teachings as the Trinity and the immortal soul, they were still tainted by Babylonish practices. Many had developed a self-righteous attitude in character development. Some were exalting creatures, indulging in a personality cult that focused on Charles T. Russell, the first president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. Without any Biblical basis, they were observing birthdays and Christmas. The cross was still prominent in their thinking. Some even wore a cross-and-crown lapel emblem, while others sought the respectability accorded Christendom. Then, in 1917, shortly after the death of Russell, a significant change began to take place.
In May 1918, warrants were issued for the arrest of J. F. Rutherford, the new president of the Watch Tower Society, and seven other Watch Tower associates. In June, with surprising swiftness, these Christian men were haled before a court and condemned. Seven were sentenced to 20 years in a penitentiary, and one to 10 years. Then, in 1919, an unexpected reversal of events occurred. The Great War had ended in November 1918. The sentences against the officials of the Watch Tower Society were appealed as being a miscarriage of justice. To the chagrin of their religious enemies, Rutherford and his companions were released from prison.
On their release from prison in 1919, Rutherford and his associates returned to the Brooklyn headquarters of the Watch Tower Society. They then set about reorganizing for the biggest Kingdom-preaching campaign the world has ever known. The Bible Students had broken the shackles of the fear of man and now saw clearly where they stood in relation to all false religion. Babylon the Great was their relentless enemy and would have to be exposed as fallen. True worship would have to be restored among the nations.
Indeed, the facts show that anointed Christians began to enjoy in the year 1919. What accounts for this spiritual paradise? First of all, these paradisaic conditions exist among Jehovah’s people because God has restored his anointed servants to their “land,” or condition, of pure worship.
I will be back to clarify the long held confusion on the 1914 generation that won't pass away.
Mankkeli S. (Ph.D)
coc was delivered this evenning and i will be jacking it the whole night.
i might write a review to refute ray's argument after the reading and btw, i will be away from here for some time.
let it begin.. .
CoC was delivered this evenning and I will be jacking it the whole night. I might write a review to refute Ray's argument after the reading and BTW, I will be away from here for some time. Let it begin.
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
thetrueone - My presence here is a privilege. As a cyber surgeon, I was not threatening but Just alerting faders on the difficulties to be encountered on the journey ahead.
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
Mr. falcon - Who Can Help?
3 Earnest effort is required to rescue lost sheep of God’s pasturage. (Ps. 100:3) Jesus illustrated this when he said: “If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish.” (Matt. 18:12-14) Who can help sheeplike individuals who have strayed from the flock?
4 If Christian elders are to help sheep who have strayed, they must bear in mind that the flock of God is a congregation of people dedicated to Jehovah—yes, a precious ‘flock of God’s pasturage.’ (Ps. 79:13) Such dear sheep need tender care, and this means that loving shepherds must take a personal interest in them. Making friendly shepherding calls on them can be very effective. Loving encouragement that a shepherd gives them may build them up spiritually and increase their desire to return to the flock.—1 Cor. 8:1.
5 Shepherds of God’s flock have the duty to search for sheep who have strayed and then to try to help them. The apostle Paul reminded Christian elders from ancient Ephesus of their shepherding responsibilities when he said: “Pay attention to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the holy spirit has appointed you overseers, to shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son.” (Acts 20:28) Similarly, the apostle Peter gave anointed older men this exhortation: “Shepherd the flock of God in your care, not under compulsion, but willingly; neither for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; neither as lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock.”—1 Pet. 5:1-3.
6 Christian shepherds need to imitate “the fine shepherd,” Jesus. (John 10:11) He was deeply concerned about God’s sheep and stressed the importance of caring for them when he told Simon Peter to ‘shepherd His little sheep.’ (Read John 21:15-17.) Especially do the sheep need such care today, for the Devil has intensified his efforts to break the integrity of those dedicated to God. Satan takes advantage of fleshly weaknesses and uses the world in an attempt to lead Jehovah’s sheep into sinful activities. (1 John 2:15-17; 5:19) Inactive ones are particularly vulnerable and therefore need assistance in order to apply the admonition to ‘walk by spirit.’ (Gal. 5:16-21, 25) Helping such sheep calls for prayerful reliance on God, the guidance of his spirit, and skillful use of his Word.—Prov. 3:5, 6; Luke 11:13; Heb. 4:12.
7 A shepherd in ancient Israel used a long curved staff, or crook, to guide his flock. As the sheep entered or left the pen, they would ‘pass under the crook’ and could thus be counted by the shepherd. (Lev. 27:32; Mic. 2:12; 7:14) A Christian shepherd likewise needs to know and keep track of the flock of God under his care. (Compare Proverbs 27:23.) Therefore, shepherding is one of the important matters discussed by the body of elders. This includes making arrangements to help sheep who have strayed. Jehovah himself said that he would search for his sheep and give them the care they needed. (Ezek. 34:11) So God is pleased when elders take similar steps in an effort to help sheep who have strayed to return to the flock.
8 When a fellow believer is physically sick, the visit of a shepherd of God’s flock can be a source of joy and encouragement. The same can be the case when a spiritually ailing sheep is given personal attention. Elders may read scriptures, review an article, discuss meeting highlights, pray with the inactive one, and so forth. They can point out that members of the congregation would be delighted to see him come back to congregation meetings. (2 Cor. 1:3-7; Jas. 5:13-15) A visit, a telephone call, or a letter can mean so much! Giving personal help to a sheep missing from the flock can also increase the joy of the compassionate Christian shepherd.
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
WT 08 11/15
"Sadly, some who seemed to appreciate Jesus’ sacrifice and made a dedication to God no longer associate with the Christian congregation. Discouragement, health problems, or other factors may have weakened their zeal and caused them to become inactive. However, only as part of God’s flock can they enjoy the serenity and happiness that David spoke of in the 23rd Psalm. For instance, he sang: “Jehovah is my Shepherd. I shall lack nothing.” (Ps. 23:1) Those in the flock of God lack nothing in a spiritual way, but that is not the happy lot of sheep who have strayed. ".
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
wannabefree - If that is what you think, it will fail. This is Jehovah's organisation and there is no where else to go. Many will rather wake up to be more spiritually active.
to onthewayout, 00dad, cedars and other reknowned faders.
reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped.
their reasons for fading are no longer new to the gb.
To OnTheWayOut, 00DAD, Cedars AND Other reknowned faders
Reports have reached patterson that faders are much more dangerous than those disfellowshipped. Their reasons for fading are no longer new to the GB. Those men are not fools, they now know that faders have lost faith and they can ruin the influence of the holy spirit even arround their beloved ones who are JW. The GB are bent on doing everything possible to identify threats against their organisation and PLANS ARE UNDERWAY TO ENSURE THAT even in future they won't only stop at disfellowshipping.
Even if you think you can fade on health reasons, In future, medical reports MUST be provided to the service committee, and while at home you MUST be connected by telephone which would be arranged and constantly monitored by the sound overseer to ensure that you fully benefit from spiritual provisions. It would no longer be a joke. If you are in, you are in and when you are out, you are casted. No messing arround.
THIS IS NOT A THREAT, IT IS A WAKE UP CALL. Start devising a new strategy.