At the moment, I am contemplating on buying either of these books by Stephen Hassan
* Combatting cult mind control
* Releasing the bonds.
Which one of them would you recommend I order first and why.
at the moment, i am contemplating on buying either of these books by stephen hassan.
* combatting cult mind control.
* releasing the bonds.. which one of them would you recommend i order first and why.
At the moment, I am contemplating on buying either of these books by Stephen Hassan
* Combatting cult mind control
* Releasing the bonds.
Which one of them would you recommend I order first and why.
the little demo at the ca showed a young fella meditating and by golly he reasoned that october had an extra weekend so that was reason enough for him to put in a a pioneer application.
what a brilliant idea.. who else will be doing this?.
Another extortion racket force used by the brooklyn genius to oppress their minions. They have intentionally illegitimised all normal activities at the expense of proliferating their brand of Judeo-christain theology. Every moment of an average JW life must be spent preaching, Informal witnessing must take precedence in every normal conversation with a non-JW, relatives must be aggresively converted, children must be brainwashed by all means, leisure time must be used to ponder on spiritual values, co-workers must be taken advantaged of if they complain about deteriorating world conditions, sadly, the list of their extortion mechanisms go on and on.
I hope those who are sincerely hankering for spiritual truth would wake up and discover the bedlam behind the deception.
i don't know if this is the case with everyone.
but,most jehovah's witnesses i know seem to have selective memory.
they will deny straight to your face that in 1995 ,the generation, was explained to be the wicked contemporaries.
The reason why JWs deny those flip-flop doctrinal dogmas is because those changes are not really relevant to their day-to-day life, they exact zero effect on any major decision made by an average JW. Most of them see those explanations as another evidence of the GB intellectualism and a manifestation of divine backing and thats all. No meaning is attached to it beyond the platform.
Recently, I have been expressing my doubts to a number of JWs and quite a few share the same sentiment that all the recent flip-flops are becoming unbearable, some lament over unnecessary emphasis of scriptures with questionable applications, many are troubled by the willfull manipulation to suit doctrinal line and the cunning explanation to keep up the pace of extortion. but what would they do?
who are those genius on the writing committee, do you have any names or any info about their background?.
Who are those genius on the writing committee, do you have any names or any info about their background?
i copied this text from a friend's wall on facebook, do you agree with his sentiment?.
"this world is not our home.
we are strangers here.
A lot of uncertainties would be cleared if any of the dead could rise for few minutes and give an account of life on the other side, it would actually relieve us of unnecessary conjecture and settle a lot of issues about life after death. Without that , we all live on doubts at varying degrees. Unfortunately, this mental instability has been exploited by spiritual elites.
i copied this text from a friend's wall on facebook, do you agree with his sentiment?.
"this world is not our home.
we are strangers here.
I copied this text from a friend's wall on facebook, do you agree with his sentiment?
"This world is not our home. We are strangers here. Don't get so used to the ways of the world and let societal values be your guide. Set your affections on heavenly things. In Genesis 47:9 when Pharaoh asked Jacob how old he was, he did not state his specific years. Rather, He said "The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty". Let this teach us that we are pilgrims on earth soon to go to our real country."
the more "spiritual food" i see from the magazines and the more i read on this site that circuit overeers say, the more ridiculous this religion gets.. when i review all the early history of this group, how could it be any other way??
ShirleyW- Please stop attacking individuals, your comments must be based on the sense contained in the thread, you don't have the audacity to scrutinize people's motives here. You took it too far, Please be careful.
could anyone send me his or her own copy of all or any of these two books:.
"combating mind control" and "releasing the bonds".. i would appreciate your assistance so much if you are able to.
send me a pm if you could be of help.. note: i don't live in the u.s, i live in northern europe.. thanks in advance..
Could anyone send me his or her own copy of all or any of these two books:
"Combating Mind Control" and "Releasing the bonds".
I would appreciate your assistance so much if you are able to. Send me a PM if you could be of help.
Note: I don't live in the U.S, I live in Northern Europe.
Thanks in advance.